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Array (EasyLanguage)

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This thread is about Arrays.






Declares one or more names as arrays, containing multiple variable data elements; specifies the array structure, data elements type and initial value, update basis, and data number, for each of the arrays.


Data elements type can be numerical, string, or true/false.


The number of elements in an array can be fixed or dynamic (unlimited).


In arrays with a fixed number of elements, the elements can be arranged in single or multiple dimensions.


A one-dimensional 10-element array contains 10 elements,

a two-dimensional 10-element by 10-element array contains 100 elements,

a three-dimensional 10 by 10 by 10 element array contains 1000 elements,

a four-dimensional 10 by 10 by 10 by 10 element array contains 10000 elements, etc.


The maximum number of array dimensions in EasyLanguage is 9.


Each element in an array is referenced by one or more index numbers, one for each of the dimensions. Indexing starts at 0 for each of the dimensions.


Dynamic arrays (arrays with an unlimited number of elements) are one-dimensional, and are initialized at declaration as having only one element. Declared dynamic arrays can be resized using Array_SetMaxIndex.


Elements can be manipulated individually or as a group, in all or part of an array.




<IntraBarPersist>ArrayName2[D1,D2,D3,etc.](InitialValue2<,DataN>), etc...


Parameters inside the angled brackets are optional



IntraBarPersist - an optional parameter; specifies that the value of the array elements is to be updated on every tick

If this parameter is not specified, the value will be updated at the close of each bar.


ArrayName - an expression specifying the array name

The name can consist of letters, underscore characters, numbers, and periods. The name cannot begin with a number or a period and is not case-sensitive.



D - a numerical expression specifying the array size in elements, starting at 0, for each of the dimensions;

a single expression specifies a one-dimensional array,

two expressions specify a two-dimensional (D1 by D2) array,

three expressions specify a three-dimensional (D1 by D2 by D3) array, etc.

A dynamic array, with an unlimited number of elements, is specified by the empty square brackets: [] and will be a one-dimensional array.


InitialValue - an expression, specifying the initial value and defining the data type for all of the elements in the array

The value can be a numerical, string, or true/false expression; the type of the expression defines the data type.


DataN - an optional parameter; specifies the Data Number of the data series the array is to be tied to

If this parameter is not specified, the array will be tied to the default data series.



Declare Length and SFactor as 9-element one-dimensional numerical arrays with data elements' initial values of 0:







Declare Max_Price as a 24-element by 60-element two-dimensional numerical array, updated on every tick, tied to the series with Data #2, and with data elements' initial values equal to the value of Close function:


Array:IntraBarPersist Max_Price[23,59](Close,Data2);



Declare Highs2 as a dynamic numerical array with data elements' initial values of 0:








source: EasyLanguage manual

Edited by Tams

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Here you go:





Courtesy of Tradestation: http://www.tradestation.com


The Array concept it is actually very simple.

The attempt of this page is to demystify the concept with simple examples. Please feel free to edit as well as to add alternate methods to clarify the content


Think of an array as an Excel spreadsheet, where you have rows and columns.

It is from this approach that the following examples are designed.


* One Dimensional Arrays

* Multi Dimensional Arrays

* Populating Arrays

* Shuffling Array Data

* Sort new field into Array - soon



Incrementing : For Counter = 1 to Array_Size begin... end;

Decrementing : For Counter = Array_Size DownTo 1 begin... end;

One Dimensional ARRAYS


With one dimensional arrays you get one column with X number of rows to query.


Array: myArray [10] (0);


* the [10] defines one column with 10 rows (not to confuse but a 0 row is actually available too to make 11 )

* (0) = Numeric Data

* (Text) = would = String Data could be entered.



Multi-Dimensional Arrays


Multi-Dimensional arrays enable you to store vast amounts of data more similar to a spreadsheet, thus you could add a specific series of data per bar or per condition to back reference for compare.



More standard is the two dimensioned array, but since you can do more a warning must be stated here in using a three dimensional array

For example 3 dimensioned arrray would be myArray[10,10,10]; You should have your reasons well in order in advanced as improper dimensioning could easy take up too much memory as well as calculations time could be increased exponentially . The conceptualization of a three dimensional Array would be a spreadsheet cell hyperlinking to another completely new spreadsheet. A better example may be a pallet of boxs 10 across, 10 high and 10 deep. It starts getting very complicated at that level.


Two Dimensional Array


Array: myArray [10,10] (0);


the [10,10] defines 10 columns with 10 rows (or not counting the 0 row, 100 field to populate with data)


* (0) = Numeric Data

* (Text) = would = String Data could be entered.



