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Everything posted by Reaver

  1. I agree...as the great Stanley Kroll said: Let your buddies experience all the fun and excitement of scalping and daytrading the markets; in the meantime you can be thinking of what you'll name your new yacht or where your new summer home will be. Just be patient and confident that your investment approach is right. You don't have to take my word for it- the market will prove it to you in a very satisfying and profitable way. I ALWAYS TRY TO REMEMBER THIS ONE. Stanley Kroll was also the man responsible for getting Reminisces of a Stock Operator back in print in the late 60's early 70's.....it had been long out of print and he revived it. The guy was a legend and is one of the most influential factors in my trading.
  2. Dang Chris you just made me hungry with your talks of Panera! Thanks a lot man. I am stuck at work. LOL
  3. I plan on starting up some stuff as to what I do right now for swing trading after a discussion with Brownsfan about it. I am constantly evolving my trading so I am trying to think of a way to explain it without seeming like I am crazy right now.... I have a few ideas and different hings I am fooling with right now... What I do is develop various ideas for myself and glean various ideas from other sources and break them down and attempt to rebuild them integrating key concepts into my trading...So if you see me posting a bunch of odds and ends, bear with me.
  4. LOL yeah this is gonna be great, since ya know..I swing trade. LOL Thanks to Tin and James for getting this thing going.
  5. Hey Tin, funny you mention that, as ironically I am looking at IRT for some longer term stuff right now....I haven't actively used charts for a while and let my Ensign subscription roll over..... But I would say check out Ensign as well, I have been happy with them, but want to test everything else out too to make sure I am not missing anything...I am expecially drawn to IRT because of the VWAP thing they have going on, which I am convinced will work equally well on a longer term basis along with a few more ideas I am testing..... But I do like Ensign's price histogram/profile MUCH better than IRT ( I am not rerferring to the CBOT MP indicator, I am referring the one called "profile" on IRT). I have used SMR in the past, and they have their ups and downs, and as my trading evolved I decided it wasn't the best option for me.... But right now, I like Ensign from experience and IRT from the potetntial I have seen. I will report more later.
  6. Sounds good to me man. I will think of a few things to put in as well that me be of value to those of the swing/position trader persuasion.
  7. I would love to see that! I feel so left out sometimes. LOL
  8. Dude you're gonna be fine man! Plenty of money in swing trading too my man. You're smart as hell and you'll succeed in this game, just keep doing error corrects on your trajectory until you get into your zone.
  9. You're a good guy, Walter. You display your integrity time and time again.
  10. Yep, there it is...I was wondering when you'd chime in. lol
  11. Check out Tune Up utilities 2007, you can download a free trial it scans for things that may be causing problems like you mentioned.
  12. I've got a 360 and am about to rent that BioShock game this weekend.... Haven't played Halo 3 but may look into it.... I am scared to get addicted to it.....we used to play the first one against the guys from MEU 22 (Special Operations Capable) for about 6 hours day, sometimes a lot longer on slow days......that was back in early 04....I have been afraid to play ever since......
  13. I think another big reason for me to be discretionary is that I take responsibility for my trades. I know if I win it's my fault and if I lose it's my fault. William Gallacher said that you never really learn anything using systems....I like discretionary trading as it forces me to use critical thinking and constantly adapt. For me at least, I believe that true confidence cannot be acheived without knowing full well that I am totally responsible for every trade I make. As much as I am in it for the money, I think that using discretion is what makes the process the most enjoyable.
  14. It's like the chaos theory...like Pyenner said...every day the corruption snowball seems to get bigger. It's really crazy to see what is happening in the news everyday....Politicians getting charged, having to resign, all that stuff. Strange days.
  15. LOL ant. James, I think Steidlmayer wrote the manual or at least was in charge of a large portion of the content.
  16. If you're asking what "One Time Frame Market" means: it means that one market participant group is in control....such as the public...there are the 4 Cti (Customer Type Indicator) groups: Floor, Commercials, off floor members, and Public... Almost, if not all the time the public will be the ones to drive the price out of balance. Basically you are looking for this to happen..the transition from a multiple time frame (bracketing or ranging market) to a trending market (breakout from value)... If you caught the trade at the right time, now you're in and the public (usually) has control... at this point you are waiting for evidence that the One Time Frame market has started to stall....you will start to see evidence of contrary opinion in strength...usually in the form of commercial capping (Cti 2 on the LDB). Depending on your personal viewpoints and methods, you may choose to get out at this point... If you are strictly a profile trader and do not use other market generated data, you may start to see congestion in the form of TPOs (ie where you were seeing range extension, now you are seeing multiple TPOs or rotation.) This generally entails a noticeable increase in volume as well.... This indicates the beginning of acceptance of new value...and it's a good time to get out and wait for a disagreement of value again so you can do your thing.
  17. It's funny to me how I can look at market generated data and all the information available as far as profiles cti data from the LDB rotations, etc and it makes sense to me..but I start looking at options and my brain goes numb.... I think that's a sign.
  18. Almost like an audio version of tape reading?
  19. Negative ghostrider. Haven't you ever seen Terminator?
  20. Thanks for the info. That is why I don't mess with options....way too much going against you, even if you make a good trade.
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