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  1. This thread is about using EasyLanguage to draw trendlines on a chart. TL_New Displays a trendline, with the specified starting and ending points, on the chart that the study is based on; returns a trendline-specific ID number, required to modify the trendline. Usage TL_New (sDate, sTime, sPriceValue, eDate, eTime, ePriceValue) Parameters sDate - a numerical expression specifying the trendline starting point date; the date is indicated in the YYYMMdd format, where YYY is the number of years since 1900, MM is the month, and dd is the day of the month sTime - a numerical expression specifying the trendline starting point time; the time is indicated in the 24-hour HHmm format, where 1300 = 1:00 PM sPriceValue - a numerical expression specifying the trendline starting point price value (vertical position, corresponding to a value on the price scale of a chart) eDate - a numerical expression specifying the trendline ending point date eTime - a numerical expression specifying the trendline ending point time ePriceValue - a numerical expression specifying the trendline ending point price value Example Display a trendline, that begins at 9:00 AM at a price value of 1381, and ends at 3:00 PM at a price value of 1337, on January 17th, 2008, on the chart that the study is based on: Value1 = TL_New( 1080117, 900, 1381, 1080117, 1500, 1337); source: EasyLanguage Manual
  2. Moving Average with extension and choice of exponential or simple average the MC version works on second/tick/volume charts as well. . average_w_extension.txt Average_w_extension_MC_version.txt
  3. // Sto Divergence TrendLine // Author: MARKPLEX // version: 1.0 // Author: aaa // version: 2.0 // Date: 20091129 // added: // divergence on top + // Line.Color.Top + Line.Color.Bot + Line.Size + Plot.Sto in inputs From http://markplex.com/tutorial4.php -------------------------------------------------------- Sto Divergence TrendLine.txt Sto Divergence TrendLine.pla Sto Divergence TrendLine.ELD
  4. Tams

    Half Gap

    Half Gap description: this indicator would draw a line half way between previous day's close and today's 1st bar open e.g. gap up opening: prev close = 100, today's open = 102 a line will be drawn at the half way point 101 gap down opening: prev close = 100, today's open = 98 a line will be drawn at the half way point 99 if the day's open is the same as previous close, a line will be drawn at the previous close note: This indicator was written in MultiCharts I have not tested it in TradeStation or other EasyLanguage compatible programs For importing instructions, please see your software's users manual Half Gap.txt Half Gap (MultiCharts).pla
  5. TL_Rectangle (EasyLanguage Function) Description: This function draws a rectangle on the chart 2 points are required to draw the rectangle: the top left corner and the bottom right corner TL_Rectangle requires 8 input variables the top left corner date, time and price the bottom right corner date, time and price as well as the color and thickness of the lines TL_Rectangle requires the dates in EasyLanguage format A demonstration indicator is attached below Note: This EasyLanguage indicator was written in MultiCharts. I have not tested it in other compatible programs. Please refer to your users manual for importation instructions. TL_Rectangle (function).txt Rectangle (indicator).txt Rectangle (MultiCharts).pla
  6. I've read that Plots can be converted to Trendlines in EasyLanguage. What is the difference between a Plot and a Trendline? How is the code different? I'd like to see an example of each. A Plot has the syntax of: PlotN(Expression[,"<PlotName>"[,ForeColor[,Default[,Width]]]]); Expression is the price value to be plotted, PlotName and ForeColor are self explanatory. Width is how thick you want the plot to be. Text and Trend Lines are created using the Text_XXXXX and TL_XXXXX Reserved Words. The "TL_New" reserved word adds a trendline. TL_New (Reserved Word) This reserved word adds a trendline with the specified starting and ending points to a price chart. It returns a numeric expression corresponding to the ID number of the trendline added to the chart. I want to start a trendline, and have it continue until the next signal.
  7. This thread is about drawing an arrow on the chart. (MultiCharts enhanced EasyLanguage) Arw_New Displays an object, consisting of an up or a down arrow located at the specified bar and specified price value, on the chart that the study is based on; returns an object-specific ID number, required to modify the object. Usage Arw_New (BarDate, BarTime, PriceValue, Direction) Parameters BarDate - a numerical expression specifying the date of the bar at which the object is to be placed; the date is indicated in the YYYMMdd format, where YYY is the number of years since 1900, MM is the month, and dd is the day of the month BarTime - a numerical expression specifying the time of the bar at which the object is to be placed; the time is indicated in the 24-hour HHmm format, where 1300 = 1:00 PM PriceValue - a numerical expression specifying the price value (vertical position, corresponding to a value on the price scale of a chart), where the object is to be placed Direction - a logical expression specifying the direction of the arrow; True = Down and False = Up Example Place, on the chart that the study is based on, an up arrow at the top of a bar if the Open price has increased incrementally over the last three bars: If Open>Open[1] And Open[1]>Open[2] Then Value1 = Arw_New(Date, Time, High, False); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arw_New_self Displays the arrow on the SubChart.
  8. Please, could anyone tell me how to code a simple algorithm: buy next bar at down trendline break. Down trendline is formed by connection of two points: swinghigh and swinghigh[1].
  9. ABC MidPoints Description of Inputs: UseTime: False = StartTime and EndTime will have no effect and the High and Low will be tracked for the complete day. If true, High and Low will be tracked according to the StartTime/EndTime settings only. StartTime EndTime The study changes the color of the TrendLines/Plots according to the position of the close compared to the TrendLine/Plot. UpColor: is used if Close > TrendLine DnColor: Close < TrendLine MatchColor: Close = TrendLine UseTrendLines: True will use TrendLines instead of Plots and false vice versa PlotSize: The size of the TrendLines/Plots Round2Tick: Study will round the MidPoints to the nearest tick if this input is true. If false the study will not round the MidPoints. ABC MidPoints (MultiCharts).pla ABC_MidPoints.txt
  10. Hi all, I was watching a vid from TradeGuider.com and liked the way their charts plotted a horizontal trendline at the value of every current tick. Here is the code I was playing with: Vars: mytime(0), mydate(0); If barnumber=1 then begin mytime=time; mydate=date; end; Variables: ID(0); if lastbaronchart then begin ID = TL_New(MyDate, MyTime, Close, Date, Time, Close); Value1 = TL_SetExtRight(ID, True); "a condition here".................TL_Delete(ID); end; This is exactly what I wanted it to do (partially) : It would plot a trendline at the current tick value. So for example the T/L would move with the tick value of each bar as it ticked back and forth. On a 60min chart this would happen up to say 200 or more times.....great.....BUT. The problem is that when the chart plots a new bar, a T/L remains from the last close value for the previous bar. So if you were using a 1min chart then a T/L would remain every 1 minute. I wanted the T/L to move to the next bar and only plot the current bar's current value. I'm assuming that the 'lastbaronchart' may not need to be used. This was used to test the recent activity of the T/L. I also played with barnumber<>barnumber[1] parameters to delete previuos T/Ls but since T/Ls were plotted more than once per bar this did not seem to work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Sim.
  11. Volume DayAverage (this indicator uses extended EasyLanguage, it is only applicable in MultiCharts) This is a volume indicator with a twist -- in its average. Instead of a traditional moving average, this indicator calculates the average from the beginning of the day... and draws a horizontal bar across its entire day. i.e. the 2nd bar has a 2 bar average, the 3rd bar has a 3 bar average... the 10th bar has a 10 bar average, and so on. You can easily see the average volume per bar since the beginning of the day, and set your anticipation for the current bar's direction accordingly. You can also compare today's average volume with previous day's average volume. The average color will change when the bar's volume exceeds the average. note: you should set the plot "DayAvg" to invisible. Volume_DayAverage.txt
  12. I've found this free indicator here http://www.eminiedges.com/Emini_Edges/Free_Stuff_-_Equity_Curve_Indicator.html This indicator simply displays the “open” equity of any trade. By default a green plot indicates a positive P&L and a red plot a negative P&L. This indicator does not take into account slippage or commissions. Nor does it access your real trading account. It’s simply the theoretical equity curve of your system. The colors of the plot can be changed to your liking. I'm not sure that it will work with MultiCharts EQ_CURVE_INDICATORS.ELD Open Equity Curve Indicator.pla
  13. aaa

