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Everything posted by zdo

  1. chimp re: "ie with buying options, you have to figure out a way to play all the major waves in order to be there for the outliers" This was just basically restating the previous point in that post. ‘with options nothing is reliably predictive of the variance of the next move’. Going back to the insurance analogy - time gaps without ‘coverage’ is not a good idea. Boils down to the same problem as Nassim and all options players have - how to afford ‘coverage’ on everything so you can be covered with the darkened swan does show up ... to cover all the costs and turn a profit Example: (and, btw, I can’t remember all the specific and details... anyways...)mid 1986, in addition to day trading big Spooz, bonds, etc, I started trading options ‘on the side’. In feb 87, using a ‘system’ (ie it wasn’t on a ‘whim’), it bought way out the money soybean calls and made a killing... thought I was an options trader! So I 'followed’ the system forward and it missed several significant moves ... it ‘reverted’ ... whittled away at my ‘killing’. Long story short - I concluded that properly priced options ALWAYS screw the premium buyer PERIOD. So, I stopped buying premium but continued selling premium in treasury, etc options... got deeper and deeper into the time consuming greeks ... and had less and less fun ... and then I became not an options trader ... I love leverage. But turns out it’s steady leverage I love... and not variable leverage in a 'actuarial world'...
  2. Fake News... 18 months of MSM banging banging bangin on ‘russhun, russhun, russhun interference’ , DNC data ‘theft’ , ‘collusion’... providing a cover for something rarely mentioned, except to deny ? ... https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2018/09/hackers-report-cites-staggering-vulnerabilities-us-voting-systems/151649/ meanwhile... meddling++ https://youtu.be/byMHT72YAcg meanwhile more ... meddling++ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7BuWPHKfS8&feature=youtu.be
  3. zdo

    sensor chip

    “The EU seems fixated, at least for the internet, on killing free speech...” https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13042/eu-internet-censorship “Social media giants -- Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft, Google+ and Instagram -- act as voluntary censors on behalf of the European Union” ...now what about China ?
  4. juicy science conspiracy there e https://www.livescience.com/63692-standard-model-broken-supersymmetry-new-physics.html
  5. ‘Europe’, ‘America’, ‘elite’, ‘commoners’ https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13022/europeanize-america https://www.oftwominds.com/blogsept18/droit-seigneur9-18.html ... just sayin’
  6. zdo

    sensor chip

    About half way into certain Project Veritas videos *, Google Chrome abruptly interrupts the video and projects a “Critical Error” message enveloping your screen. Coincidence? (* such as https://www.projectveritas.com/2018/09/25/breaking-deep-state-unmasked-irs-officials-you-should-give-increased-scrutiny-to-conservative-groups-i-dont-give-a-st-if-that-is-a-crime/)
  7. Ok - you don't have a clearance... but do you have a 'need to know' ? do you have a 'deserve to know'?... just sayin' https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-23/exposed-cia-honeytrap-set-kavanaugh-accuser-cia-ties and does she have a big pharma / abortion pill agenda ? and does she have a personal agenda against Kav's mama? and does she have a #resistance /political agenda? and was she a 15 yr old drunk poundmetoo slut who doesn't remember what doppelgangbang she was under? (havin' been a 15 year old drunk slut myself who doesn't remember who I was on top of or when... ie all memories of that time compromised / corrupted / unreliable / not credible ... just sayin')
  8. divyanshisharma, I have a trading question. Will you answer it in 6 years? Thanks.
  9. zdo

    sensor chip

  10. Trader1, that’s pretty good advice - in large part because even the traditionally 'most reliable' candlestick patterns NEVER backtested well on their own (pre OR post algos' ascendancy). Also, it goes beyond "use them as confluence and other things". Traders need to learn how to establish context level signals first, then learn how to look in those contexts for candlestick (or whatever) chart patterns as triggers. Most, of course, think that just learning the patterns in the 'book' ( Nison in this case ) will suffice... they either assume context doesn't matter or they assume 'context' will come automatically if they just study the 'patterns' well enough ... ie they 'train' conventionally... in the wrong order of precedence (... which may be sufficient in production, service, or even management work - but, in performance work, damages noobs' chances of success ... order of precedence training errors keep them in that lower 78% pareto 'forever'... ...many won't even get what i'm talking about... another 'many' fall under the 'voice of trading' narrative trance which programs the opposite... noob, if you do get what i'm sayin' - ignore the crowds, 'pay the price' of really learning context first ... and up your chances of making it in trading ... )
  11. Advice for beginners omg First "invest" trade a little with real money and see whats your results are, then learn, learn and learn what trading methods are appropriate to you, then when you know what you need to work on then start paper trading / structured practice sessions ... and btw, you're likely better off never seeking 'confidence'. Most traders do not need to "establish your confidence". ie For most traders, confidence leads to mistakes in risk. Generally speaking, any 'confidence' applied before having traded for ~ 5 years is wasted and costly... If you do need 'confidence' and don't have any , then use what courage you have ...
  12. zdo