So if you ask for

Value1 = myArray*[6,7]*; then you are looking for column 6, row 7's data.



Populating Arrays


Arrays values hold from bar to bar.

An array can be populated by a hard number as in:

myArray[4] = High;


or by a Counter method that you predefine variable name is arbitrary as long as the value is not higher than the declared dimensional value.


Var: Counter(0);


Counter = Counter +1;

myArray[Counter] = High;



Shuffling Array Data


Shuffling simply moves the first row of an array to the second and so forth leaving the Arrays first row open for a new entry.

Normally this is done in one step or procedure.


Single Dimension Array Shuffle


Array: myArray [10] (0);

Var: myArraySize(10);

Var: Counter1(0);

Var: HoldRow(0), SaveValue(0);

SaveValue = Value1; {your value or caluclation you want arrayed}

For Counter1 = 1 to myArraySize begin

holdRow = myArray[Counter1]; {save the current Value of this row for the next row }

myArray[Counter1] = SaveValue; {pass the newer Value to this row}

SaveValue = holdRow; {pass the old Value of this row for the next loop}





Multi-Dimensioned Array Shuffle


The code below will shuffle a multi-dimensional array. A new row will be inserted in position 1 and roll the remaining rows back one row each.


Array: myArray [100,10] (0);

Var: myArraySize(100);

Array: Save[10](0); {used as holders for the shuffle}

Array: Hold[10](0); {used as holders for the shuffle}


Var: Z(0), X(0); {Using Single Letters as counters}



{Pass your newest set of Values to a one dimensional Array}


If condition1 then begin

{Sample Data}

Hold[1]= Date;

Hold[2]= Time;

Hold[3]= Open;

Hold[4]= High;

Hold[5]= Low;

Hold[6]= Close;

Hold[7]= UpTicks;

Hold[8]= Downticks;

Hold[9]= CurrentBar;

Hold[10]= close -close[1]0;


for Z = 1 to myArraySize begin


For X = 1 to 10 begin Save[X] = myArray [Z,X]; end; {pass Array Row to Save Array variable LOOP}


For X = 1 to 10 begin myArray [Z,X] = Hold[X]; end; {pass Hold Array variables row LOOP}


For X = 1 to 10 begin Hold[X] = Save[X]; end; {pass the SaveArray to Hold Array LOOP}


if Hold[1]= 0 then BREAK; {Get out of main LOOP if passed row /Hold Array is Empty }




Edited by Trader333

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I'm a good gal, I've made my homeworks.


Is it correct ?


count(         0 ),
count.end(   2 );

Line.ID[2](  0 ),
level[2](	0 ),
Color[2]( 0 );

Level[1] = HighD(1);
Level[2] = LowD(1);

Color[1] = blue;
Color[2] = red;

for count = 1 to count.end
Line.ID[count]  = TL_New( d , t , level[count], d, t , level[count]);
TL_SetColor(Line.ID, Color[count]);

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a little correction but the result has a lot of lines


count(         0 ),
count.end(   2 );

Line.ID[2](  0 ),
level[2](	0 ),
Color[2]( 0 );

Level[1] = HighD(1);
Level[2] = LowD(1);

Color[1] = blue;
Color[2] = red;

for count = 1 to count.end
Line.ID[count] = TL_New( d , t , level[count], d, t , level[count]);
TL_SetColor(Line.ID[count], Color[count]);
TL_SetExtRight(Line.ID[count], true );

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a little correction but the result has a lot of lines


wow... good job... you are trying hard.


maybe too hard.

I would have suggested you to start out with one array.

and you added trendline to the code as well !!!

you are taking on multiple challenges at the same time.




anyway, here's my notes:


You have the trendline starting point same as ending point...

ie. the resultant trendline will be a dot.

that's why you don't see anything unless you use the extend right option.


pls see attachment for detail.


