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Everything posted by zdo

  1. Reflexivity So let’s go ‘beyond’ ... Yet if you review his trades, including normal trades and his outlier ‘country killer’ trades, and dig a little bit, rather than developing a knack at ‘narrative trading’ it turns out in each instance he had agents providing inside knowledge previous to the emergence of the situation, and he then spent considerable resources buying influence to manipulate each situation to the trade’s advantage. Rich and famous, he “felt obligated” to write books about it, but (What I’m just sayin’ is) - he is lying in his books. If some permutation of the concepts have not already occurred to someone engaging in narrative trading, the term and concepts of Reflexivity may help one conceptualize narrative trading better and maybe even help to participate more fully in the middle of moves... but they will not help in (instigating) and participating at the beginning... or in pressing and assuring that the outcomes go to extremes ... and the painful truth is many trend traders go broke 'successfully' participating in the middle of moves.
  2. zdo

    sensor chip

    https://www.activistpost.com/2018/10/why-china-will-win-the-artificial-intelligence-race.html ( bifurcation of the internet https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/20/eric-schmidt-ex-google-ceo-predicts-internet-split-china.html )
  3. zdo

    sensor chip

    https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/item/30372-facebook-deletes-disabled-vet-s-pages-after-taking-300-000-in-advertising he does not have a lawsuit ... ...
  4. zdo

    sensor chip

    At least antifa still has a free tongue on social media. (tic) No censorship yet ... thank god...
  5. I would be happy to participate in the outrage and dishing consequences about the Saudis killing that ‘journalist’ *... when we’ve acknowledged that the clintons killed seth rich and admitted to all the innocents we’re killing in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afgan, and god knows where else. ... just sayin’ * https://consortiumnews.com/2018/10/15/khashoggi-was-no-critic-of-saudi-regime/
  6. I have been harping on education with side trips into trading education for years now ... Not that you care or need it, but here’s some more info about that https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pa9899/heres-fresh-evidence-student-loans-are-a-massive-generational-scam ... just sayin'
  7. The BBC does a good job at 'transgender science' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fanea5kcfg&feature=youtu.be Mits, You got to stop criticizing the BBC. There will be no more banging on the BBC in here... we are at risk of hurting someone's feelings...
  8. zdo

    sensor chip

    fake book fake news https://thefreethoughtproject.com/heres-why-facebook-is-anything-but-private/
  9. Off topic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The weakness of most indicators is that the same ‘visual’ indicator travel /pattern can be produced by as many as 20 different chart/price travel /patterns. If a trader cannot type the auction, indicators alone barely bump his probabilities up. Big woop bcse meanwhile show me a price action trader who can’t type the auction and I’ll show you a failing price action trader too. Ie Consciously reading context is the only way you can know what to do when... a price action trader who inadequately or unconsciously reads context (ie doesn’t know what auction types he’s puny at detecting, etc.) may slightly outperform an indicator trader who inadequately or unconsciously reads context at the same skill level , but that will not be enough to get him over the threshold to consistent profitability either. Ie I can say with pretty high certainty that any noob who is questioning / bouncing around btwn pa and inds actually needs to drop them both and learn conscious ‘contexting’ first sell
  10. The mainstream media has imposed the same threat for decade these new ‘terrorists’ pose now...oh the hypocrisy... just sayin’ https://kurtnimmo.blog/2018/10/12/the-information-terrorists/
  11. zdo

    sensor chip

    https://youtu.be/3f3DB32AWeQ I know, I know... you couldn’t care less ... but the ‘far east’ censorship model is coming to a search engine near you.
  12. fun with prognosti snot and money Dow 40,000 ! ??? ( ... is just as likely as a 30-50% retrace at this point. (... not that this sell off is over btw) ... update: by my ‘algos’ the dow now needs 37,000 to be in a Bull mkt ... so 40,000 might also signify the shortest bull duration on record ... an rednec say theys a bunch of ded gold an sivver threds al ovr th enter net ) ... just sayin’ Have a great weekend all.
  13. What happens to soft tyrannies when the ‘money’ is gone / aka the ‘debt’ can no longer be serviced? Just askin’
  14. Is the snowflake culture killing noobs? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/the-snowflake-culture-is-killing-our-kids included ... “don’t ever ring the bell” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxBQLFLei70&feature=youtu.be
  15. zdo

