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zdo reacted to analyst75 in The Big Problem With ESG
As you may know by now, ESG stands for environmental, social and governance, which are the three factors business managers and investment advisers are implored to take into account when making business and asset allocation decisions.
It’s a scam, just like the Green New Deal is a scam.
Oil and natural gas are so critical to national security, transportation, home heating and other critical functions that prices are heavily politicized and manipulated for better or worse. The Biden administration has declared war on carbon-based energy sources starting with oil and natural gas.
On day one of his administration, Biden closed the Keystone XL pipeline. He has since banned new oil and gas exploration leases on federal lands, handicapped the fracking industry with new regulations, banned offshore drilling and used regulatory powers to stop the building of new refineries.
Biden has also pushed through green new scam legislation that showered hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies for wind turbines, solar modules, electric vehicles (EVs) and EV battery manufacturing.
Don’t Tell This to Elon Musk
Here’s the problem with these batteries: Despite manufacturers’ efforts to market electric vehicles to the masses, EV models have never been scalable, sustainable or ultimately successful.
Plus, the problem of producing enough power for a successful transition from gas-powered vehicles adds major headwinds for the EV market to contend with. No amount of marketing can overcome these fundamentals.
The first hurdle is a matter of chemistry. Batteries for EVs are made from cobalt, lithium, nickel, copper and other base metals and compounds. Despite some efficiencies in the manufacture of batteries, there have been no major technological breakthroughs in the specifications for batteries in over 100 years.
Batteries have always been the constraining factor for EVs. In 1905, 90% of the taxis in New York City were battery-powered. In the 1950s, 100% of the East German postal system used battery-powered delivery trucks. Golf carts have been a reliable form of EV for decades.
The simple fact is gasoline is by far the most efficient way to power an automobile. That will remain the case as far as the eye can see.
Urgent Note From James – Response Requested By Midnight
I just made a massive change to my Altucher’s Investment Network newsletter.
This is one of the biggest changes to a newsletter in the history of our business…
As far as I know, nothing like it has ever been done before.
I’m adding 3 brand-new benefits to this all-new “Pro level” of Altucher’s Investment Network.
And as one of my readers, I’d hate to see you left behind.
That’s why – until MIDNIGHT tonight – you’ll be able to upgrade your current subscription to this new “Pro level” by clicking here.
Seriously. Just click here now to see how to claim your upgrade.
More Problems
In addition, all of the chemicals and metals needed to make batteries are either in short supply relative to potential demand (especially lithium) or incur enormous costs in terms of electricity, diesel fuel, heavy equipment, waste and disposal of ore and unwanted byproducts.
It’s likely that more coal- and oil-fired electricity generation will be needed to build an EV battery than will ever be conserved by the vehicle itself.
Even assuming these chemical- and fuel-based hurdles can be overcome (an unlikely assumption), the U.S. power grid is not close to being able to provide the power needed for a fleet of EVs even a small fraction of the size demanded by the Green New Scammers in the Biden administration.
If EV usage grows even slightly more from current levels, we can expect brownouts and blackouts as local and state power grids struggle to keep up with demand.
Tesla customers are already starting to complain about long waits at charging stations. Quick-charge gimmicks don’t help if you’re the fifth car in line for a charge. I know some owners who plan take-out dinners on long trips while they wait two hours or more for a charge.
Simply put, batteries don’t work at scale for transportation. This has been known for more than a century. Nothing has changed.
And for what? The Green New Scam and the environmental component of ESG all trace back to climate alarmism.
Climate alarmism has no basis in observable science. It’s all the result of climate models, which have been consistently wrong about warming because they reflect the biases of their programmers.
The climate change models are garbage (and yes, I have studied them and understand the math and complex dynamics and I know why they’re garbage. They can’t even backtest reliably let alone forecast. Like I said, garbage).
So the threats of “existential crisis” and “we’ll all be underwater in 10 years” are based on garbage.
If you listen to the climate alarmists, they’ll tell you we only have a few years to save the planet. If we don’t eliminate CO2 emissions quickly, the planet will warm, sea levels will rise, storms will intensify, cities will be inundated and lives will be lost to starvation, disease and dehydration.
Every one of those claims is empirically false, but that doesn’t stop the global power elite from trying to shut down the oil and gas industries and replace power generation with solar, wind and hydropower or so-called renewable sources.
Hardly a Crisis
Here are the facts: The best evidence is that the planet is not warming, but it may be cooling under the influence of a periodic minimum in solar flare activity and increased volcanic activity (the two may actually be related), which creates an atmospheric ash layer that cuts down on sun intensity.