Edited by Tams

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ThanX for your notes Mister TAMS


I like it hard ! :cool:


Starting point = ending point = OK for a day H/L




Date + time must start the day before


// Draw High and Low lines of the day before 
// version 1.0
// Author: aaa
// Date: 20090425

count(       0 ),
count.end(   2 );

Line.ID[2](  	0 ),
level[2](	0 ),
Color[2]( 	0 ),
Size[2]( 	0 ),
Style[2]( 	0 );

level[1] = HighD(1);
level[2] = LowD(1);

Color[1] = blue;
Color[2] = red ;

Size[1] = 2 ;
Size[2] = 2 ;

Style[1] = 1 ;
Style[2] = 1 ;

for count = 1 to count.end
Line.ID[count] = TL_New( d[1] , t[1] , level[count], d , t , level[count]);

TL_SetColor( Line.ID[count] , Color[count] );
TL_SetSize(  Line.ID[count] , Size[count]  );
TL_SetStyle( Line.ID[count] , Style[count] );	

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// Draw High and Low lines of the day before 
// version 1.01
// Author: aaa
// Date: 20090425

Color.High(	blue 	),
Color.low(	red 	),
Size.HL(	2   	),
Style.HL(	1 	);

count(       0 ),
count.end(   2 );

Line.ID[2](  	0 ),
level[2](	0 ),
Color[2]( 	0 ),
Size[2]( 	0 ),
Style[2]( 	0 );

level[1] = HighD(1);
level[2] = LowD(1);

Color[1] = Color.High;
Color[2] = Color.low;

Size[1] = Size.HL ;
Size[2] = Size.HL ;

Style[1] = Style.HL ;
Style[2] = Style.HL ;

for count = 1 to count.end
Line.ID[count] = TL_New( d[1] , t[1] , level[count], d , t , level[count]);

TL_SetColor( Line.ID[count] , Color[count] );
TL_SetSize(  Line.ID[count] , Size[count]  );
TL_SetStyle( Line.ID[count] , Style[count] );	

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It's a Great idea to create topics like this

Sorry, if it's not a really original indicator.... :2c:

It is only an exercice with arrays


it is fun just to plot lines here and there...

you'd never know, you might come up with a Nobel Prize winner by accident.

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I think that I am in the wrong way


I have now the yesterday HL during 2 days


The code looks complicate and if I want lines during x days it should be very long


The goal is to have the Yesterday HL during x days


Are arrays the solution ?


Is a counter a solution ?


Color.HL(	blue 	),
Size.HL(	2   	),
Style.HL(	1 	);

count(       0 ),
count.end(   4 );

Line.ID[4](  	0 ),
level[4](	0 ),
DaysAfter[4](	0 ),
TimeAfter[4](	0 ),
DaysBefore[4](0 ),
TimeBefore[4](0 );

level[1] = HighD(1);
level[2] = LowD(1);
level[3] = HighD(2);
level[4] = LowD(2);

DaysBefore[1] = d[1] ;
DaysBefore[2] = d[1] ;
DaysBefore[3] = d[2] ;
DaysBefore[4] = d[2] ;

TimeBefore[1] = t[1] ;
TimeBefore[2] = t[1] ;
TimeBefore[3] = t[2] ;
TimeBefore[4] = t[2] ;

DaysAfter[1] = d[1] ;
DaysAfter[2] = d[1] ;
DaysAfter[3] = d[2]  ;
DaysAfter[4] = d[2] ;

TimeAfter[1] = t[1]  ;
TimeAfter[2] = t[1] ;
TimeAfter[3] = t[2]  ;
TimeAfter[4] = t[2] ;

for count = 1 to count.end
Line.ID[count] = TL_New( DaysBefore[count] , TimeBefore[count] , level[count], DaysAfter[count]  , TimeAfter[count]  , level[count]);

TL_SetColor( Line.ID[count] , Color.HL);
TL_SetSize(  Line.ID[count] , Size.HL  );
TL_SetStyle( Line.ID[count] , Style.HL );	

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it is fun just to plot lines here and there...

you'd never know, you might come up with a Nobel Prize winner by accident.


Let's try the Tams Prize before ! ;)

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I think that I am in the wrong way

I have now the yesterday HL during 2 days

The code looks complicate and if I want lines during x days it should be very long

The goal is to have the Yesterday HL during x days

Are arrays the solution ?

Is a counter a solution ?



if you only need 2 lines across... array might be an overkill.

edit: let me give it some thought on the alternative... will post later.



array is useful when you are dealing with a lot of data,

and that you need to access those data in a non-sequential manner.


the Zigzag indicator is a good example where an array is used to keep track of the trendline coordinates.

Edited by Tams

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Yes I reached my limits with arrays and I don't understand zigzag


I tried "my" indicator with 10 days long


It looks interesting especially scalping in 1 mn : the price stops always for a short break at highest last 1, 2 3 or more past days (cf picture below)


If you have time Could you make a correct code ?


