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Everything posted by SIUYA

  1. table should be you ask true if the left path goes to the village --- False would say no so true says NO if the right path goes to the village ---- False would say yes so true says YES you ask false if the left path goes to the village --- true would say yes so false says NO if the right path goes to the village ---- true would say no so false says YES Hence NO = left path, YES=right path regardless of who you ask.
  2. EASY VERSION of the 'worlds hardest problem' The problem - A fork in a road - one way leads to a village, the other a cliff- is guarded by a liar (false) and a truth teller (true) - you dont know which is which. What single question, demanding a yes or no answer can you ask to find out which road leads to the village and which over the cliff. ................. Solution: "If I ask the other person if the left path leads to the village, what would he say?" keep working on the hard one....good luck.
  3. I always get these ones wrong - so my Answer in this case is all of the doors. (I have PMd you my answer so as not to spoil it for anyone.) ............ there is probably an easier way to solve it....
  4. MM - good point about the wife. In this case it was purely me, even though the shores (sic- shoe chores) are for the wife. The donut did taste good and we have no dog or kindergarten. '''''''''''' DB - your remarks may well include me - sometimes i do wonder why i am doing things- its my nature , and in this case the random move of the stop implies i was getting what i wanted out of the trade - less distraction. In this case it was simple carelessness as to where i placed it. A few extra points difference would have made a lot of difference - famous last words. I simply carelessly placed it in the wrong swing point - and I am being careful not saying this with hindsight. Part of the plan was to leave with a stop so that part was perfectly executed. ''''''''''''''' Kuokam - There is nothing wrong with taking profits.....but if you have planned, tested this and implemented it so as to let the profits run, why deviate? If you have not planned, got lucky, let it ride. In your example you are already 4-5 times OVER what you expected.... http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/psychology/15095-green-bathrobe-story.html Acceptance of what you want out of the trade is important. On a few PMs to MM i have mentioned my bullishness on the EURUSD - but all my predicitve powers, astute entry and sitting on my hands can not help when i mess up and may as well have had a punt. my plan was good, my execution was good, one dumb thing can ruin it for me.....part of the plan is not to chase....in this case i should have. oh well. The timing was just dumb bad luck...sometimes you have dumb good luck. If it had not just raced away, then i might have re-entered. (exited at 13.33hrs - 80 ticks higher 20 mins later) . ... plan was to take some off at signs of consolidation (happened around 1.3180) and let the rest run. I know from history if i dont get the enrties that work for me - then dont try forcing it. The other part of the plan is to realise tomorrow is another day and while i watch it tick up further there is no point getting angry at myself or others or the market. Dont try and short it, dont chase it, dont think 'i should a could a would a' - on saying that i had to rectify so many spelling mistakes in this post i clearly need to walk away. (and i am rather pissed off at myself, and feel the urge to impulse trade - my biggest weakness IMHO) There will be other opportunities.
  5. might be.....but if he has a plan, and a good winning track record of getting into trades, but cant let them run - ie; cant follow his plan from the letting it run part - is that different? On reading his post it seems 'not sticking to the plan' is the issue - not the plan.....or maybe as i thought he might not really want to follow the plan he has devised. Case in point - i just got stopped out on a long EURUSD trade at 1.3107 (and have just missed the explosion up) Why - because I have a couple of chores (house hunting) i have to do and moved my stop up to a level that was a little random. :doh::crap::doh::crap::doh::crap::spam::spam::spam: No excuses - idiot i am ....classic mistake - distraction - blame the wife, the dog, the kindergarten next door, the donut i ate for breakfast, and this is MY mistake that while it did not cost me a PL loss - where it really costs me is because I never see the PL gains.:doh: Point is - it shows the importance of letting it breathe as per my plan - I could have spent a week trying to capture 10pips a day to have 80 handed to me in 20mins. I am f...n fuming at myself - breath in and out, relax.
  6. http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/trading-psychology/15148-getting-out-my-own-way-3.html same problem here........ maybe it is the instant gratification / short sightedness of man....who knows.
