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,,,just Sayin...

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I been looking at TL and other forums across the years as an arena for ‘traders helping traders’ and - bluntly - it fkn sucks. One blatantly obvious reason - a viewed vignette or problem is not a person or contact with a person. Also, the story in the post is not what’s really happening. ...


Let’s dig a little bit deeper. One angle is that most posters and responding peers are not ‘trauma informed’. I won’t ‘define’ the terms trauma or trauma informed here. Build your own concepts and definitions. I will say this though - everyone comes in with a set of usually unconscious, residual pre-existing conditions that must be addressed before putting a full load on the system. Almost every trader comes in already locked into and overspecialized in his or her own set of fear-reactivity patterns. AND!!!!!!!The body keeps the score!!!!!!! For REAL traction, dedicate your beginning level of practice to compensating for and clearing prefrontal and limbic system overspecializations created by your ‘traumas’ - not on mastering some dead master’s methods, or reinventing backtesting, or ‘learning’ to interpret the media narrative for the day...


Getting back to the assertion that most posting peers are not ‘trauma informed’ - One in 20 posts will be truly topic relevant to that particular trader and his or her ‘trauma’

For example: We have posters who build great standing on method and technique and fixes of same, then chop off their own legs telling other traders to ignore the issues in their bodybrains and minds and simply focus on method and technique and fixes of same. Unfortunately, those are among the better responses. It gets worse. Much worse


The aspect of acknowledgement of ‘trauma’ is salient too. It is ultimately on the trader to become aware of these chronic impediments to flow and performance ...


‘Conditioning’ self is not ‘training’

etc etc etc my allotted posting time is almost up







These may be observations and comments for a once and future trading world. We don’t even see the typical beginner questions, method exploration questions, etc, etc, etc... any more in forums. Today, it appears a whole generation of potential traders are getting stuck in their mama’s basement playing video games ...and they aren’t teenagers anymore. They’ll jump all kinds of hoops to get a good gaming machine and the ‘pay’ to play the games, but won’t jump the hoops to raise some capital and trade. Most of them would tell you the trading game is rigged against the little guy, etc. - and on one level they would be right - price discovery has been seriously corrupted. But what they're never realizing is the (effectively 10-20 % virtual) games they’re playing are far more rigged against their lives than exchange traded instruments.


Just sayin

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Hey… just stopped in to clear out my PM files, and couldn't refrain from stopping by the “just saying” thread…


Mr Zdo: I'm quite certain that we disagree about many things, but when it comes to “what's important” concerning trading we fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Salute… nice bit of “whatever” in the time allotted (Ha! I say “whatever” only because I suspect that what you're saying often gets ignored as mumbojumbo by those that value “method” over “madness”).


I've been at this business for seven years now, and I consider myself a “journeyman” in the trade (that may not be the most accurate word, but it must suffice for the time allotted). If I were to take on students (never going to happen… for so many reasons that generally could be described as “sloth” on your part, and a lack of compassion on mine) my place to start would be with mindfulness. If you can learn to listen to that voice(s) in your head in a passive manner then the struggle is over (“method” then becomes just a means to an end).


As my allotted time is getting thin… consider the feral child (that is what you are if you're reading this now): get hungry, get wet and cold, name all the animals and work it out on your own terms.


As a note: I trade the “lesser” time frames, where "flow" is paramount. It may be that I see things differently from you...but damn… it's mine… I own it


I'm gone fishing... back to the river (in my mind).

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While it' is sad anyone got killed, this looked to me like one of the fake staged demonstrations that are popping up all over the place. It would not surprise me one bit to find that the same person, people, or org financed both 'busloads' of organizers...


Somebody famous said something like "The next nazis will be the anti-nazis". As usual, we can easily project some dark days ahead :)




These days if you say one word questioning the process and effects of ‘cultural marxism’ or the current group think ‘liberalism’ vividly displayed on tv and college campusss or at Goolag, the immediate come back is “You are a Nazi” . Not a fun label to try to shake...


"The next nazis will be the anti-nazis". Just sayin’







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On Sat, Trump and several journalists spoke truth - condemning the rampant hate on ‘both’ sides. After the PCpolice pressures they’ve all walked it back - now only the hate and violence of the ‘skinheads’ was bad, the professional traveling thugs for the other side - they are heroic.


