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Everything posted by MC

  1. This could easily be proven as legit. Let's see some proof of your live trade on the GUARANTEE and settle this. That would settle the issue real quick and maybe produce true envy. I normally don't say anything but the sheer amount of arrogance made it hard for me to bite my tongue. I posted as diplomatic as I could. :\ Edit--- As a mod I should probably step in...but you created the drama so I'll pop the popcorn for a bit and then go into cleanup mode. LOL
  2. LOL...I'm hoping this was sarcasm. I didn't intend to offend you, I just have a hard time with any "guarantee" in the market. There was no emoticon in your post to show any hint of that being a figure of speech or what not. I guess now we should be mind readers as well? J/K :o There is no envy on my part...look at my charts, I've been calling it short as well. I don't need luck, just need to develop my emotions to trade in the "zone". Thanks for the wish of luck though. Good luck to you as well.
  3. I respect your trading skills...but to GUARANTEE anything in the market is too balsy for me. I was VERY confident we would drop off...in fact almost had no doubt about it, but as they say "anything can happen".
  4. Does anyone on here use Think or swim and have any of the great indicators coded like we have for Tradestation. I would be interested in VWAP and 3bar trend mainly. Also maybe a value chart, ttm trend, ttm scalper alert. I don't know that it would be an option but a volume by price/price histogram. Thanks guys
  5. Nice work James. I had someone tell me old charts are useless even from only a few years back even. I just LOL'ed in their face. Unless you had a bear market that wiped the slate clean and caused near all market participants to sell and reset I would look at all trend and support lines as valid. I even go back further like you do, that long term support turned resistance test is a great chart. So this AM we finally got our drop, ahead of the 13k most were predicting and despite Cramer saying "go all in" or whatever that douche said. On this drop I'm looking for a lower volume test of support OR maybe the lows though I don't think they want to let it get that far again. Then I think my prediction from mid January will start to take place and we build up to probably test 14k and beyond. I'm no pro or psychic so I won't take trades with a bias, it's just for fun.
  6. Good stuff...I've been looking at Investor RT, nice to see we have people with programming skills on here. Might make my decision easier.
  7. Nice analysis James...I agree with the overall sentiment, we just see the path slightly different. Starting on the 24th I see some selling at tops and drifts up on low volume so this is why I think we may pullback prior to the 13k level but time will tell. Either way, this was my first bearish period in the market and it's funny to see how people shift to bull mode way too late and even still many are doom and gloom. You can tell who the real contenders in the market are/will be by how they handle the news and refuse to get sucked into the drama. :o
  8. I used DIA so I can get the volume in there, for some reason with a TOS prophet chart on the DJI I can't get volume even for daily. :\ This looks like a nice spot for a short...JMHO. We have heavy resistance and the volume has dried up on the rally, we probably need new buyers/fresh volume to break that resistance. Also on the fibs we are in the ambush zone and close enough to the 50% level that I see good risk to reward using that 50% as the stop trigger. I'm curious on your view of where we are on risk/reward and what you're looking for now. This site has the best traders and up and comers, I value all the opinions on here.
  9. MC


