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Gold Bullish or Bearish

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Gold has taken the downward path again...it may take it ages to get above the 1320 zone...


Hi Ammeo

If we all agreed there would be no market

Asia closed today at 1317

Resistance is at 1326 (Gann)

BIG reversal bar on Friday closing UP (Brooks )

Double your normal position and BUY for an 8 point scalp to 1325.


PS The horses are eating low protein Hay . They need oats

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And some useless information for S& P traders...

I dont think there are very many on this thread, Patuca and Might Mouse.

Going back to 1897 , every post election year has the top at the beginning of August,with a subsequent correction.

While QE3 continues ,I think the market will go higher, but for now,a short sale might make some cash.

And its New Moon tomorrow. Markets will weaken after New Moon.

The BIG CRASH is coming in........secret.



PS So Patuca is right. Gold is bullish and the S & P is bearish.

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I'm chomping at the bit waiiting fo this plunge in the indices to come.....just a little more upward move and then shazam......



[/ame] Edited by Patuca

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First target hit- gap fill SPX 1684.9

Bob,i guess you're happy that the new moon played it's part.... that's 3 in a row.


Hi mitsubishi

I was long Gold and short my index (ALSI 40 )

I got stopped out on Gold at 1299 for a BIG loss. :(:( I blame patuca :angry:

I am still short my index and making cash, but not yet at break even.


One thing to remember, the index (S & P) should only break down about 2 days after New moon.

This New Moon it was instant....... thats WEAKNESS

I am now also short Gold



PS Secret date for the BOTTOM in GOLD now available.

Send title deeds to your trailer and I will relaese date. :roll eyes:

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One thing to remember, the index (S & P) should only break down about 2 days after New moon.


Then for that to happen this level (1686) will have to break, which it danced off today:


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Looking at the chart for Gold.I see nothing bullish.All i know about gold is the bubble burst when everybody was saying it can only go higher....:hmmmm: now where have i heard that expert opinion before..oh yes when oil was at $120 a barrel and just had to go to $150,the end of "cheap oil" cue stories about peak oil.It went to $60

Now,when was the other time...ah,when the sub prime mortgage crisis wasn't a crisis and the Dow could only go higher from it's all time high and anyone who didn't agree was openly laughed at.


The idea of buying physical gold at the top of a bubble and storing it next to your gun,tin foil hat and a few cans of beans never was a concept that really grabbed me too much.


Hindsight,of course is a wonderful thing but then so is history..kinda repeats.Very few seem to really grasp the lessons,thinking it will be different this time.The best time to buy gold probably is when nobody else wants to.And if lot's of experts say it's gonna go lower that's a buy signal for sure.


I'd have to do a lot of research on gold to know what would be a sensible area to to buy.But one thing is probably a universal pattern across all markets...

when a wave of a very high degree completes..like a bull market...a correction of some significance will follow...like a bear market.

If gold is in a bear market i would rather short it than buy it.:2c:


There will probably be a good buying opportunity in gold when people begin to react to y3k fears.

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Please look at charts in next post and meditate..indices are bearish and gold..silver...etc is bullish...it may require some deep meditation..


Thanks Patuca


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It often is with you:roll eyes::)


generally speaking - forum 'questions' are among the most misunderstood, manipulated, abused questions possible on this planet... it is literally dangerous for a member to post a question.

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Bonds, S&P, Crude, Gold same difference. Its all good - if you ask me. But nobody did. :)


If someone had asked you, would you have told them those were all ‘dollar’ trades?

Would you tell them how much net one has to make across these times on “Bonds, S&P, Crude, Gold” to keep up with the 2258.6% over the effective life of the fed fiat, depreciating purchasing power of the dollar?


To dollar bulls, dollars are really worth something. To ‘gold bugs’ and ‘abugs’, if dollars are not going to be worth anything at some point – the trend is down - they really are only precariously worth something (like an already broken promise) now…


Not trying to pick an argument… Yes “Its all good…” a trader will trade anything that is liquid, moves enough in ‘relative value’, and is not too expensive to carry. .. and I’m right up in here with all the other traders …


the point? ... when all is really ‘well’, gold is neither bullish nor bearish… it doesn’t have Historical gold prices % moves per year up OR down like that… it wouldn’t be on your “all good” list…

ie folks, concluding that the ‘new normal’ really is normal is delusional, not adaptive … even for “its all good ‘traders’”

ie folks, selectively ignoring certain time frames to keep the narrative intact will not work over the long term…

and, folks, if you ain’t in it for the long term, best go ahead and find a better use of your time NOW.



Yesterday is a memory.

Tomorrow is a dream.

Today is a gift.

That’s why we call it

The Present…

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generally speaking - forum 'questions' are among the most misunderstood, manipulated, abused questions possible on this planet... it is literally dangerous for a member to post a question.


Dear zdo,

Is your first name John?

The chappie that wrote the incomprehensible Revelations

Kind regards


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If someone had asked you, would you have told them those were all ‘dollar’ trades?




As for the rest :shrug: don't care.


I am living and spending my dollars today not 10, 20, 30 or 100 years ago.

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As for the rest :shrug: don't care.


I am living and spending my dollars today not 10, 20, 30 or 100 years ago.


so you're not really addressing those who are still in the process of building wealth for "10, 20, 30 or 100 years" from now ?

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And for all the disbelievers

The BEARS ........ me included :doh:

Ignore Patucas advice at your own peril :roll eyes:


These are the best charts for the 24 hour market... kitco

Just look at the top graph for the latest. thats the green line-London , which closed UP.


Note that HongKong (Asia ) closed down


Silver looks even stronger

Now if the US $ can go sideways for a few days , we can make some cash




PS . I haven't seen Patuca for a few days.Over on the "Live trading currencies " thread, he said he was" as thick as a knot in a piece of wood",and nobody DISAGREED

I wonder if he's sulking?

