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Everything posted by MC

  1. I annotated this back a bit ago... Currently... UA is still looking strong against the broad market. $37-38 would be a good target entry with a tight stop loss. Let's see if it pulls back that far or decides to rally without any new holders.
  2. I just did my taxes... Net lifetime loss in the market is about -$1,300 over the last 14 months. Commission for all trades was $1,100ish. Tradestation net slippage was -$300. 401k shifting from my knowledge was +10% or more. So barring commission and slippage I actually would be literally in profit. I know that's not realistic and commission is the cost of doing business but still interesting none the less. The 401k shift and capital loss tax write offs saved me some sexy money so my net experience in 14 months is green as far as I'm concerned. This year will be my 1st profitable year, I have no doubts on this as the only past limitation was my mind. I have been on FIRE with my demo account (yes I've always said it's nothing like live). Short term scalp/daytrades on the YM this week have been $500-800 a day. I feel like I owe this change to "trading in the zone". I'm going to read it a 2nd time and then fund a futures account to try my edge again with my more solidified discipline thanks to the book. YTD the paper account is up $3906 net, playing within reason for my equity level. All comes down to showing the same discipline and execution when live. $4585 gross before $679 commissions. Added------ Something just clicked even further when I re-read this back to myself. I did very well on the 401k shift, not perfect but a true profitable trader is NOT looking for perfection in relation to gains. If you're chasing perfection in gains instead of perfect execution of your system you're set for failure and are being un-realistic. You will NEVER know for certain what's next in the market, and to think you will is going to lead to mistakes and losses. Couple the above with the fact I was "trading" (more less) with an account I have no concern over. It's 401k and since it's gone from my check I don't even look at it as my money. When I removed the fear of risk, as I do with the paper account it was effortless and quite profitable. Going forward I will fully embrace the risk of testing out the unique market moment and simply pony up the stop as a token of my willingness to try the edge which I know has net profitable expectations. It's all been clear from very early on but in typing this over and over on boards it's starting to seep into my subconscious mind. This is where traders succeed or fail, the back of the dome, NOT what you know to be true but cannot act upon. The way we were brought up conditions us to have involuntary reactions that sabotage us in a trading endeavor.
  3. MC

    Overlaying Charts?

    OK OK...I am blown away. Please stop, I can't take anymore. Insane capabilities. I cannot wait to get back in gear and trade with this platform.
  4. http://www.jamphat.com/rap/ WOW...ROFL!!! If you guys know any rap lyrics and want to see them converted to charts/graphs check this out. There is vulgarity so maybe not work safe, but it's rap...it's not meant to be clean. :o
  5. MC

    Overlaying Charts?