    sensor chip

    Coming to a country near you? https://youtu.be/yUg-w0tdyBs Can you think of a ‘softer’ version of this in the US? I can. Universities. Just sayin’
  16. What has the world has been told to think of americans? http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/7-glimpses-into-the-social-decay-that-is-voraciously-eating-away-at-the-fabric-of-our-country What remains to consider? https://www.theorganicprepper.com/do-not-participate-rage-news/ not much? Do you even know what a libertarian republic actually looks like, feels like, acts like? I’m just sayin’
  17. Yes. It has always has been ‘rigged’... only in the last thirty or so years has it gradually become more and more ‘rigged’ by state policy. Along the way in every trading career are opportunities to assess the relative corruption, cheating, dishonesty, exploitation, theft, etc. inborn in ALL trading instruments. And it is possible to trade successfully if you don't believe it is rigged. Many traders go into denial it is rigged to allow them avoid those dissonances and trade as if it is not rigged. But, imo, the closer to truth about the underlying structures in markets you can get your own constructs, the better. In general ( / most of the time), “don’t fight the fed” , esp if you trade indexes. If you trade individual stocks, you can still keep gettin’ up by keeping tabs of the stock’s correlation to its index, etc and trade it accordingly. Alternatives? ‘west texas’ oil fields have been a great play of late... but that’s rigged too
  18. I once read a book by George Soros. It didn't make sense. Do you get what I'm just sayin'?
  19. headlines "Monstrous Hurricane" Michael Intensifies Into The "Most Powerful Storm” We’ve Had In Several Days https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-84.26,34.43,486/loc=-85.711,25.508
  20. Traders wonder why I post about things like censorship, social scoring, orwelling, statism, etc etc etc... see link below... Freedom has costs and is not stable. At its pole is security... false self created security... Every trader has aspects of that polarity he or she must deal with ... ex: beginners think they can just ‘learn some stuff’ then trade successfully ... but the player you bring to follow the systems is just as important as the systems themselves... just sayin’ What the fuck does this have to do with that? https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-03/traders-afraid-drop-f-bombs-thanks-ai-powered-big-brother-style-surveillance
  21. zdo

    you're up

    Top Down Open Borders roll why? https://youtu.be/CuhLRzP2-0Y
  22. You’ve been spammed https://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/114404/our-delusional-economy-poised-slam-brick-wall-reality
  23. No more clapping and hooting at concerts... it might trigger snowflakes. And btw... If you don’t do the jazz hands correctly, you’re a racist... and your 'social rating' score will plummet... just sayin’
  24. chimp re: "ie with buying options, you have to figure out a way to play all the major waves in order to be there for the outliers" This was just basically restating the previous point in that post. ‘with options nothing is reliably predictive of the variance of the next move’. Going back to the insurance analogy - time gaps without ‘coverage’ is not a good idea. Boils down to the same problem as Nassim and all options players have - how to afford ‘coverage’ on everything so you can be covered with the darkened swan does show up ... to cover all the costs and turn a profit Example: (and, btw, I can’t remember all the specific and details... anyways...)mid 1986, in addition to day trading big Spooz, bonds, etc, I started trading options ‘on the side’. In feb 87, using a ‘system’ (ie it wasn’t on a ‘whim’), it bought way out the money soybean calls and made a killing... thought I was an options trader! So I 'followed’ the system forward and it missed several significant moves ... it ‘reverted’ ... whittled away at my ‘killing’. Long story short - I concluded that properly priced options ALWAYS screw the premium buyer PERIOD. So, I stopped buying premium but continued selling premium in treasury, etc options... got deeper and deeper into the time consuming greeks ... and had less and less fun ... and then I became not an options trader ... I love leverage. But turns out it’s steady leverage I love... and not variable leverage in a 'actuarial world'...
  25. Fake News... 18 months of MSM banging banging bangin on ‘russhun, russhun, russhun interference’ , DNC data ‘theft’ , ‘collusion’... providing a cover for something rarely mentioned, except to deny ? ... https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2018/09/hackers-report-cites-staggering-vulnerabilities-us-voting-systems/151649/ meanwhile... meddling++ https://youtu.be/byMHT72YAcg meanwhile more ... meddling++ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7BuWPHKfS8&feature=youtu.be
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