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I like dogs but...

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Maybe its just like my mom. When my sister and I were kids we had a dog but it was just treated like a dog. Once we got older and my mom didn't need to take care of us she went dog nuts. Always has 2 dogs now that she treats like kids. I've noticed this with women i've been meeting too. If they don't have a kid they have a dog that may as well be their kid.


I've thought about getting a shiba inu dog. It looks like a tiny fox and has more energy than any dog in the world. I'm just not sure yet if I can handle a dog with that much energy.

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Shiba's are awesome!!!! I almost got one a few years back, but figured I wanted a bit larger of a dog so I wouldn't feel like I might step on it. An old friend had a shiba and it was SUPER cute!

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Cute pup, Abe. Baxter is an ultra cuddle dog, too. He follows me around just as your rot does. My lab/greyhound on the other hand.....she's a handful. She'll run anywhere there is space.


Abe, that is one sharp dog! That's an absolutely beautiful dog man.


Thanks guys.

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James - that is a ton of new dogs all at once! Wow! I am a dog lover myself, but that's quite a few new friends in a short period of time.


I've had a cocker spaniel for 13 years now. She's getting older and it's hard to think about my trading day w/o her, but we enjoy the time while we got it.


Here's a recent pic. We had family pic's taken recently decided that she needed some good pic's too! (she loves tennis balls).




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James - that is a ton of new dogs all at once! Wow! I am a dog lover myself, but that's quite a few new friends in a short period of time.


I've had a cocker spaniel for 13 years now. She's getting older and it's hard to think about my trading day w/o her, but we enjoy the time while we got it.


Here's a recent pic. We had family pic's taken recently decided that she needed some good pic's too! (she loves tennis balls).




Nice looking dog Brownsfan. She looks very pampered.

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Yeah I think ol Brownsfan's a softie. ;)


For my dog, I guess so. ;)


I've had her for so long now that it's getting harder as she gets older to deal with it to be honest. She's had a few seizures and such recently and that will test you real quick. The first one caught me off guard.

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For my dog, I guess so. ;)


I've had her for so long now that it's getting harder as she gets older to deal with it to be honest. She's had a few seizures and such recently and that will test you real quick. The first one caught me off guard.



I totally understand that sentiment man. Absolutely.

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Here are some pictures I took this afternoon. I will post more tonight after I get photoshop elements. It was a terrible time to take pictures so everything came out really bright, so I had to adjust some things to make them come out dark then correct them in photoshop. But here are some that came out okay.


This is Buddy - he's the oldest and the biggest jackass :) The only thing on his mind is play time. If he's not playing then he's trying to get you to play with him. He's favorite game is run away from everyone when it's bed time. Oh, and piss off the cat.




And this is Buddy as a puppy. As you can see, his attitude is still the same.




We have two others, Dakota (the new one) who's an American Eskimo. Same size as Buddy, but younger. He's the most mature and it takes a lot for Buddy to get him to play. Then we have the little guy, Mikey. I forget what kind he is, but he's only 7lbs and he thinks he's 70lbs. Wherever theres action, he's there and getting in someones face. When Dakota and Buddy play little Mikey will wait, then charge at both of them. I will post their pictures tonight.

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James - if nothing else, those guys have to make you smile. Sounds like a full house, but take those guys to a park and find some females that melt when they see cute dogs.


There's your play on this one.




Yes Brownsfan is correct...this is the proverbial "edge" you hear about so often...lol

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