Here is my terrible one


It works but slows down dramatically the software


Also the style is off


Days.Nbr(	2 	),
Color.HL(	blue 	),
Size.HL(	2   	),
Style.HL(	1 	);

count(       0 ),
count.end(   Days.Nbr * 2 );

Line.ID[20](  0 ),
level[20](	0 ),
DaysAfter[20](0 ),
TimeAfter[20](0 ),
DaysBefore[20](0 ),
TimeBefore[20](0 );

level[1] = HighD(1);
level[2] = LowD(1);
level[3] = HighD(2);
level[4] = LowD(2);
level[5] = HighD(3);
level[6] = LowD(3);
level[7] = HighD(4);
level[8] = LowD(4);
level[9] = HighD(5);
level[10] = LowD(5);
level[11] = HighD(6);
level[12] = LowD(6);
level[13] = HighD(7);
level[14] = LowD(7);
level[15] = HighD(8);
level[16] = LowD(8);
level[17] = HighD(9);
level[18] = LowD(9);
level[19] = HighD(10);
level[20] = LowD(10);

DaysBefore[1] = d[1] ;
DaysBefore[2] = d[1] ;
DaysBefore[3] = d[2] ;
DaysBefore[4] = d[2] ;
DaysBefore[5] = d[3] ;
DaysBefore[6] = d[3] ;
DaysBefore[7] = d[4] ;
DaysBefore[8] = d[4] ;
DaysBefore[9] = d[5] ;
DaysBefore[10] = d[5] ;
DaysBefore[11] = d[6] ;
DaysBefore[12] = d[6] ;
DaysBefore[13] = d[7] ;
DaysBefore[14] = d[7] ;
DaysBefore[15] = d[8] ;
DaysBefore[16] = d[8] ;
DaysBefore[17] = d[9] ;
DaysBefore[18] = d[9] ;
DaysBefore[19] = d[10] ;
DaysBefore[20] = d[10] ;

TimeBefore[1] = t[1] ;
TimeBefore[2] = t[1] ;
TimeBefore[3] = t[2] ;
TimeBefore[4] = t[2] ;
TimeBefore[5] = t[3] ;
TimeBefore[6] = t[3] ;
TimeBefore[7] = t[4] ;
TimeBefore[8] = t[4] ;
TimeBefore[9] = t[5] ;
TimeBefore[10] = t[5] ;
TimeBefore[11] = t[6] ;
TimeBefore[12] = t[6] ;
TimeBefore[13] = t[7] ;
TimeBefore[14] = t[7] ;
TimeBefore[15] = t[8] ;
TimeBefore[16] = t[8] ;
TimeBefore[17] = t[9] ;
TimeBefore[18] = t[9] ;
TimeBefore[19] = t[10] ;
TimeBefore[20] = t[10] ;

DaysAfter[1] = d[1] ;
DaysAfter[2] = d[1] ;
DaysAfter[3] = d[2] ;
DaysAfter[4] = d[2] ;
DaysAfter[5] = d[3] ;
DaysAfter[6] = d[3] ;
DaysAfter[7] = d[4] ;
DaysAfter[8] = d[4] ;
DaysAfter[9] = d[5] ;
DaysAfter[10] = d[5] ;
DaysAfter[11] = d[6] ;
DaysAfter[12] = d[6] ;
DaysAfter[13] = d[7] ;
DaysAfter[14] = d[7] ;
DaysAfter[15] = d[8] ;
DaysAfter[16] = d[8] ;
DaysAfter[17] = d[9] ;
DaysAfter[18] = d[9] ;
DaysAfter[19] = d[10] ;
DaysAfter[20] = d[10] ;

TimeAfter[1] = t[1] ;
TimeAfter[2] = t[1] ;
TimeAfter[3] = t[2] ;
TimeAfter[4] = t[2] ;
TimeAfter[5] = t[3] ;
TimeAfter[6] = t[3] ;
TimeAfter[7] = t[4] ;
TimeAfter[8] = t[4] ;
TimeAfter[9] = t[5] ;
TimeAfter[10] = t[5] ;
TimeAfter[11] = t[6] ;
TimeAfter[12] = t[6] ;
TimeAfter[13] = t[7] ;
TimeAfter[14] = t[7] ;
TimeAfter[15] = t[8] ;
TimeAfter[16] = t[8] ;
TimeAfter[17] = t[9] ;
TimeAfter[18] = t[9] ;
TimeAfter[19] = t[10] ;
TimeAfter[20] = t[10] ;

for count = 1 to count.end
Line.ID[count] = TL_New( DaysBefore[count] , TimeBefore[count] , level[count], DaysAfter[count]  , TimeAfter[count]  , level[count]);

TL_SetColor( Line.ID[count] , Color.HL);
TL_SetSize(  Line.ID[count] , Size.HL  );
//	TL_SetStyle( Line.ID[count] , Style.HL );	


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Yes I reached my limits with arrays and I don't understand zigzag

I tried "my" indicator with 10 days long

It looks interesting especially scalping in 1 mn : the price stops always for a short break at highest last 1, 2 3 or more past days (cf picture below)

If you have time Could you make a correct code ?

