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Sad Day Today - I Put My Dog to Rest

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Today was one of the most difficult days of my life. I had to say goodbye to my 13 yr old cocker spaniel. Patches was my baby and this loss is not an easy one for me. I don't know what to say other than she was man's best friend in the truest sense of the phrase.


RIP Patches, I will miss you so much.







This pic was taken last year for our family pics. I kept putting off getting the pics done and finally the g/friend pushed me to get it done. I'm glad she did as I have some good pics of Patch from that sitting. She loved tennis balls, so we made sure to get a pic w/ her favorite toy.

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I'm sorry to here it BF. Dogs bring a lot of joy to our lives. I hope with time, you will get another one and re-live that joy. I'm sure Patches will always be fond in you memory. I will bring out the tennis balls for my pooch today in memory of Patches.


With kind regards,


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Thanks MK!


It's hard, I'm not sure I want to put myself through this again to be honest. I know that's the sorrow talking right now, but I'm not sure.


Give your dog a big ole hug and treat - tell him/her it's from me. :)

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Sorry to hear that bf... I lost my 15 year old cat last year from a heart problem. Losing a pet that you owned for a good chunk of your life is definitely hard. Now, I am overly spoiling my other cat who is roughly 13 years of age.


RIP Patches. May the best be with her.

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Sorry to hear that. I went through several human losses over the last few years, but I took the loss of my dog the hardest. Give yourself as much time as you need, and you will most likely find another one. I'm definitely glad we brought home our 3 puppies after my first dog died, they brought new life to my home. I still have a picture of Maddy on my fridge, and I'll never forget her.

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I'm really sorry to hear that Brownsfan. I've had dogs all my life, and have therefore seen a few come and go and know it's really painful. But once that subsides a bit, I'm sure you will come to realise two things;


i) The pain you feel now is worth it for the 13 years of joy and laughter you and patch had before. And any dog with an owner like you will have had their life greatly enriched as a result, and that can only be a good thing.


ii) There is, therefore, somewhere, another dog that would really appreciate that kind of chance in it's life. Maybe it's a puppy, maybe a rescue dog, who knows? But I'm sure Patch wouldn't want you to deny yourself the pleasure of ever having a companion like that again. Dogs aren't like that are they?


So I hope you find another dog soon imho. Not a replacement, just the next companion


Good luck



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My condolences to you and your family, BF. I'm sure patches will be missed.


P.S. Now that pic would make a GREAT avatar for you, BTW....



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Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I knew there would be some great support here, so I didn't think twice about posting.


A new day and the struggle continues. Looks like no trading for at least this week for me.


Thanks again.

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Sorry to hear this bad news BF. :(


This is the toughest part of animal ownership, many times it's not their choice to leave since they can't speak and that leaves us humans with the massive burden. Just trust yourself to have made the right decision, that's the only thing we can do. I had a cat from 1982-2005 (23 years), and I was about 6 when we got her. This was basically a life companion for as long as I had memories, hardest thing I've ever had to do was make that decision. She was so old and frail, had no quality of life and it was time. I had to enable myself with the faith that I made the right decision, it was not easy.


The good times far outweigh the bad and as soon as you give yourself the right to let go a little, try to remember the good times. I feel animals if they could talk would say things like humans do, "remember me from when I was in my prime".


The selfishness we all feel for wanting something forever is an age old issue. Maybe try to look at it is you had forever, that is the entire lifespan of this great companion. You made their life bright and in turn they did the same for you. And give yourself credit for not being selfish, I know someone that put a dog through chemo to have an extra year. The financial burden on them was huge, the dog suffered horribly and in the end the pain was far greater from clutching and holding on beyond what was meant to be. Sounds like you did the painful but proper thing. I had 5 years with this Boxer dog that had cancer, it was hard to watch it suffer to satisfy (even from a distance) my ex's needs. :(

Gamma shared excellent thoughts as well, thank you Gamma.



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My sympathy goes out to you. It's tough to lose a canine family member like that, especially after so many years. I hope you are able to grieve, and eventually find another dog as a companion. Good idea on taking a break from trading.

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You are so right MC. Making that decision is not something anyone should have to go through, but we do. I used to say all the time that I wish I could read her mind and just that one time I wish I could have. I wish I could have known her thoughts before the vet came in.


Good stuff here guys, thanks again. I'll have this thread bookmarked so when it's a rough day, I can come back an see the support here.