  7. thought you might like this.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzurOLMD1BM]Hang Gliding a Morning Glory ( Jonny Durand ) Surfing the biggest wave Ever - YouTube[/ame]
  8. Smmatrix - i am plenty light except in the weight department (Christmas was a cruel but tasty mistress)....I thought we were getting in trouble by Zdo for not taking it (ie; the end of the world) seriously enough! Cant win if you go long or short it seems. My point is though - there seems to be a lot of one sided government haters if you get my drift. Too often you wonder what else they hate, and what else they want to change....are you swapping one bad for another bad. Is it the restriction of abuse of government power, or abolition of the government.....or do you just want a government that fits a certain criteria - even if you might be the minority to then impose your beliefs on others - the very thing you might fear. Thats the point of a discussion. I did like the picture of the Michelin man. thanks.
  9. so you oppose bans on drink drivers, poor medical practices and such? or are you just opposed to anything Obama does and trying to link everything together? Zdo - even the 'enlightend' ones are often not enlightened enough You at least make a rational case for being prepared if the SHTF, even if people might not agree with you
  10. Question.....Is this is the ultimate defense of those who dont agree with you or dont share your same fears, or even if they do have a different strategy or take on it than you do.?....... that you are clearly a brainwashed sheep/communist. if the crux of the argument is about government, control and power v individual rights then let that debate occur. Properly. It can also be carried out by those who really want change arguing for real change - lets go for the anarchist model - and not some other bastardised variation that involves substituting one set of moral codes for another......or is it wrong to prefer a what if, non violent society? That debate can also be carried out without guns, violence, fear of homosexuals, those who disagree, women, muslims or any others........or do you propose that as opposed to the communists killing of those who disagree with them, its those who disagree with them killing of the communists? collective maya occurs in many forms. I would suggest that many fear that those so vehemently opposed to the government want to implement their own set of rules in their own sheepish ways. fuel for fire.
  11. never said you did.....only a grumpy old man might think that but i can understand how you might draw that from my reply - not intended.....the limiting power of textual discussions. more along the lines of there are some nice things about being a kid, we should not throw those things out, and plus too many grumpy old men with flawed memories. you know the ones - 'back in my day......' or 'my schooldays where the best years of my life......' anyways - how did we get onto kids - how do they make the most money....
  12. i just clicked.....its Scarface.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPzDLGfyjw0]Money and the Power from Scarface - YouTube[/ame] First control the money - bankers know this Then you get the power - politicians, and bankers..... what for....all to get the woman.... Maybe Patuca and Smmatrix are on to something....one is hiding in your momma's bedroom, the other is fantsizing about MM being a woman...... (I am bored today - heading off to look at houses - what fun - thinking about paying for it with a minted platinum coin i was thinking of making )
  13. two articles gave me a laugh...... From the Fitz files Sydney Morning Herald..... "So, there I was. About to board a military flight on a Hercules, from the Australian base at Kandahar in Afghanistan, to head up to Kabul to continue our entertainment tour for the troops. To my amazement, despite our flight being filled with heavily armed soldiers in flak jackets and helmets, we still had to go through screening. And wouldn't you freaking know it? No matter that the 10 soldiers in front of me all placed on the conveyor belt everything from machine guns to pistols to - I swear - a bazooka, who do you think is the poor bunny pulled over by the guards for carrying contraband. Me! And my sin? Carrying a laptop computer. I was led away. It was explained that if we hit turbulence, my laptop would be a danger to the helmeted others. Yes folks, it used to be that the pen is mightier than the sword, but these days the laptop trumps the bazooka every time. Read more: Shoot the myth, computers could kill ........... second - AIG is looking/deciding/contemplating if it should sue the US government for too onerous terms regarding its bailout. I bet Goldmans and the others are rubbing their hands together as well. (too many news articles to warrant posting any particular ones - but pure gold )
  14. interesting thanks. ...- devils advocate - this merely shows when the largest range is per hour unit, but does not mean that the largest move occurs here - eg; the market might have been trending up for 5 hours at 20 ticks per hour, but then regularly consolidates at hour 6 for a 30 tick range. Probably great for scalpers, or a good indication that at certain periods of the day taking profits, or looking for reversals, or similar strategies might be worth investigation. Definitely information that might be valuable to improve an existing strategy.
