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Everything posted by zdo

  1. Addendum: http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/if-you-limit-any-free-speech-this-is-what-you-get/ ... Anar Chicagoans, etc, etc, - wake up ! This -> https://www.mintpressnews.com/cheran-mexicos-indigenous-community-that-rebelled-against-narcos-thieves-and-politicians-and-won/240979/ instead of this -> http://massprivatei.blogspot.com/2018/04/smart-city-projects-are-really-police.html
  2. White Helmets have White Privilege... get yours today on ebay ... Btw ... and just sayin' ... The uptick in yapping about white privilege is a reasonable wrap up to approximately 50 years of failed ( bcse it’s fake ) black privilege Blacks were co-opted and exploited by ‘democrats’ during slavery... and blacks are still ‘on the democratic plantation’ 150 years after slavery... with the help of Du Bois and company, etc etc, they swallowed collectivism hook line and sinker... and abrogated their 'individual rights' ... ... “Since only an individual man can possess rights, the expression “individual rights” is a redundancy (which one has to use for purposes of clarification in today’s intellectual chaos). But the expression “collective rights” is a contradiction in terms.” Ayn Rand “Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).” Ayn Rand
  3. Don't have time to post Big Picture today... quick notes: I could almost re-post same content again ... 4 weeks later ?? except - index finger is back up to speed Out of half the N copper position near 3.2 on Wed. Just tucked stop on rest of the position up under today's lows... that's what reminded me of that Big Picture post PM’s: are still precious ... "Silver is the new gold" ;0 lol ... and if you take that seriously ... jokes on you... have a great weekend all.
  4. ...been banging / just sayin' on this for a while now http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=58283
  5. (... only posted because not much will be said on msm about these...) There is ‘under the law’ and there is ‘above the law’ ... just sayin’ https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-20/nunes-gowdy-and-goodlatte-go-nuclear-after-comey-memos-released speaking of msm There is ‘under the truth’ and there is ‘above the truth’ ... just sayin’ https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/04/19/how-guardian-fulfills-george-orwell-prediction-of-newspeak.html
  6. Wars and rumors of wars... and... fiats and rumors of fiats... ‘Somebody’ wants 90 to 100 barrel... but I’m moving my hedge stops up under this run in CL ... these recent up waves appear corrective, ie not impulsive, to me...
  7. (I wish it weren’t my opinion... ) ... but it is my opinion that the anonymity aspect of ALL crytos and blockchain activity is none existent and has been for some time... who better than someone with a cloud for govt's and guvmnt agencies that aren't tight with the nsa to contract with https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/d35eax/amazon-bitcoin-patent-data-stream-identify-cryptocurrency-for-law-enforcement-government etc etc
  8. Warning: You bozos need to get out your fact checkers for this sht http://pillolarossatv.altervista.org/blog/will-globalists-trigger-yet-another/ http://www.alt-market.com/articles/3414-syrian-conflict-is-a-distraction-from-a-secret-war = https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2018/04/18/the-meaning-of-my-work/ ... meanwhile - bitches... claiming you’re woke don’t mean you really are woke just sayin’
  9. I love trading... just sayin’... After all these years I’m out of practice, but I’m more adept at taking money on the short side ... and I enjoy it more... just sayin’ ... ... https://www.oftwominds.com/photos2018/ikigai-chart2.jpg ... just sayin’
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2018/04/16/huge-facebook-facial-recognition-database-built-by-ex-israeli-spies/#119c21897f18
  11. Mits, in this particular syrian case those 'paths is the picture didn't spend billions of dollars. They were able to 'budget' and only fire off 100 million - to destroy facilities that over there can be replaced for about 1 million USD ... :sarc: Mo - Don’t read about Syria http://washingtonsblog.com/2018/04/american-and-british-reporters-in-syria-there-was-no-chemical-weapons-attack.html https://straightlinelogic.com/2018/04/15/maybe-the-russians-did-it-by-robert-gore/ http://washingtonsblog.com/2018/04/syrian-regime-change-a-70-year-project.html
  12. https://safehaven.com/article/45277/Satis-Group-80-Of-ICOs-Are-Scams
  13. Do not read about Syria https://www.oftwominds.com/blogapr18/syria4-18.html https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2018/04/16/syria-missile-strikes-based-on-what-evidence/
  14. Paper fiat, the 18th century version of Bitcoin ! The Fun with Money show goes on. http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2018/04/the-state-pension-funding-gap-2016
  15. ... The Hecklers Veto ... stylized herein by SunTrader https://www.lifezette.com/momzette/look-how-many-college-kids-cant-speak-freely-on-campus/
  16. Mits, It’s time to give you a for ped hunting tip “...it is common for child predators to gravitate towards positions where they will be seen as guardians or saviors. Wealthy donors to children’s charities are notorious for preying on children and using their prestige to intimidate their victims....” https://thefreethoughtproject.com/founder-largest-childrens-charities-world-arrested-pedophilia/
  17. For most ‘voice of trading’ agents this finding is counterintuitive, however while observing over 2000 noobs since ’85, a strange stat emerged. Those who traded real from the beginning have a higher survival rate than those who paper traded / practiced on a simulator at the beginning. This is certainly not to claiming all those in the ‘real’ group survived... and there were many in that ‘real’ group that actually should have practiced in sim some. I'm also not assuming or asserting the difference btn ‘real’ and ‘sim’n behavior patterns were the determinants of success either... those who were able to go ‘real’ out the gate may have come in more ready along vision, virtues, fears, dealing with uncertainty scales, etc and etc. Still, the stat is significant ... and btw, the best results came from the few cases that got grounded in ‘real’ from the beginning, then sequenced in focused method specific training on sim to hone their skills. ... just something to consider... hth