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Just imagine her face when you were busy throwing the tennis ball for her. Picture it looking up at you, eyes bright, tail wagging, raring to go.


I think it doesn't take a genius to know her thoughts at that point. They would have gone something "like this person not only feeds me but throws stuff as well. Truly my best friend.". That's all you really need to know imho.

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Just imagine her face when you were busy throwing the tennis ball for her. Picture it looking up at you, eyes bright, tail wagging, raring to go.


I think it doesn't take a genius to know her thoughts at that point. They would have gone something "like this person not only feeds me but throws stuff as well. Truly my best friend.". That's all you really need to know imho.


Thanks gamma!


Yeah, she loved playing w/ those tennis balls. We'd go up the park and I would throw it as far as I possibly could and she'd go get them and bring it back. Just had a ton of energy at that point.


Unfortunately that energy started to slow down in the last year or so.


Today is the first day I am on my own w/o her. G/friend is back to work (she took off yesterday and we kept busy), but it's back to 'normal'. Going to take some time getting used to this b/c I'm so used to her right by my side during the trading day.


Some things in life just don't seem very fair... :(

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If you can, get out of the house. Go to a book store and read a little, try to keep your mind busy. Only time and for me becoming occupied with a hobby made it slowly move to the back of my mind. Give yourself the time it takes before trading or doing anything stressful mentally.

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Yeah, that's what I did yesterday MC and it was great.


Today has been a struggle. I'm watching charts, but no trading.


Everyone keeps saying time will heal this, but for once in my life, time cannot move fast enough. :roll eyes:

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Yeah, that's what I did yesterday MC and it was great.


Today has been a struggle. I'm watching charts, but no trading.


Everyone keeps saying time will heal this, but for once in my life, time cannot move fast enough. :roll eyes:


I know, there's nothing anyone can say that makes it go away either. Some comments actually make things worse. I hesitated to post what I did because I'm not a big relater and didn't want to risk offending or causing more pain. I tend to dislike when someone says to me "I know what you're going through". But that's a flaw of my own, it's not a good trait to have. I'm kind of a loner though when it comes to stuff of the mind. I don't like outside sympathy for some reason, I'm sure I could break it down in my mind if I tried but meh. ;)


Just hang in there and keep busy, try to remember the good times when you get upset. I will never go away (and why would anyone want to totally forget their companion), but it will get easier once the pain subsides. You can PM me too if you need to talk. I don't know you personally and despite my self internalizing I do like to help others quite a bit. :)

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You have my deepest sympathies.

Dogs form such pure relationships with us and I’m starting to suspect a huge, strong component of that relationship is at emotional brain levels mostly unconscious to people – and that’s part of why it hurts so much to lose them…

as far as trading goes, Patches would probably want you to get back in the game and play as soon as possible…

all the best.


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Just wanted to say thanks for everyone that posted here and sent PM's. Goes to show how great the TL community is when I've never met anyone of you in person, yet so many here came to offer support during this tough time for me.


This week has been the worst needless to say. Tues Patch was put down and since then, it's been brutal on me. I'll find myself ok and then something will happen or trigger a thought and off I go... For example, yesterday while making my lunch salad I dropped a tomato and normally she'd be right over to gobble that thing up. When I realized that was not going to happen anymore, I had a little trouble there.


No trading this week at all. Probably a good thing. We'll see how the weekend goes and if I feel like jumping on the horse come Monday. I know I need to get back into the swing of things, but it's harder than I thought right now. I hope the weekend can keep me occupied.

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It is terrible how we miss our animal friends when they are gone, shows what a big part of our life they are. Hang in there BF and try to do some fun things, just like Patches would do!

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When I saw your thread I wanted to send my deepest condolences. I truly empathize. It was just too painful at the time.


We had to put our beloved buddy Sadie aka GG ( good girl ), down, yesterday. My Mom's best friend and our family pet succumbed to lymphoma and diabetes.


It was particularly hard because I had to make the final decision as my Mom wasn't emotionally able to. It was the humane thing to do I remind myself. Sadie lived a good life til' 14 years and brought us many, many happy times.


R.I.P. Sadie


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So sorry to hear dandxg. It's one of the most difficult things a person can do IMO. I wish I could say it gets easier, but this is still new to me. Everyone keeps telling me it just takes time, but time cannot go by quick enough for the first time in my life.


Take care of your mom she will need a shoulder to cry on, someone to listen, someone to just sit there and get through this.

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