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Worst NHL Hit I've Seen

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This is probably the worst hit I've seen in the 13 years that I have been watching hockey. I have seen some nasty ones, but just the angle and speed at which this one happened tops the cake. I was watching this game live, and everything around me stopped when I saw this happen.


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Smyth is known for not putting it on tight enough. I just read on one of the hockey forums that he has a slight separated shoulder and a concussion. So... we'll see what happens.

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Brownsfan, I did see that. It's one of those freak accidents you would expect to see in a movie and not in real life.


Sparrow - Smyth has been out for a while with Stastny and Sakic. I think everyone is conditioned for injuries haha But I can't repeat the words that came out of my mouth when it happened.

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I got nothing against this sport, but I don't understand how a guy who's in control of the puck and gets taken away with a bump or a push. It's too violent to consider it a sport. I admit these guys have extraordinary ice skating skills and shot-making, but the game itself is not for me.

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The NHL has toned down the violence level over the years to the like or dislike of some fans. Sometimes ugly things happen but overall it's not that bad considering the length of an NHL season with over 80 games + up to 28 games in the post season.

Also there are quite a few players who are in their mid 30s and even some in their 40s who still compete at a professional level, that's why I think it's not as bad as it seems.

European rinks are bigger, so games here are not as tough as in america.

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I don't mind the pushing and showing during play but the ref sitting out while the two just go at it when the puck is not even the object of desire anymore? That's just wrong. Might as well get rid of the ref and have the announcer do all the calls, that way, no one gets hurt except the two involved.

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That's not happening in the NHL anymore, fights are broken up very quickly and usually it's just the goons going against each other anyway. Enforcers aren't that useful, and major brawls very rare.

I find hockey fights rather boring, but don't mind a brawl now and then.

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Very graphic so weak stomachs...don't watch.

This oddly enough was another time (way back) in a Buffalo game with a neck cut. Both were freak accidents and really have nothing to do with violence. Considering how sharp skates are and how much falling and what not it's amazing to me there aren't more cuts IMO.


The sport isn't all fights like the ESPN's of the world make it out to be. Which personally for me ruins the game, I think they need to let em fight personally.

They break up fights way too fast now and it's not as entertaining to me. Of course I can always watch some MMA matches to see fights so maybe it's best left as a sport of skill not aggression?

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Well, if I want to see a fight, I'd watch boxing or WWF but it's sport where young children think it's the norm to fight while playing sports. Imagine if you can do that in American Football without the penalties for personal fouls, dang, that sport will really teach our children to learn to fight first before learning to play if you are to survive the "sport". It's the only sport I know where the penalty is too light, fights don't affect the final score. Then again, you have soccer fans that watch a civil sport and they themselves wreak havoc and each other... sigh... ironic isn't it?

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Hockey was the only sport I never played as a kid, but I really wish I did play. There is a ton of teamwork that I don't think people give enough credit too. I hate the Detroit Red Wings but I simply cannot deny their skill or ability to handle the puck. Their passing is precise and they always know where everyone is and what's going on. Aside from Soccer I believe hockey is one of the best sports for anyone to learn solid team work and leadership skills.


The sport is rough, but it has toned down a lot. Do a quick youtube search of Avs vs Red Wings and nothing but nasty fights will come up. Theres a reason those were called the glory days, because it doesn't happen anymore. A lot of fans (including myself) used to enjoy watching for the fights. But since the NHL has toned down a lot I now find myself watching because I do think it's a great sport. Personally I like the hitting, and I would give and take hits if I played. There are ways to give and take hits as well so you can prevent injury, and that's something most people don't know about. The NHL is doing a lot to tone down on unnecessary hits, like a player that isn't playing the puck and just goes for the hit will most likely get a penalty.


A lot of young players typically come in looking for a fight or big hits. But if you watch enough games you'll see them be put in their place and they tone down a lot. There is a lot of skill and teamwork in the sport, and I really enjoy it for that.


Hopefully the next generation of hockey will be even better. There will be less fights and better teamwork, more purity I guess is the word. But it is starting now with the NHL, and they have to be role models to the kids playing today. If the NHL allows for unnecessary brawls and foul play then the kids will do it. But if the NHL continues to take steps to prevent that then it won't be such an issue. There will always be fights though, and I'm okay with that.

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Went to the Panthers/Islanders game last night. Even though they are both trying to make the playoffs it was a ho-hum game. Actually two ho-hum teams so what did I expect. The physical aspects of the game have been toned down too much IMO.


Tomorrow my fav NY Rangers come down to South Florida. I don't care how they win, as Al Davis likes to say - just win baby.

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