Here is my terrible one

It works but slows down dramatically the software

Also the style is off



I have posted a sample code at the Trendline thread:



I posted it over there because the code does not use array.

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Yes I reached my limits with arrays and I don't understand zigzag

I tried "my" indicator with 10 days long

It looks interesting especially scalping in 1 mn : the price stops always for a short break at highest last 1, 2 3 or more past days (cf picture below)

If you have time Could you make a correct code ?

Here is my terrible one


It works but slows down dramatically the software


Also the style is off




that's because there is an error in coding:

the code is adding a NEW trendline at every bar.

the dotted line you see is not a dotted line...

each dot is actually a trendline; if you click on the dot, you can drag the dot out and see the trendline.

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Array Keywords















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i am a little bit out of this thread, but i'd like also make a comparison

about array in easylanguage and ninjatrader.

It would it be possible to explain how array works in c# and how to conver an array from easylanguage to c#?


For Ninjatrader/C# you might look here:


Arrays (C# Programming Guide)






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Array Keywords

















Great Thread for newbie to ARRAY like me.........very useful......many Thanks!!!


Now I've some questions about arrays:

1) is it possible to make an array of arrays ?

For example an array made of 2 unlimited dimension array ?

FirstArray[ ] (0);

SecondArray[ ] (0);

MyFinalarray[FirstArray, SecondArray](0);


2) I know that an array could be a numeric array [ (0) ] or a string array [ (text) ] or a True/false array, but waht does it mean if I find an array like this:

MyArray [10] (-1);


Thanks for you contribution on this study about array.


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Great Thread for newbie to ARRAY like me.........very useful......many Thanks!!!


Now I've some questions about arrays:

1) is it possible to make an array of arrays ?



are you talking about a 3 dimensional array?

Yes, you can build it with multiple arrays,

but no, it is not part of the EasyLanguage repertoire.




2) I know that an array could be a numeric array [ (0) ] or a string array [ (text) ] or a True/false array, but waht does it mean if I find an array like this:

MyArray [10] (-1);


Thanks for you contribution on this study about array.




initialize the array to the value of -1.

read post #1, example included.



Edited by Tams

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are you talking about a 3 dimensional array?

Yes, you can build it with multiple arrays,

but no, it is not part of the EasyLanguage repertoire.

No, I don't think that waht I want to build is a 3 dimensional array.

I'm trying to build a Volume profile so it's a 2 dimensional array.

First dimension unlimited and unknown is the range of each day (High of the day - Low of the day) * price scale (or tick scale as you want)


Second dimensional array the volume of each level price (unknown )


So the final array is an array of the 2 first arrays each one unlimited.

The final array I think is a 2 dimensional array.

Is it possible ???

Or I must use ADE and maps collections ?


Thanks again


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Yesterday, the stock rose by 2.47% but remains significantly lower than its all-time high of $197. Currently analysts believe the earnings data will either be similar to the previous quarter or slightly lower. If earnings and revenue read higher, the stock is likely to continue rising. The stock is the 22nd most influential stock for the Dow Jones and will only influence the USA30 and USA500, not the USA100. Currently, technical analysis continues to indicate a strong price sentiment. The price trades above the 75-bar EMA and above the VWAP. In addition to this, the RSI is trading at 68.11 which also signals buyers are controlling the market. The only concern for traders is retracements. A weaker retracement could decline to $38,703, whereas a stronger retracement can fall back to $38,571. Always trade with strict risk management. Your capital is the single most important aspect of your trading business. Please note that times displayed based on local time zone and are from time of writing this report. Click HERE to access the full HFM Economic calendar. Want to learn to trade and analyse the markets? Join our webinars and get analysis and trading ideas combined with better understanding on how markets work. Click HERE to register for FREE! Click HERE to READ more Market news. Michalis Efthymiou Market Analyst HFMarkets Disclaimer: This material is provided as a general marketing communication for information purposes only and does not constitute an independent investment research. Nothing in this communication contains, or should be considered as containing, an investment advice or an investment recommendation or a solicitation for the purpose of buying or selling of any financial instrument. All information provided is gathered from reputable sources and any information containing an indication of past performance is not a guarantee or reliable indicator of future performance. 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