    sick orwell?

    Sick orwell? ... continued from http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/topic/12399-free-dumb/?do=findComment&comment=190954 Re a line in that quote - “And instead of code, it’s narrative.” However, technocratic ‘globalists’ continue to seek automation/AI code to assist with their ‘narrative trancing’. Still in its infancy... but growing like a weed... https://www.wakingtimes.com/2018/09/18/googles-new-selfish-ledger-aims-to-direct-human-evolution-and-track-your-entire-life/ sick orwell? ... Here’s your first clue that this ultimately will not work to make your life and society’s life better - utopia does not scale beyond one.
  13. zdo

    free dumb

    “The crowd has a deep pressure on you whether you know it or not.” o https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/society-is-made-of-narrative-realizing-this-is-awakening-from-the-matrix-787c7e2539ae
  14. zdo

    free dumb

    Are you constitutionally illiterate? https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/suspending_the_constitution_in_america_today_the_government_does_whatever_it_wants ... btw, the 'statists' started whittling away on the 'constitution'/ concept on day one... centuries ago... no surprise 'it' is in jeopardy now...
  15. The prevailing economics model is a huge trick... yes, I’m talking about the one you believe in (kinda because everyone else does)...Modern Economic Theory ... What is the trick? Do you know? Need a hint?
  16. This is a possible example. A wing says one thing a billion times to make it ‘true’... but stop and think - what if ‘capitalism’ makes us MORE humane ? .... (than less humane ?... like the the left statists been saying a billion times.) https://mises.org/wire/capitalism-makes-us-more-humane I’m just sayin’
  17. mits, I don't think you get the "neo liberal marxist hypocrite pedo scum" part btw in addition to pervershions ... other things happen while waiting for ... http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/end-times-persecution-is-here-the-largest-country-in-the-world-is-destroying-1000s-of-crosses-and-bibles
  18. zdo

    sick orwell?

    did you get your text? was it sick orwell?
  19. zdo

    sick orwell?

    make up your mind dummy... where does this go? https://mises.org/wire/brief-history-repressive-regimes-and-their-gun-laws
  20. zdo

    free dumb

    free dumb https://mises.org/wire/brief-history-repressive-regimes-and-their-gun-laws
  21. is al kida a (mercenary) branch of the us military/intelligence complex? ... look at our relationship with them in syria today...
  22. Wtf, zdo? 911 is long long ago https://www.real.video/5818818194001 This one is similar... and it's fake, too... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKWWQEwx0vo&feature=youtu.be
  23. Mits, Dalai Lama "is a virtue signalling, hypocrite boring traitor ignorant cunt.... and a fuckin RACIST" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8nZJHgapUM&feature=youtu.be (as usual speed it up to 1.5 bud) and he should be purged from Fakebook, shadow banned from Twit, and tried for 'hate speech' somewhere in an EU near you. (btw - if I didn't say it somewhere else - 'populism' is a faked category)
  24. zdo

    sick orwell?

    Is Our diversity* is Our greatest strength? Really? (Oops I shouldn’t have asked that! I forget that a “creed not subject to debate” don’t need to be “demonstrable truth”) ... meanwhile “Where is the scientific, historic or empirical evidence that the greater the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of a nation, the stronger it becomes? From recent decades, it seems more true to say the reverse: The more diverse a nation, the greater the danger of its disintegration.” wot? ... From fake news ... https://youtu.be/l_xkgRwXvcE *tag: newspeak busswords
  25. btw - did you know that 'populism' is a faked category? https://youtu.be/R9T4dGAxtO0
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