    No hot water...just being cautious since we've had our fair share of spam and issues prior. I didn't see anything wrong with the post, in fact I'm curious about some of the methods used now. Does the T in T-wave stand for Trout? J/K
  10. If you traded your plan then who cares of the outcome. One trade won't define your net profitability over time...though I'm sure you know this already. Get ready to take some money from Cramer viewers, I guess he said it's time to go "all in" on the market. :\ The short side has an appeal to me, I don't believe they could have V bottomed that sharp a drop and stopped the fear regardless of how much the big boys threw in to support the market. We need a W bottom at least IMO. 13,000-13,300 range could prove formidable and need some more basing to break that also...assuming somehow we don't break down to test the lows. I'd love to see some divergence down low to back my overall mid term bullish view. Good luck fellas
  11. Well besides the "you get what you pay for" lecture which I'll skip... How many watts are you drawing and how long of a runtime were you looking for? If you cant answer those 2 questions you haven't done enough homework. I get these questions at work all day and often the customer wants a $100 ups but it just wont support the power draw or give them the runtime needed. In power budget often comes secondary because it's an all or nothing proposition. Also when you cut back the price that far you'll lose the true voltage regulation which IMO is the best feature. If you've ever seen the readings that come out of the wall you'd see 120v is not always delivered, power dips and pops can cause all sorts of issues with your computer. http://www.apc.com/products/runtime_for_extendedruntime.cfm?upsfamily=21 Here is a cheaper series...look at the wimpy runtimes here. The BE750BB comes in at $99 retail but at 400 watts gives only 7 minutes runtime. I would think you'll draw more than 400 watts, 450 watts is it's max which would overload this model and render it useless. http://www.apc.com/products/runtime_for_extendedruntime.cfm?upsfamily=23 Here's a runtime chart for the RS series I suggest. Get your wattage and run down the column. You might be able to skimp and get like a 1200va but why bother...1500 is the max you can get from the wall and I say might as well do it right the first time. You'll have breathing room to put the modem and router if you have one and keep them up too. Cause if the internet is down who cares if the computer is running right? I would say treat this like your data feed or platform, don't skimp at the risk of quality. This is for your trading computer right? One other thing...the bx series is cheaper and they are sold in like sams club for example. That series has no ethernet surge protection which is DUMB. Spend the lute and get that feature, my brothers whole computer was fried on a lightning spike ... through the ethernet/network cable. You can get enough current through any one of your cables to fry the whole thing. http://www.pcnation.com/web/details.asp?affid=305&item=M22044 heres the br1500lcd...it adds a nice lil screen to monitor battery conditions etc...$192 with free 3 day shipping. http://www.pcnation.com/web/details.asp?affid=305&item=857639 $214 for the one without the lcd...a lil more streamlined though. With 865 watts capacity and the lcd...I'd go with the br1500lcd. Protecting your computer equipment and possibly your equity if your trading computer stays up long enough to get you out of a trade in power failures...thats what Mastercard would call "priceless".
  12. I stand by the APC BR1500 or BX1500 as a solid workstation UPS. 2 factors to look at with a ups is how many watts your are drawing with the gear plugged into the ups. Then the 2nd is how much uptime you need when the power fails. I went over this in the other thread...the average pc is 400-500 watts. Add a monitor or any other device plugged in and total it up. You want at least 10 minutes runtime for a solid shutdown. The BR1500 does voltage regulation which is a great feature to have to be sure your gear gets a clean consistent signal. This is one of the skillsets I run at work and configure small time stuff like this all the way up to $100k UPS solutions for datacenters. If you need input on this let me know. Ok heres a sample of useless info I know from work... The bx1500 is a retail series, the br1500 is more a distribution channel series. The BR model does FULL voltage regulation (buck and boost), the BX does partial voltage regulation. The BR model has phone AND ethernet surge connections, the BX has phone only.
  13. I still think you're mixing up UPS and PSU. You're computer won't power up without a PSU. An optional add on for power protection is a UPS.
  14. Nice...when I move back to being ready for leverage Infinity is gonna be my broker of choice. Relative to TS...trading shares on horseback would be better execution that TS at times.
  15. Who did you end up with? I got my check from TS Saturday and am so glad to be done with them as a broker. Now I'm resting a bit and will probably go with Think or Swim.
  16. "Our nice rally was killed by the Ackerman release of a letter showing the bond insurers having more exposure than previously stated." This is what I heard from another site. No source was given though.
  17. This is a valid statement. News is used to sucker people into or out of shares plain and simple IMO. Even if we agree the news is valid, by the time it hits presses and airwaves you've lost the edge. News at fever pitch means get ready for a fade opportunity as I see it. JMHO
  18. MC


    I never stated that rules were broken or that you were in fact spamming. This is why I haven't touched the thread from a moderation standpoint. I won't discriminate on post count alone, and though limited I see nothing in your prior posts to lead me to believe you have any negative intentions. :thumbs up:
  19. MC


    You've been a member with them for years but not with us here...that's the reason concern was expressed. Let's keep it clean.
  20. Impressive as always James. If you was in Tokyo I'd be seeking you out for a mentorship. I really like that new setup of yours too...what is the total monthly cost for your data and platform If I could ask. I think I'm going with Think or swim for my broker at this point since I know I'm not ready for the leverage due to discipline and equity. I do intend to branch out in the next 3-6 months and get back into futures with an additional broker so I can take advantage of market profile and the leverage. The issue I have is there are so many data vendors and platforms with all mixed fees. It's like they make it confusing on purpose. :o Thanks again
  21. Too bad I'm not a people person...I could make a crapload doing private computer consultant work. I work in the industry but on the phone for reseller support...so I can make faces and flip off the customer. LOL
  22. MC

    PC Power?

    You need to connect all your drives inside to the power supply, connect the power supply to the motherboard (usually 2 maybe 3 connectors nowadays) and then plug the cord into the wall...its simple. Most the cords on the inside you won't need.
  23. http://neosmart.net/blog/2006/vistas-hideous-wakeup-support/ Try these patches and see if it helps any. Also go to the computers vendor site and look to see if there are any driver updates for the notebook...bios or firmware especially.
  24. You can order a restore dvd. I did so for my HP laptop just to have, but I also had 3 copies of Vista ultimate from quizzes at work (about the only perk to my job...LOL). So if I were to use the HP restore it will put all the software back on like when I first opened the box. I used the microsoft disc so I had no added crap. Short of buying a full vista you have to install the added crap.
  25. MC

    PC Power?

    Power supply and UPS are 2 different things. Power supply as typically used is the device used to supply power to your computer from the wall. It's an internal component of your computer. A UPS is a battery backup to give you runtime in the event of power failure. The BR1500 I mentioned is a UPS not a "power supply". This is external and is an added option.
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