  15. isn't that through through states rights representing the people more than individual rights????
  16. Boo hoo.....you have already been through the name calling and other insults. The 'we' you refer to.....your posse? A bit of comedy aside......once the question is asked about where you draw the line on freedoms and rights you decide to withdraw....? You insult MM with both the insinuation that he is a woman (i am sure 50% of the population appreciate that one), and then leave a final insult for both of us that i think is quite flatterring....if also bizarre. Backbone Part of Speech: noun Definition: strength of character Synonyms: courage, determination, firmness, fortitude, grit, guts, hardihood, heart, intestinal fortitude, mettle, moral fiber, nerve, pluck, resolution, resolve, spunk, stamina, steadfastness, tenacity, toughness, will, willpower Reptile that east mosquitoes.....any that does that is a good one in my book. Stick that in the BlueHorseshoe brain teaser please. thanks .............. It might be a surprise but - not everyone has an agenda to take away all weapons, or impose a one world government or even larger government. Most would just prefer to see some sort of solution to problems without an escalation of weapons, or violence. Here is a question for you - when criminals are let go on a legal technicality is that because of some bleeding heart liberal agenda or the checks and balances to ensure that individual rights are upheld - those things that many liberals and conservatives hold dear? What determines who is a criminal - a good guy or a bad guy? etc; etc; etc; ................ ................ For me just call me an agitator and one who believes that its a good thing to have moderate but not extreme views, to question the extremists from both sides of any debate and that a peaceful compromise solution is far better than any that is based in violence. (Yes I am openly biased to one side in any debate - that of moderation i would hope. I would like to be an extremist on many issues - it makes life easier to confirm everything to my view - alas my non conformity streak wont even allow that) I like to learn from the other side of my initial bias - that way my bias might change, i can better understand why/how/what and dont need to think the other side has some sort of character trait that is considered a flaw or an abomination.....or would that in some circles be considered a mental illness? Plus US history and politics is very interesting. zdo - is this being part of the collective maya?
  17. i did laugh at Suntraders comment however - never loose that sense of imagination, awe and wonderment MMS and even worse dont grow old before your time and become a grumpy old man claiming - it was better in my day......WALOR
  18. random disconnected and nonsensical thoughts---- if its all on paper then they are just finger crossing that inflation helps, and it does not need to be much, but stagflation (ie; Japan) will be a bitch for the rest of the world. Off the planet maybe - One thing the world has going for it is that in 30-40 years, most of us will be dead, the populations will have declined, healthcare, and aged pensions will be right down - there will be very few young people to worry about having large armies - rely on technology - these all might save a lot. Maybe a good answer is massive deleveraging and austerity - basically pull all the government support, repay any debt, curb spending, debt transfers, allow plenty of people and businesses to go bankrupt and put the value back into the holders of the cash (this would suit the government as well as they will write most off elsewhere and still be able to print it) Companies might still run, there will be lots of pain and suffering, but it might shake things up enough.... unlikely - but possible if the evil coroprate empires are currently saving cash for this scenario and have already planned in their moon mountain bases this scenario. Problem is for the gold is that unless you have physical gold in the currency that you live in and plan to stay in - its all paper anyways. If i had USD gold paper and the USD collapses, the world goes to shit.....then i would imagine my 'gold investment' would be worth shit also. There are always diamonds - those that a small enough to bribe your way out of a country and those that are large enough to have real collecting value.
  19. no earings - but i guess that would make someone who has them --- what? WTF does wearing panties, gun laws or any other such thing have to do with gun laws.....side track. Re the prohibition - so you agree prohibition does not work, and that people should be free to exercise personal freedoms in most things (assuming it does no harm to others).....or does it only apply to areas of personal defense, where is the line drawn? It cant be because it is in the constitution - the prohibition act was added, then taken away, so i assume its based on some other measure? is this a personal choice measure or should society/government legislate. You see where i am going on this......basically is this an issue about guns, or is it more than that. It does seem contradictory that one might support some bans but not others......or is it?
