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To Arm or to Disarm.

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No real point in posting a reply again to you sun trader. Clearly you failed to read the post the first time and the second. Its like a test and you didn't read the instructions and you just went along answering questions.

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Hey Sun I was watching this on youtube and I was thinking of you so I decided to share. I shared it with all of my friends on facebook and twitter and now im sharing it here too. :)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y88VNIeNSZo]5 Guns to buy before a potential ban - YouTube[/ame]



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They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well.

It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert

Take note, Steven ... you make sure you too hear these words.
These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal.

There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.. The following is a portion of the transcript:


"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women.

We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence ...


I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that

should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room.

Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves.

I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.


Your laws ignore our deepest needs,

Your words are empty air.

You've stripped away our heritage,

You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,

And precious children die.

You seek for answers everywhere,

And ask the question "Why?"

You regulate restrictive laws,

Through legislative creed.

And yet you fail to understand,

That God is what we need!


What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence.


The real villain lies within our own hearts.


Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given

right to communicate with Him ... I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone!


My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"


- Darrell Scott

You are not happy because I keep pointing you away from violence - I keep pointing you away from your "rights" to be fascinated by

violent objects of power - some kind of fetish you seem to have with these killing instruments.


Yet in another breath you talk of prayer, of God, of examining "your own heart."


But as soon as someone asks you to do exactly that, you become all narky! You want others to change ... just not YOU!


What is it with guns, that people have no problem defending them in the same breath they speak of God?


Don't you know that God is LOVE?


What a repugnant idea - the idea that somehow guns have a place in the House of prayer!


I am not a church goer - and I am not catholic - I am nothing.


But I, and my ideas, will not quickly go away - there are many people working to get rid of the violence perpetrated on us by those

who have the responsibility to care for us.


Don't make yourself an enemy of those whose only weapon against your foolish ideas is ... love ... and prayer.


Not sure how you can marry that heartfelt plea to congress by Darrell Scott that embodies the right

to pray and the right to communicate with God along with your personal sacred cows that really are quite

the opposite of what Scott was trying to say. The bit you quote was merely to stop pointing the finger

at the NRA and their ilk ... and to look within. His comments were NOT an endorsement of the NRA, as you

so like to point out.


The argument is a little too inconsistent here, and I suggest you need to reexamine you pet theories about

0the kind of life you hope to achieve by arming every man, woman and child, their dogs and cats.


It will never add up.

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I think this is the wave of the future. I mean just look at how out of control they are in this video. Some one needs to step in and stop them I agree.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtBSHO6DzOQ]Animals With Guns - YouTube[/ame]

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Thanks CB ... I note an oxymoron in the story:


Wal-Mart has about 10 modern sporting rifles, the gun industry’s term for firearms

that look like an M-16 military rifle, listed on its website. The retailer removed a

description and picture of the Bushmaster AR-15, which was the model used in

Newtown, after the shootings.

Sporting rifles?


The terms don't belong together.

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As will the spin doctors with this:


In the US, mass child killings are tragedies. In Pakistan, mere bug splats | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

Be careful whose children you cry for, Mr President.


I was just thinking this morning, what if those kids were not cute or blonde haired and blue eyed? What if this happened in Harlem or somewhere in Mississippi or Louisiana? I know it is a terrible thought, but I wonder if people (and the press) would cry as much?

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If you ask this guy he will tell you that he thinks he is a good dad. He spends time with his daughter, he is proud of her, he teaches her things, in short, he loves her.


Poor girl is growing up with a skewed reality.

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Connecticut store where Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza tried to buy rifle now has huge sale on ammunition | Mail Online


maybe a boycott of Walmart, Dick's, Kmart, any and all other major chains that sell guns is in order. Certainly, guns are just a fraction of what they sell. A boycott would paralyze Christmas sales. New meaning to Black Friday.


Great advertizing to have the Dick's Sale and the funeral pictures of the Sandyhook mourners. Awesome!


I don't do Facebook, but someone should post a boycott to protest retail stores profiting from the sale of firearms to lunatics and people who allow access of their guns to lunatics.


