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Everything posted by MightyMouse

  1. Most things in life that are free are not worth it. How much does paid access cost?
  2. Up until the explosion it looks like he was have a relatively good day.
  3. Cohen Gets Subpoena in SAC Capital Trading Inquiry - NYTimes.com Even Madoff was legitimate for a time if even for a fleeting moment. I suppose too that SAC was legitimate for a period. Likely, a longer period of time than Madoff. But, then the need for yield, the lure of easy money, and uncontrolled pride came together and formed the perfect storm. I know I am convicting him prematurely, but when SAC and RICO are in the same article, it is not good. Rico is generally used with criminal organizations.
  4. Taking medication when you are not sick is bad for you. Those who are addicted to drugs, sex, gambling, tobacco, or food are self medicating because they are in pain. Mental pain.The pain is different for all those who engage in self medication. It could be as simple as being at a party and being nervous about fitting in or being accepted and grabbing a drink to loosen up or lighting a cigarette to relieve stress. I know plenty traders, successful business people, physicians, etc who are closet alcoholics, drug addicts and are good at their chosen field. I don't see trading necessarily fitting into the same category as the aforementioned vices. If someone is, perhaps, unable to stop trading in the same way as a compulsive gambler who can't stop gambling until he is broke, then I would suggest that there are unresolved issues that should be addressed. Trading, then, should be stopped immediately since at that point it is gambling and not trading.
  5. Be patient. Put your money into interest bearing accounts until you have more. At the same time learn a few things so that you don't have to come to a website and ask strangers about what to do with your money.
  6. Yes, new buying will provide pavement for a smooth ride down to sub $1200.
  7. Yes. Basically mean reversion. Draw your own conclusions.
  8. Refco is white collar crime. Not really trader or investor manipulation, but it is unethical nonetheless.
  9. The Hunt brothers attempt to corner the Silver market. Various other historical commoditites events where traders/? cornered wheat or corn and forced short sellers to buy back at incredibly high prices. December Crude in 2008 ( I believe it was December crude) went up 30 dollars a barrel in one day on expiration day since a hedge was short and needed to cover. The squeezed the last drip of shit for his ass. Enron traders manipulated the price of power in California, forcing rolling blackouts to occur and California had to pay dearly for power. One event where a hedgefund bought enough shares of a stock to thwart a takeover bid, while at the same time they had a monster put position on the stock and made out nicely. I am not 100% sure which category of manipulation any or all of these fall under, but none of the aforementioned are urban myth.
  10. Hey keep us poor Americans out of it. It wasn't our invention. We are the newest kid on the block.
  11. Or, short the pb to prior day low and hold.
  12. I would, however, wait below the surface for a surfer to come along and knock him off the board and devour him; Tide or not. Fool for thinking he could get away with trying to do what he was trying to do.
  13. It certainly could have been a good run, getting away with murder. All I know about SAC is what I read in the headlines. I do know that the hedge-fund business is intensely competitive. I can certainly understand why these guys would want to press the envelope to remain a forerunner.
  14. I will agree with you that Gold will rise too. But, I am confident it might dip about 800 dollars first. Then maybe it will rise a bit before it falls again. So sure it can rise.
  15. I don't know how SAC got that way. You may be correct that it wasn't from insider trading. You also may not be correct. Those guys need to provide return at all costs. The easiest way to make money is with tomorrow's paper. Homeruns in Baseball? Eye and hand coordination. You might or might not be shocked at how helpful growth hormones are. Hard to decide how much had to do with Juice in his case. It could be that he would have done just as well without the juice, but we will never know and he lives with his decisions and the stigma of doubt.
  16. Steve Cohen uses a special indicator called insider trading. It works well for those who have access to it. Buffet, though probably not an inside trader, gets special deals, purchasing GS Preferred issue stock paying a 10% dividend, backed by the faith and credit of the USA. As Far as I know, we didn't have access to that purchase or access to the information that AIG would use its tarp money to pay off its bets with GS.
  17. Never heard of Mr Dent, but i will look up Mr Dent. I see prices of things at certain levels for all the wrong reasons. Particularly, commodities.
  18. Hello Global Deflation. All that glitters is Focked!
  19. You should idle your account before you blow all your money. You are not 50/50. You are on the verge of losing all your money. It will be a good exercise for you. Parting of trading is knowing when to trade and a trader shouldn't trade if he is trading in a market that he can not take advantage of other traders. If you do not know what your are doing, then you will be taken advantage of and not the opposite. So don't trade. No trade is the best trade you can do right now. Learn how to read order flow and then practice how you will enter and exit in the direction of order flow. Price doesn't have to follow anything. It does what it does. You will need a plan. You will need to make sure your capital is adequate for the goals and objectives of your trading plan. If you do not have enough money, you will fail. It is naive to think that you need to win more than you lose to make money trading. Do not make 60/40 a goal or think that it is better than 50/50.
  20. When you get past this phase of your life, you'll realize how silly this phase was. Look forward to the future.
  21. Options can, yes, drain your account. But, then, any sort of speculation can drain your account. I have used options to take short positions in stocks when there was no stock available to borrow. IMB, MDTL, LEH, etc. 3 times I was short in the money calls and the stock was called which created a short position in my account ( which i wished I could keep), but the broker made me close it out each time. In each instance, I collected the whole premium faster than I should have. I don't short stocks at the moment, but if I did want to short a stock, i would first check the options to see if there was a more advantageous way of getting short than by just borrowing the stock getting short.
  22. I suggest that you use adolescent terms such as fag face, or pre-adolecent terms such as poopy head when you respond emotionally to a post. Such additions will add dimension, color, and context to your post.
  23. You do not have suit. Neither can steve46 identify who he called names nor can you identify who you were called names by. Steve46 is a fictional character as is Onesmith. Name calling is a common practice among members of a trading site. It makes no difference to a court if name calling occurs in spite of a sites guidelines. Why do you think that anyone takes Steve46's comments about you seriously? Your actions, in my opinion, flatter the Steve46 character. It is as if you provide him admiration, probably more admiration than he deserves. Keep in mind that I am developing this opinion based on your comments to him and not his comments to you. Has Steve46's name calling prevented you from improving your position at this site? Are there women who will not date you because Steve46 called you names? Do banks refuse to lend you money because steve46 called you names? Is it harder for you to find a job now that Steve46 has called you names? Is it just that your feelings are hurt and that is it? You need to prove loss in order to recover damages in a suit. What have you lost?
  24. 5-Year-Old Boy Killed Sister With Gun Made For Kids | ThinkProgress I cannot blame the parents for this mishap. I am sure that they instructed the 5 year old to not shoot his 2 year old sister and he did it anyway. I do believe that the little girl was killed because she was unarmed. If she was also carrying a weapon, she could have protected herself from her brother.
  25. Not since Paul Volcker was Fed Chairman
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