Sea levels may be rising slightly, but the tempo is about 7 inches in the next 100 years. That’s hardly cause for alarm considering that sea levels rose 400 feet since the end of the last ice age and humans adapted just fine.
CO2 is a trace gas that makes up just 0.04% of the atmosphere (400 parts per million) and doesn’t have a major impact as far as science can tell, except that it is essential for plant nourishment.
Based upon recent studies, a doubling of carbon dioxide would likely result in a temperature increase of only about 1.5 degrees Celsius. That’s hardly a crisis.
But the war on oil continues anyway, and it’s not ending.
How to Invest
There are many moving parts to this story. Oil has gone through extreme ups and downs over the past five years. The Green New Scam and the mishandling of delicate supply has pushed oil stocks into critical territory.
I believe it’s an excellent time to look at select oil stocks. Notice that I said “select.” Not every oil stock will be a winner, even when the price of oil inevitably charges higher.
I’m also looking at refining and pipelines, Appalachian coal and the Marcellus shale gas region. I believe they’ll deliver huge gains over the next few years.
These are ways to profit from energy, despite the ESG scam.
Right here, I talk about my strategy for surviving and thriving through this storm.
Author: Jim Rickards
Profits from free accurate cryptos signals: https://www.predictmag.com/
zdo got a reaction from ChimpTrader in Gauge upcoming high volatility
Have you looked at tweaking https://www.incrediblecharts.com/indicators/chaikin_volatility.php
Basics =
On charts:
- statistically speaking, nothing has been found in markets that comes closer to following linear cycles than 'volatility'
- statistically speaking, sideways ‘congestions’ are followed by ‘volatility’
- statistically speaking, narrowing ranges are followed by expanding ranges
“statistically speaking” means these indications give no "gauge" / information about the size of next move or the risks involved... only that ‘activity’ typically follows ‘inactivity’
ie-with options, nothing (outside of astro) is reliably predictive of the variance of the next move...
ie with buying options, you have to figure out a way to play all the major waves in order to be there for the outliers
ie- hope you’re writing ‘insurance policies’ into screaming volatilty instead of buying them in dead volatility... who makes money ? the insurer or the bozo who buys policies left and right... took taleb years to figure that out and he’s a pretty smart cookie... sorry - off topic now.... and congestion time is due to end ...
zdo got a reaction from Donald in Which indicators you like and why
PAn said "Indicators are absolutely worthless"
To be more accurate, PAn should have posted "Indicators are absolutely worthless to me."
Indicators are like any other measure or representation - worthless if you don’t know how to use them. When I first started trading I studied indicators in depth then moved on... it was not until many years later when I got into automation that indicators and learning how and WHEN to use them became not “absolutely worthless” but extremely valuable.
PAn, somewhere a noob is in a Price Action thread trying to integrate new material. Someone like you pops up and says “Price action trading is absolutely worthless. Indicators are all I need” . Helpful? No. To really be accurate PAn should have posted nothing at all in this thread...
zdo reacted to MaxPastukhov in Forex Trading Vs Stock Trading
I invested a lot of time looking for profitable traders before getting into the niche. Something around 2-3 weeks of 12+ hours a day just to find somebody whose words I can believe enough to make any conclusions.
I must say that I found profitable and believeable traders in both markets, but stock trading had much more of them. I found just 2 full-time Forex traders whose words I can believe. They don't sell any services or products, they just live from trading of their own accounts. Both of them are tired of trading.
As for the stock market, there are a lot of people sharing their results publically. I found enough to make my own conclusions.
There are also a lot of people who finally moved from future to stocks. It's just more profitable at the end.
While Forex may seem more profitable at the very beginning becauase it's so volatile, the truth is directly opposite. Forex isn't "volatile", stocks are much more volatile by their nature. Forex gives you an illusion of volatility due to insane leverage.
Taking into account average daily range of 0.1%-0.5%, you are trading purely noise. Being a software developer, I created an internal statistical analysis system to build price movement distributions. They are so close to white noise distribution you will be surprised.
As for stocks, movements have clear signals in them. Yes, there is still a lot of noise when you are day trading, but just look at higher timeframes too see the difference.
I would personally prefer stocks, I plan to convert my first product to stock trading simulator in the future. Forex is a good way to learn initial trading experience as long as you trade penny accounts, but I would stay away from it if I decide to get back to trading again.
zdo got a reaction from divyanshisharma in What is the best trading strategy suited for beginners in Intraday, swing or trend trading?
Well there you go nameat. Follow that and you will trade "without bearing any loss"
zdo got a reaction from zupcon in Why Buy Trading Education?