Since they have his application to buy a gun, it would be very interesting if, given his history prior to the massacre, if he would have passed a background check to buy.

Edited by MightyMouse

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Hey Sun I was watching this on youtube and I was thinking of you so I decided to share. I shared it with all of my friends on facebook and twitter and now im sharing it here too. :)




If I want Dumb and Dumber I watch Jim Carrey and Jeff Bridges.


But I did see the opening min or two of this first video though and why do you suppose the Clinton assault weapon ban bill was so convoluted? One word. Lobbyists.The ones who should have an assault weapon or two used on. Here ya go NRA, let's see you dance. Or do the worm like a six-year old on a classroom floor with a dozen bullets in you. Funny picture, huh? :eek:

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it doesn’t appear you have studied ‘systemantics’ – especially the evil, sociopathic side of it – to be as immune as you think you are... Have you questioned that waves and waves of perfectly reasonable ‘Normals’ like yourself are already deeper into ‘supporting’ by going along with another darkness than you think.


ahhh yes -- we are all doomed as is everything. such is life. I assume you are talking about this sort of thing ??? Bart Stewart -- Systemantics 0 -

(no i have not studied it - but i have had first hand experience with a real life physcopath - if it was not for the finance industry he probably would be torturing and killing.)


Humans are a particularly resilient bunch of dealing and adapting.......until we are not - such is life. If you think we are a spec of dust in the universe in time - what will it matter? we stumble around as best we can.


Are you really an anarchist and going for the natural law state of things?



re guns why, how, what......

These things are never one simple thing, but whether it is a result of the culture of the USA being f...d up, the mental illness issues spiraling out of control or simply sociopaths are ruling the world - usually trying to restrict those things such as semi automatic or automatic weapons that are designed purely for killing people without their say sort of makes sense - until the other things can be dealt with......maybe they wont.

This is an interesting take --- google guns and masculinity. Masculinity, mental illness and guns: A lethal equation? - CNN.com


A few years ago in a bar down in Memphis i (naively) laughed at the guys in the pisser not wanting to user the middle urinal and there was a que - they had some strange mumblings of personal space, shame and embarrassment. When i skipped the que and had no shame no one said anything, but there were discussions after about guys wanting to put a cap in his ass because they dissed his manhood about how he handled a girl......fascinating stuff for an outsider.


I think Symmatrix and others are generally pushing a different agenda - his is clearly his version of god and I guess a literal version of the bible......and as others have pointed out when they claim guns dont kill people and guns are not the problem......yes - this may be true, but we also have fact that these types of guns are part of the problem and it is the easy access to these that is part of the problem. So why not fix what you might be able to - seatbelts, speed limits and other safety devices are mandated....especially when a lot of the arguments for the guns and the types of guns simply dont wash.


To claim your feedoms are taken away for certain things, and over certain other peoples (interesting segeway into the legal question you posed) that suit your agenda - to me is pure claptrap - you either support those freedoms for all, and the consequences and responsibilities with them or you dont.

How can you say - guns are part of my natural right to bear arms and exercise freedoms from tyranny (even if the USA has a 'legal' right written down) and laws designed to impinge my freedoms, but at the same time - also think we should ban video games, childrens rights, a womans right to choose, certain illicit drugs, but not others etc; etc; etc;.

If it fits with your agenda........:doh:


You’re probably so offended now that you won’t QUESTION anything… but maybe someone will.


Let’s test it.


Can you QUESTION this? – “Legality, at its base, always in some way, transfers responsibility.” zdo


yep - the question is - does it need a question?:)

Any set of rules be they religious or legal pretty much does.


Either from the individual to the good of society...


from to those who 'hold' some sort of property or claim to to those that dont.




As mentioned before never (very rarely offended) and i did mention that i thought your comments might be misconstrued.....none the less I will be likely the first shot in any revolution either by the old guard because i wont comply - or the new guard because i wont comply.....i accept that i dont require guns to make me feel safe at night.


my mother hated me always asking 'why' - probably explains a lot....and if this is all rambling a bit, it probably is - too many late night Christmas parties and Champagne, with three more to come....

Edited by SIUYA

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