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And for all the disbelievers

The BEARS ........ me included :doh:

Ignore Patucas advice at your own peril :roll eyes:


These are the best charts for the 24 hour market... kitco

Just look at the top graph for the latest. thats the green line-London , which closed UP.


Note that HongKong (Asia ) closed down


Silver looks even stronger

Now if the US $ can go sideways for a few days , we can make some cash




PS . I haven't seen Patuca for a few days.Over on the "Live trading currencies " thread, he said he was" as thick as a knot in a piece of wood",and nobody DISAGREED

I wonder if he's sulking?


Sorry . My charts have disappeared

I blame MMS

Try again




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    • Date: 7th June 2024. ECB closer look: All options open for the second half of the year! ECB officials continue to dampen rate cut speculation, following on from Lagarde’s hawkish comments yesterday. Officials have been out in force this morning to continue stressing that the inflation outlook remains uncertain and that the central bank is not committing to a particular rate path for the rest of the year. The ECB cut rates by 25 basis points, but as we expected it was a “hawkish” cut that left all options open for the second half of the year. Lagarde repeatedly stressed that future decisions will be data dependent, and even refused to confirm that yesterday’s move was the first step of an easing cycle. Rate cuts in September and December are still a possibility, but not cast in stone. Simkus admitted that there may be more than one rate cut this year, but on the whole, the comments were designed to keep a lid on speculation that the central bank kicked off a rate cut cycle yesterday. Austria’s central bank head Holzmann went on record yesterday to confirm that he was the sole dissenter objecting to a cut yesterday, and so far the doves have been quiet, which is helping to affirm Lagarde’s hawkish message yesterday.   Details of the Rate Cut The ECB delivered the first rate cut in five years and lowered key rates by 25 basis points. The deposit rate is now at 3.75% and the main refinancing rate at 4.25%. It was a “hawkish cut,” as near term inflation forecasts were revised higher, and Lagarde flagged that domestic inflation remains high. The statement stressed that the ECB is not pre-committing to a particular rate path, and the comments leave all options on the table for the second half of the year.   Economic Activity and Forecasts  The ECB noted the improvement in economic activity through the first quarter of the year. Lagarde also highlighted that manufacturing is showing signs of stabilization, with stronger exports expected to support growth in coming quarters. At the same time, monetary policy should be less of a drag on demand over time, according to the ECB. The new set of forecasts show GDP rising 0.9% this year, which is more than the 0.6% expected back in March. The forecast for 2025 has been revised slightly down to 1.4% from 1.5% previously, and the ECB still expects a slight acceleration to 1.6% for 2026. The inflation forecast for this year was raised to 2.5% from 2.3%, and the projection for 2025 was hiked to 2.2% from 2.0%. As such, inflation will fall toward the target later than previously anticipated, though the forecast for 2026 was left unchanged at 1.9%. This means the headline rate is still expected to fall below the target at the end of the forecast horizon.   Upside Risks to Inflation The statement noted upside risks to the inflation outlook from wages and profits, which could be higher than currently anticipated. Geopolitical tensions and extreme weather events could also push up prices once again, according to the ECB. At the same time, the ECB acknowledged that inflation could come in lower than anticipated if monetary restrictions have more of a dampening effect than currently anticipated, or if global growth weakens more than projected.   The press conference was mainly dedicated to driving home the point that future decisions will depend on data available at the time of the respective meeting. Lagarde even refused to confirm that the central bank has effectively kicked off an easing cycle, and said in response to a question that she wouldn’t necessarily say that the ECB started a “dialing-back process”. She suggested it is likely, but refused to confirm it, which in theory means rates could actually go up again. This seems unlikely, given that this move was a near unanimous decision, but its makes clear that the ECB will not cut rates at every meeting and that the outlook for the rest of the year is still very much open. The ECB still thinks that monetary policy needs to remain restrictive for the foreseeable future against the backdrop of high domestic inflation. However, as chief economist Lane suggested recently, officials will have to debate at every meeting whether the data allows the central bank to dial back the degree of restrictiveness.   Employment and Inflation Dynamics Wage growth, profits, and services price inflation will remain the key numbers to watch through the rest of the year. Lagarde pointed to data on the compensation of employees, due to be released tomorrow, but also flagged that current wage agreements are often still backward looking, as they reflect attempts to compensate for the sharp rise in prices since the start of the Ukraine war. As we flagged previously, the multi-year wage agreements in Germany are a prime example of that. However, as Lagarde highlighted, the deals on the table so far show sharp increases for this year, but also imply a slowdown in wage growth in coming years. However, unemployment is at a record low and the number of vacancies has dropped only slightly. At the same time, service price inflation remains stubbornly high, which suggests that companies have sufficient room to pass on higher labor costs. With real disposable income rising, thanks to lower inflation and higher wages, companies could find it even easier to hike prices in the second half of the year, and yesterday’s rate cut is also likely to boost demand. In the current situation, this could add to domestic price pressures. Looking ahead, the only thing that is clear is that Lagarde did her best to keep expectations of back-to-back cuts under control. The chances still are that the ECB will deliver two more 25 basis point cuts in September and December, but at this point, nothing is cast in stone. Always trade with strict risk management. Your capital is the single most important aspect of your trading business. Please note that times displayed based on local time zone and are from time of writing this report. Click HERE to access the full HFM Economic calendar. Want to learn to trade and analyse the markets? Join our webinars and get analysis and trading ideas combined with better understanding on how markets work. Click HERE to register for FREE! Click HERE to READ more Market news. Andria Pichidi Market Analyst HFMarkets Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is gathered from reputable sources and any information containing an indication of past performance is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance. 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