  18. “advising someone to follow their beliefs” ... “advising someone not to take advice” Rather than reply directly to dangermouse’s post, I’ll just rant... Re: “advising someone to follow their beliefs” Belief is what you do when you don’t know. Before advising someone to follow their beliefs it’s best to make certain they really see them for what they are and know how to move on through them in the brains AND in their co-locations in the body. Otherwise, all you are doing is facilitating the development of a specialized personal insanity, helping them get better at falling back on beliefs than at falling / “failing” forward out of them, aiding the typical attempts to migrate their beliefs about production and service work over into the realm of performance work (not a good plan btw). Anyone reading this is at a fork in the road, more accurately, is at a quantum - either stay in the ‘voice of trading’ world of attempting to manipulate the ‘powers’ and ‘limits’ of beliefs OR make the jump to clearing beliefs from your functioning completely. ... “advising someone not to take advice” Everybody is attempting to hypnotize you. EVERYBODY. You cannot not ‘take advice’ (and you also can’t not give it). The whole world, the educational system ( here specifically the ‘voice of trading’), and the markets themselves are all trying to hypnotize you. Advice: apply awareness - not more hypnotism aka beliefs. I do appreciate the intentions to warn noobs away from the ‘voice of trading’s’ traps. However, my whole previous post from 4/12 was basically ‘advising’ AlliSinz and other noobs to “find your own way” - to stop looking for advice and to get direct experience. ... This is only about the 34th time I’ve posted about ”find your own way”. If you like, simply copy and paste ”find your own way” (with the quotes) into the site search box above to see. All the best ... from the worst dam TL poster ever, zdo
  19. AlliSinz, Welcome. I wish the following seemed more welcoming - but it is harsh in the interest of real. There is a whole industry at work to put you in a trance oscillating right there in the ‘pareto’ (/ aka distribution) at the cusp of loser and surviving. The stats are against you. The path you’re on will likely result in moving you to even lower ‘stats’... I do not want you to be a loser. If you are going to Trade, why read books about Investing? (The T and I words are NOT synonyms - especially internally in your brains.) Re: “spending real money” Spending? Try Risking. (The Spending and Risking words are NOT synonyms - especially internally in your brains.) ... re: “Decided not too long ago to try day trading so I will start reading up on that in particular. I have yet to trade a single stock. I still don't know how... I'm 29 years old right now. Wish I started when I was younger but better late than never!” Those sentences tell me at 29 you still may not be “old” enough to become a trader . Re: “I still don't know how” ??? Bullsht !!! You do know how. You look for a ‘stock’ * where the amount at risk is offset by a sufficient potential and you place a dam market order to buy the stock. If it succeeds, you sell and go to the next trade. If it gets stopped out, you sell and go on to the next trade. (*And, btw, if you are going to day trade, you will learn much quicker if you go directly to leveraged instruments...) ... “Study long. Study wrong” If you want to start yourself even lower in the pareto than you already are, just keep ‘studying’... If you want to move yourself even further down the pareto than that, get on the fkn simulator train like all the other losers. But, if you really want to move yourself up the pareto, open a real account and make real trades and learn about real trading and the real you. Then you will discover what you what you really need to learn and what you need to change. When you have DISCOVERED AND really KNOW those things, THEN read specific books, watch specific tubes, etc and TRAIN on simulator related to the methods you are best suited for. ... dangermouse's post was good but I disagree on one point. Do not "take your time". Instead, "fail forward as fast as possible" ! all the best, zdo
  20. This is for non zombies only Imminent - It’s always "imminent" with Doug... Even so ... wade through that and learn. https://internationalman.com/articles/doug-casey-on-anarchy-and-voluntaryism/
  21. Something for the Deep state deniers ... and the Deep state lovers https://www.usacarry.com/forums/politics-and-news/64435-coup-complete-trump-done.html
  22. Syria https://youtu.be/Jxs53OqAkN8 The (lying, terrorists) white hat story is getting danged ragged around the edges. Better start the attack right away.... ... Meanwhile ... https://disobedientmedia.com/2018/04/opinion-for-truth-tellers-like-princess-sheikha-latifa-there-is-no-justice/
  23. Fake News! Did Mark Zucvk say the ‘censorship’ would end ? It may be just beginning? In his testimony, Zucvk failed to mention far more previous clinton campaign staffers now work in high executive positions at fakebook than all other candidates combined. As one staffer stated “They came to office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.” Mark Zucvk admits that, prior to its strengthening of user protections in 2014, Facebook made a critical error in allowing third-party apps to harvest data not just from users who gave them consent, but from their non-consenting friends. What he didn’t mention was the digital campaigning tools developed by Obama for America were among the apps that took advantage of this loophole. By the immodest admissions of Carol Davidsen, Barack Obama’s former media analytics director, the former president hoovered up far more data without users’ consent in 2012 than all parties combined did in 2016. ... Who the fk is Diamond and Silk ? ...
  24. “There is sometimes a peculiar confusion in the West that equates progress to whatever is recent or whatever is new, and it is time we understood that progress has nothing to do with the chronology of an idea.” -- Barbara Amiel (crook at large ) ... https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/04/09/future-europe-civil-war.html just sayin'
  25. already called zuck a liar yesterday... so... this goes to deeper issues https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2018/04/11/facebook-censorship-the-grotesque-mainstream-solution/
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