I’m lucky. I don’t have to back down. I can condemn fkn skinheads and at the same time lay it out that this is, as Michael Krieger so eloquently states, a “very deliberate attempt to manipulate you into devolving back into one of the lower tiers of consciousness. Likewise, there is a very deliberate attempt to prevent those on the cusp of higher consciousness from ever evolving. The reason is simple. The lower tiers are very tribal and easily divided and conquered. The higher tiers are not.



What's more likely, Nazis taking over U.S. government, or oligarchs using violent radicals on both sides to maintain their grip on power?” Michael Krieger @LibertyBlitz


I’m sticking with (and repeating)

“It would not surprise me one bit to find that the same person, people, or org financed both 'busloads' of organizers...”


This hints at what I’m talking about

Report: ?Unite the Right? Organizer Jason Kessler Was Occupy-Movement Obama Supporter 8 Mos Ago ? ZeroPointNow


I’m also sticking with (and repeating)

"The next nazis will be the anti-nazis".

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oh sht I was just thinking 'what would mits say?' Let me tell you - Now that's scary :rofl:

I figure he'd say something like "the same evil puppet masters are pulling the strings of "Nazi" right and "Antifa" left to create national division that keeps peoples eyes off their Luciferian blood thirsty pedophile overlords."

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On Sat, Trump and several journalists spoke truth - condemning the rampant hate on ‘both’ sides. After the PCpolice pressures they’ve all walked it back - now only the hate and violence of the ‘skinheads’ was bad, the professional traveling thugs for the other side - they are heroic.




I (most likely temporarily) stand corrected

A Defiant Trump Doubles Down: "Blame On Both Sides" For Violence | Zero Hedge

That boy is up on a tightwire











"The next 'nazis' will be the 'anti nazis' "

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mits, I warned you months ago Goolag is coming after you. Now you've really done it. They've discovered thugs and threats of thugs to give you and any one else questioning them pause

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...on 8/16 Gov. McAuliffe stated that monuments of Confederate leaders have now become "flashpoints for hatred, division and violence" and should be removed. Early the next morning, I released an official statement saying McAuliffe has now become a "flashpoint for hatred, division and violence" and should be removed.


As highlighted previously, we are facing a false dialectic which will end in the eradication and purging of American history - a dialectical narrative which the media is all too happy to exploit, though it remains true that:


It is unlikely that the majority of Americans will readily identify with the representative camps on either side. White nationalists and neo-Nazis on the one hand, and counter-protesters declaring "socialist revolution in the United States" and "war" on all historical monuments deemed tainted by a racist past on the other, are unlikely to attract most ordinary Americans increasingly sickened by the entire escalating spectacle.

Missing here is any reasoned national debate or discussion which once defined even Virginia governor McAuliffe's prior position - he and others will now attempt to seize the political moment.

Virginia Governor Changes Stance: Confederate Monuments "A Barrier To Progress" | Zero Hedge


... and blacks should realize they have simply been moved to another ‘democratic’ plantation and the McAuliffes of the world are still their exploiters... as long as they are willing slave dependents. The “big lie” sucked them over to Dubois... they should’ve persisted with a Booker T Washington world... It's not too late...


Let’s have some more beatings this weekend elsewhere... Dress code is black riot gear


... and let’s also send some dark money to the middle east to fund the destruction of mosques and antiquities there too.

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Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.



Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.


By 2050, earlier, probably – all real knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron – they’ll exist only in Newspeak versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be. Even the literature of the Party will change. Even the slogans will change. How could you have a slogan like ‘freedom is slavery’ when the concept of freedom has been abolished? The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking – not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.



Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.


(George Orwell, 1984)



Newspeak is real. Just sayin...

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I remember stories of an undergrind railroad and a woman named Tarriat Hubman and, much later, a guy named Marvin Lutheran Kind. Those stories are gone now... meaningless in the vacuum of history erased.



‘Remember’ (unless you’re already zombed out) the Russians in early 1900 as they watched their history torn down and smashed ... then they spent years of unimaginable repression.







"The real neo nazis are the sjw." zdo just sayin...

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