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    Boca Raton
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    United States
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  1. i knew it was going to be something unbelievably simple... thanks for your help! little light on volume at this hour... but i'm sure that was it! thanks to both torero and biegea!!!
  2. Build 1355 (8.3) had to upgrade... was having a few issues with my version of 8.2... it must be counting contracts instead of ticks?
  3. is anyone else having issues with this indicator? i have it running on a 233 tick chart... and it starts counting down from 233 at the beginning of each candle... but by the time the candle closes it is reading anywhere from -300 to -700... never the same... thanks in advance...
  4. 50% Peruvian... 50% European Mutt
  5. hey torero... got a magnetic whiteboard thinking i would just magnet papers & notes to it as nosast has behind his screens... started writing notes on it... now i wouldn't want to trade without one! Happyguy... i move around a lot... so i trade with two laptops... that way all i need to do is leave extra screens at my different trading locations... you can definitely can get a much better system for the money with destops...
  6. i don't like the idea of loading up the machines with more background programs but the clipboard sharing would be VERY nice! pretty cool... on the other hand, i think i NEED to keep my computers on separate keyboards to avoid confusion... I like having my "hot" keyboard separate from my explore/research keyboard...
  7. The TIKI Bobble Head on far left provides me with all my great trading ideas...
  8. I'll take on your exotics any day...
  9. thanks for all your help guys... i'll check them out... have a great weekend!
  10. thanks Blu-Ray... I'll check it out...
  11. hey walter... actually no, i don't want a timer... i would like the actual time with hour, minute, & SECONDS shown on the main chart... even simpler would be to just find a way to have windows xp show me the seconds on the task bar, but i haven't been able to find a way without always having the clock/date properties window open... thanks for your help...
  12. Hello All... I'm looking for the least CPU-draining way to post a clock with seconds on a chart... i've seen a couple of add-ons from years back in the Tradestation forum but thought I'd ask you guys first... Thanks in Advance!
  13. Does anyone play the morning Gap on a Rollover day? 3/7 to 3/8 gap is different on today's TS charts than it was yesterday... so which gap is "correct" to play?
  14. I know I can't be the first to ask this.... but I can't seem to find it anywhere else... what are the platform and clearing fees for Infinity AT? Thanks in advance...
  15. Hello all... I stumbled onto Trader's Laboratory while performing some kind of Google search and approached it with the same skepticism that I exhibit toward all unchartered financial websites. I must say I have been very pleasantly surprised with the world of useful information in here! Well done... I will definitely stay for a while! I am originally a Michigander with a science (biology & chemistry) and business (small business management) background that for whatever reason, has created a personality that enjoys endless hours of staring at charts searching for trading opportunities. I have been involved in the stock market as a hobby for approximately 6 years... two of which were spent concentrating on fundamentals (my father's trading style). I observed time and time again that there was something missing in fundamental research (watched "great" companies tank just as fast as the rest of the market) and realized that fundamental analysis just didn't capture my full interest. By that time, I had read a small library of trading books and began to investigate the technical analysis sections that I was skimming over beforehand. I also began trading with Realtick and was immediately was sucked into the amount of information that was available to the home trader. After a three year break from the markets for personal reasons, I couldn't wait to get back involved in trading. Today I use Tradestation 8.2 and so far it feels like O.J.'s leather glove... I KNOW it fits, I just need to relax my hand and slip it on like it's been there a thousand times. I a nomad at heart trapped here in southeast Florida for the winter and will hopefully be back in Sausalito for the summer (my home for the past three years... I love the bay area). I am happiest when traveling which is definitely one of the big reasons that I am attracted to trading. And I definitely agree with Soultrader... if I had a yacht, I be traveling the world and trading from the flybridge! I will be in NYC for the Trader's Expo in February so if there are any Laboratory members that would like to meet in NYC from February 8-22, please let me know. I'm always open to discussing the markets, trading ideas, strategies, good books, or just places we'd rather be trading! At the same time, I'm located in southeast Florida for now and always up for meeting fellow traders and throwing ideas around... send me an email if you're going to be in the area! Best of trading to all of you, Peter
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