    Does the delta only work on live data. Or can you for example pull up a daily 1 year $dji chart and analyze that volume breakdown as well? If you can do the latter, could you guys post chart of the DJI daily 1 year. I was hoping to not spend so much but InvestorRT is really looking so flexible it will make TS cry. And with being able to pick my own data vendor I'm not stuck with TS and their issues. You're almost leaving me no choice here. Thanks
  6. WOW. Something must have happened here. Nobody got wind of his reasoning? If he is in fact KPCurrency, which with the same sig line I would have to say it is. Can't the charts that went missing be found there and brought back if people so desire. Now as good as his charts and contributions were, we have the talent to make up for what we lost. I say maybe we should respect his wishes though I'd love to here why he did this to IMO the best trading community on the web.:\
  7. LMAO! I don't have a politician brother to alter the polls and I'm not a politician, ahhhh what the hell I'm screwed. Maybe make a 3rd option for "I'm wishy washy and will click on both if allowed". Wait...so I am a politician then. Damn those PC answers I give. :o
  8. I dunno if votes can be changed but I would switch mine up. Sucks I voted before typing my thoughts and delving in. Make it 5 to site and 3 to poster.
  9. I voted the poster owns the work. Its tough though because he annotated and did his thing, then he posts it on public space which James hosts and pays for. It's sad because as others have said, this whole scenario goes against what TL stands for. I actually want to re-vote or at least say this...there is no law stopping those of you that saved the charts as claiming them as your own if push comes to shove. I really am wanting to know why he did that and what the hell going on. When you put something on cyberspace I feel you relinquish all rights to that content as it can end up anywhere in any hands. If you don't want others to have the work...don't ever post it publicly.
  10. Steps to becoming a profitable trader... 1) Read "trading in the zone" and "trade your way to financial freedom" to get your mind looking at the market correctly. It's gotta be looked at as a probability game if you intend to have long term profit. These books will drill that into your head. 2) Start to paper trade to find your "edge" and remember to keep it simple. If you don't know...your edge is your system that tilts the odds in your favor. 3) Okay, so now you have your edge. Now back test over many months and years of data to see if your edge proves out. This will build up your confidence in your edge assuming it will be a profitable one. 4) Forward test (paper trade) the edge on live market data on a simulator for a short time. (Ideally one that mimics fills like OEC or Ninja) Don't spend forever here, spend the time on the back testing. This step is more to cement your belief in your edge and look for inconsistencies between back testing and live data. Sometimes indicators in realtime give headfakes you don't see on backtesting so watch out for that kind of stuff. This will build even more confidence in your edge if it will indeed be profitable. 5) If you get to this step, you're mind should be ready, your edge is proven profitable and you are very confident in its statistical probability of profit. Get in there with your money and trade what you see not what you feel. You know from the books you will have to be wrong which should cause you no pain because the market can do ANYTHING at ANYTIME and you fully embrace the risk to see if your edge will pay off in this unique moment in time. You're mind is now ready to trade effortlessly. You know you have proven in back and forward testing your edge is net profitable and has statistical relevance in terms of probabilities. You only have left to take the big leap of faith. Put your money where your mouth is and EXECUTE. Hope it helps...It sounds easy because the market should be easy. We in our minds make it difficult through using emotional energy stored in our brains. I'm telling you guys...read "trading in the zone". 8)
  11. Both are missed very much. Hope we get them back wide eyed and bushy tailed or however that expression goes.
  12. Well I was the mod that botched Walt's thread for which I apologized profusely. I still hesitate and look twice before I mod anything. They suck, but accidents do happen unfortunately. Unless you report a post there is no global email that goes to the mods. And honestly with an issue this large and time sensitive Soultrader would be who we would PM. If this ever arises again you would probably be best to PM Soultrader directly and explain the situation to get a jump start rather than wait for a mod to see your thread. I can assure you it was not because mod's didn't care...I'm pretty bummed because I used this thread to learn VSA. I didn't see your thread, if you need attention to an issue don't hesitate to make a post and report it...that will get a global email out to the mod of that category. I'm hoping these can be recovered. I understand your frusteration but please, lets be fair to the mods here.
  13. I don't mean to sound ungratefull and I appreciate the offer but... We are now over an hour late on the start. No audio except via a toll call in number is not going to fly with todays technology available. I did oddly get several stock spam emails unlike my typical ones a few hours after I registered. I'm not saying the presenter did this but maybe he has a virus or something that got our addresses? The reality is the best of info is often going to fall on deaf ears if the presentation is botched. I have no doubt the info is valueable but frusteration will cause many to just leave the training. I'm still in there hoping to at least capture the presentation video. Added----- I am near giving up also...I can't look at this much longer. To think I almost called in sick to work to watch this.
  14. I'm in there as well...no audio yet. Is anyone going to record this for the premium members that couldn't make it or in my case that will be watching but with no audio since I'm at work. I'd appreciate it if someone could even record audio only, I'm capturing the video and I can interleave it later.
  15. I filled out the form but lost the newsletter email. Could someone forward that to me and let me know what else I need to do? Thanks
  16. That's the right way to look at it...not natural for some of us though I guess. I'll be continuing my path and won't give up till I become consistant and net positive.
  17. They do have custom coding...I'm no good at coding so I would have to beg or pay someone to do the dirty work if it's not easily ported over. I believe they are talking of backtesting soon being added, though I don't use them yet so I can't confirm that.
  18. Bump. Anybody using TOS even?
  19. I take stop losses no questions asked and embrace the downside risk. It's the upside risk I have the issues with, again I think due to the need to be right. I've always been a paradox or contradiction, how can I accept being wrong on the downside but not on the upside? LOL I agree...you're right on, I need to look at the pluses of being on the right side of the trade not the fear of letting a trailed stop get hit. I mean how can you screw up a trade that's in the green right. As is common with the market and that damn "revolving door", when I'd get the balls to let it run that was always the one that had a big pop and then the trailer was too loose for the range of the pop. I'd give up too much and kick myself for leaving so much on the table. Then the others my stop was too tight on the initial entry to let the trade breathe at all and BOOM, I'm stopped out to the tick low of the swing. Anyways, enough ramblings from me...thanks again for the insight and help.
  20. I would like to attend. I wonder if the newsletter got put in my spam mailbox. hrmmm Could that be re-sent
  21. Thanks for the feedback. I don't really think its will power, I think they have re-conditioned their minds (sub-conscious) to not let their judgment be clouded. I think they do this via repetition of their edge and building the trust in their edge. I believe I have will power at least equal to, if not beyond most average people and good impulse control in near everything in life but the market for now. I'm just over a year in, and over half of that was with a "mentor" that was NOT good for me. He had me looking at all indicators and looking for the holy grail as he himself was not really a mentor. Learning the bases from a discretionary trader was a bad thing for me, but I'm making up for lost time now. I sell early from fear more than greed. I feed the ego not the equity level. My sub-conscious likes to feel the win more than the payoff financially. I don't like that and will change that this year. My 2 goals for 2008 are... 1) Define my edge further and trade it consistently. which will lead to goal 2... 2) Become a net profitable trader.
  22. LOL proof is always welcomed but not needed...I know who I believe and who I don't. You know I was joking but thanks for the screen shot, I envy that and someday soon I hope to have a few of those captures myself.
  23. LOL proof is always welcomed but not needed...I know who I believe and who I don't. You know I was joking but thanks for the screen shot, I envy that and someday soon I hope to have a few of those captures myself.
  24. Sure they are...prove it. J/K :o Nice trade James.
  25. MC

    Futures Journal Log

    Guess I better sub to this as well...I like fireworks. The arrogance in this thread is blinding. No successful trader would boast and rant about their predictions like you do. The profitable trader takes each trade knowing they could be wrong but they've stacked the laws of probability in their favor and accept the risk. You are a gunslinger (assuming you trade live) and will be blown out just as fast as you bang out these bragging posts. Added--- Question, why do you (the OP) feel the desire to post where your log and info is not valued? Is there some need and desire for attention from a web community? This is the definition of a troll and I just don't see why you bother posting here with your arrogant posts. You're intent is clearly to instigate and you bring nothing productive to the table. It's just as easy, if not easier to keep a log in wordpad. But that won't fill you true desires will it now?
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