  20. LOL Patuca - it is nice to see you indulging in your own fantasy of MM in pink lacy underwear and the fact that you feel anyone who might not agree with you is wearing them......... is there an emoticon for raised eyebrows and a sultry look?
  21. dont worry some men cant/wont believe other men can trade either......as Zdo said, dont worry about them. As for the psychological factor behind why men might say this......control, fear, arrogance, stupidity, education, ........... As for why only men can trade in the FX market - its open to anyone As to if men are better than women - we are different, some traits may help some may hinder, - - go for it.
  22. top of the head - the smaller one. why: the larger one is more likely to have a great er number of babies and hence will be more likely to tend toward the average expected of 50%, and hence the smaller one might be more likely to have a number deviate from the expected number. ......................... reminds of this......a logic problem rather than statisitcs - if you want to keep it stats then i apologize. EASY VERSION of the 'worlds hardest problem' The problem - A fork in a road - one way leads to a village, the other a cliff- is guarded by a liar (false) and a truth teller (true) - you dont know which is which. What single question, demanding a yes or no answer can you ask to find out which road leads to the village and which over the cliff. HARD VERSION (The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Three gods A, B, and C are called, in no particular order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for yes and no are da and ja, in some order. You do not know which word means which. Boolos (The originator of the question) provides the following clarifications: It could be that some god gets asked more than one question (and hence that some god is not asked any question at all). What the second question is, and to which god it is put, may depend on the answer to the first question. (And of course similarly for the third question.) Whether Random speaks truly or not should be thought of as depending on the flip of a coin hidden in his brain: if the coin comes down heads, he speaks truly; if tails, falsely.
  23. Zdo - for once you missed the point. Its system specific. Window bars, alarms, not advertising goods in a house etc; etc; etc; are alternatives to jumping straight into what is a pretty final/drastic stop loss. Some choose to employ these safer methods first, and this probably helps create some luck for some of us and a different POV. If you are a doomsayer (rough guess as yes for yourself) then on your own risk assessment you might choose to carry a weapon......for some of us we dont have your same view, have not had the same experiences, probably never will, and if things change we might change our views. (yes, yes, yes.....you think it will be too late). Do i consider myself lucky - yes. Do i encourage and prefer this good luck - yes. Do i feel i need to prepare if things go badly in the world - yes. (Possibly less risk if i have two passports, and investments in different countries than trying to shoot my way out of somewhere......diversify.) we just see the world differently and while the gun lovers kill each other some of us might survive.....if not - on to either a better place, or maybe nothing at all. Everyone has their strategies - some will prosper, some will adapt quickly and some will and will not survive - such is life/trading.
  24. no i am too conservative to have ever had a margin call......ironic right. I also enjoy life quite a lot, and more than most, understand you cant take it with you and regardless of what risks you might like to take, carrying a gun or a pea shooter or any weapon is something i have never needed. I used to use rifles on the farm, we also used dynamite and fertilizer for certain land clearing and noxious vermin (great fun as a kid). Still I have never needed them since, and would prefer a shotgun if required. I have also always manged to avoid most fights and dont really think there are any good ones - i prefer peace to violence and the drunk already committed the sin even if he got nothing. and how do you know i am not a conservative just because there is a few points we may not agree with? I am certainly not liberal in the terms many people use it, and yet very liberal in other ways because i do enjoy life. I probably have more morals/ethics (for what they are worth) than many who are clearly bought and sold at the right price and i dont subscribe to the life is suffering crap (even though it sometimes is) so clawing my way back seems like an achievement but not much fun. Tomorrow I might change my mind on some things.
  25. in Somalia, the rich think the laws dont apply either - or they create those that suit them as well.......usually via force....thats how they become rich.
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