Thanks for the text. We would appreciate a post.
Here’s a sample (of size, not quality ).
By the time you are ‘mature’ (maturity can come at any age) enough to trade, you have typically completed standardized ‘education’ and should drop the model asap. In other words, conventional education model will not be effective for learning in trading and seeking a general education in trading, whether curriculum based or not, is a waste of time and of whatever costs are incurred. Instead, anyone ready for trading should also be ready for SELF education. Basically , to really thrive as a trader, I blve you move beyond the currently failing ‘educational’ paradigm founded on the premise that humans can only make sense of the world via communication with each other.
On the objective knowledge front that means seeking out only the specific information about instruments, data, exchanges, transactions, orders, etc etc you personally need to fill gaps in your understanding. The beginning trader typically only has about 3 really (seemingly) ‘stupid‘ questions. Ask them. Get it over with. The rest of things are easy to access and learn. You don’t need no fkn ‘education’ in it.
On the ‘sychological’ front, that means studying the opportunities and limitations of your own neurological and temperamental tendencies, your sympathetic and parasympathetic balance and tendencies, your own limbic system, and the degrees to which you are susceptible to each trading ‘bias’ (see Daniel Kahneman, etc.)..., your desires and what you do with them, etc. etc. It takes deep self-study. Reading about, taking courses, or even getting degrees in psychology won’t help you a fkn bit.
On the methods front, that means getting in the cockpit and getting real experience with real money so you will actually learn what methods best suit your true nature. Do that before any outside training. Once you have almost mastered your method then you will also know what exactly what you need to work on. Get sufficient experience in your own best method(s), then seek an expert in that method for further increases in leverage.
With trading educators there is no transference of ability or capacity. As I’ve said many times now, a teacher can never really teach you his method because there is simply too much differences between your perceptual maps and cognitive processes and his. He will be unconsciously competent at things that he will never be able to ‘share’ with you, etc etc. Wycoff could not teach you wycoff, etc. Their students can certainly not teach you wycoff, elliot, whoever. etc. Trust serendipity / synchronicity -"when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". ‘Education’ becomes a useless relic.
The ‘voice of trading’ IS trading education that says you need to move more and more into just running scripts instead of ‘playing’ at trading ‘creatively’ . If you think you’re the special exception that can pull off changing yourself to match up with a ‘system’, which likely you do if you’re reading this, go for it - odds be damned. Fail forward as fast as you can. Maybe then you’ll realize you need to get beyond ‘education’. Maybe it will dawn on you that the ‘voice of trading’ has vast areas that nothing is allowed to be spoken about. But, YOU need not to wait until old ‘voice of trading’ deteriorates completely and new media, etc. emerges.
Sorry I don’t have time to be queer this up or make it gender indeterminate for our precious ‘student’ snowflakes... or to be very respectful.
Bluntly - if you have to be ‘educated’, you’re not ready to trade.
zdo got a reaction from Donald in Why You Say Indicators Fail and Price Action Always Works ?
Insist? I let it go long ago... and just thank the lord I don’t need this place. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/jan/23/never-get-high-on-your-own-supply-why-social-media-bosses-dont-use-social-media'>https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/jan/23/never-get-high-on-your-own-supply-why-social-media-bosses-dont-use-social-media
My audience here is miniscule and I only need to do a better job with them...
As far as damage goes...and “What chance is there for a return to the 'glory days'” etc - imo, the intolerance of the smart posters edges out damaging TL more than the bot echo chamber dumb posters do across the years. And neither are ultimately to blame. We’re looking at multiple generations now of dumbed down... and the results are starting to show.
" never spoken" / “swear at the fukcre” - That’s funny, mits . To get passed off to a human quickly, I like to mumble
Luvn AI .... dystopi
Why You Say Indicators Fail and Price Action Always Works ? ...esp when AI uses indicators to 'create' PA
shine on you crazy diamond
ps CrzyCzry is the ultimate generalist... :rofl:
zdo got a reaction from Gamera in ,,,just Sayin...
I love trading... just sayin’...
After all these years I’m out of practice, but I’m more adept at taking money on the short side ... and I enjoy it more... just sayin’ ...
... just sayin’
zdo got a reaction from emt in Are spx Eminis liquid enough for intraday trading?
a single 100 car turn with a limit order in the ES does virtually nothing... try it
multiple 100 car trades within a second or two sometimes 'causes' a tiny micro stir ... but never to the point of "consequently eating into his own profits"
... and if is trading at that size, you would always be thinking 'avg position' anyways
ie rarely clicking it all in at a single price level