    TL_SetStyle Bug

    Hello everybody ! It tooks long time and investigations before I've found a bug which slowed down mysteriously but dramatically MC In my pivot script I've added these lines inputs: ... PivotStyle( 2 ), // or 3 PivotSize ( 4 ), ... TL_SetStyle(TL_PP, PivotStyle); TL_SetSize(TL_PP, PivotPPSize ); Execpt 1 ( Tool_Solid ________________ ) all the others styles values must never be more than 1 ! Hope that it helps
  14. After our conversation today, you are probably going to think I'm crazy, but if tomorrow was like today, I will take a crack at it. Your right about no reference points with the pivots. However, I did notice that the YM's kept to a descending intra day downtrend, thats be appearing more frequently since the daily trend line break, that was confirmed at 10:01am and was confirmed broken at 11:52am for about 50 points.
  15. Trade Visualizer Description: This indicator depicts your trade with a line on the chart. The line will start from the entry time/price, and extends to current/exit time/price. The line will re-position itself to follow the up/down movement of the price. If you make money, the line will appear green. If you lose money, the line will appear red. This indicator is for current day use only. It maybe used in real time, or at EOD. note: This indicator is for intra-day charts only. note: MultiCharts version supports sub-minute resolution. Intructions: 1. TRADE.CONCLUDED: default at FALSE. Set to TRUE when trade is done. 2. LONG1.SHORT2: If it is a long trade, enter 1, if it is a short trade, enter 2 3. Type in the Entry Tme and Entry Price, 4. Ignore the Exit Time and Exit Price for now. 5. SHOW.EXTENSION: Default is "True" to view the line with extension 6. DATE.OFFSET: +/- 1 if you are in a different date zone than the exchange. note: MultiChart users: the Time format is hhmmss note: TradeStation users: the Time format is hhmm When the trade is concluded: 1. Change TRADE.CONCLUDED from False to True 2. Plug the Exit Time and Exit Price into the indicator, The line will hold its place on the chart. If you want to track another trade, simply apply another copy of this indicator. Comments and enhancement suggestions are welcome p.s. The PLA file is for MultiCharts, it is usable in sub-minute charts. TraderStation version can only be used in minute charts. If you do not know how to import the code into your software, please invest 5 minutes in your user manual. p.s. I have not tested this indicator in TradeStation. If you found it works, you are welcome to post the ELD. Enjoy ! Trade_Visualizer_(MultiCharts).pla Trade_Visualizer_(TradeStation).txt
  16. // Vertical Lines at specified time // author: aaa // date: 20090516 // // to see how the market reacts everydays specially Cash Opening and NY Opening or whatever you want // holding the mouse at the end of a lines shows intraday price High Low difference Please, feel free to correct my code if needed Vertical Lines at specified time.txt
  17. TradeStation's Easy Language can draw (plot) trend-lines on a price chart automatically. I was wondering if TS can also automatically plot trend-lines on an indicator? For instance Is Easy Language flexible enough to allow one to code a trend-line joining two highs of a stochastic plot? If so does anyone have an example? I have coded indicators in Easy language but before I spend time tying to accomplish this I would like to know if it is possible. Any help would be much appreciated. Z
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