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Everything posted by PYenner

  1. Walter There may be a way of making CCI sub indicator more friendly to look at, but for the moment its too difficult for me to picture how it needs to be. There might be options for displaying overbought/underbought CCI differences on the price chart. Needs more head scratching, oops going bald now... VMA5Turbo has live bar issues, will need to use more arrays to fix that unfortunately. CCIVMA1 has live bar issues, will code MT4s CCI call manually to fix that.
  2. It would look the same as the price chart (with flat HEs). Try 4,8 or 5,8 on the CCI's, it might look more sensible.
  3. Use CCIVMA1 with CCIVMAsub1 The black bars show when the HE is happening.
  4. Yes it is the same, it did not need to be modified to give HE. The only difference is now the black bars show when the HE is happening.
  5. Thanks for the pdf's gjn I'm running behind with everything...
  6. CCIVMAsub1 First attempt at a sub-window indicator. Not very good. Black bars mean HE. But need to find a way to turn the white line black as well. When the white line points towards the zero (centre) line, means HE. When the white line points AWAY from centre line, means ladder. Pix may help... Funny that the sub-window version doesn't crash on live bars. But yes, CCIVMA1 is crashing on live bars, arghh @#$% MT4. Same program...:crap: Dumn ass MT$....:doh: CCIVMAsub1.mq4
  7. yes. if you want to get a combined signal from two versions, that might also be done in the one indicator.
  8. Wondering about doing a fantail that attaches to a slow ema of the price. To do the job that VMA1 on 5 min is doing, but without being dependant on any vma version. So as vma's come and go, the fantail doesn't need to be done over again each time.
  9. CCIVMA1 Again, don't know yet if it will crash with live feed. User settings are- CCI_Period = 3; T3_Period = 8; b = 0.618; CCIVMA1.mq4
  10. Probably get the PC version... Also been scared of the time online gaming takes up since Counter Strike days...
  11. FantailVMA5Turbo ________Minimum____Line 1_______Line 2______Line 3 ADXbars_1__________1 fixed______2 __________3 Weight__1.1________3___________3 __________3 Chande__1.0________1__________1.5__________2 Can also get interesting results with Chande=1 for all lines. Doesn't do long HEs, the smoothing for that was removed to reduce lag. The problem with live feed may or may not be fixed, find out tomorrow. Going to look at CCI "VMA" now. FantailVMA5Turbo.mq4
  12. Sundowner I will need to come back to this later. My head is too full now. Can see the potential and yes candles need work yet too. Thank you and don't be discouraged if I skip past this for now. Cheers
  13. <disclosed in April that it may receive a second penalty of nearly $500 million> Sounds like the govt is happy to tax the offending, meaning there is no real offence. Happily profit sharing. I don't have an answer to the bigger questions. Middle America has shown some values, yet it seems unlikely the next generation will share the same strength of values. Is degeneration into hardship the only way to learn values?
  14. Should also have said- A bully is damaged goods, perpetuating the damage from one generation to the next.
  15. Hi danger 66 I would like to see a trading log too. Still too busy for me though. Walter London Fx seemed unfriendly to me today. All over the place.
  16. Walter Looks like vma4 is overkill. Faster than it needs to be. Better to have stronger HE like vma3 and go back to using Hi and Lo. What do you think?
  17. Lucky you still got two eyes anyway... Maybe your birthday month will be an improvement on this month, coz this month kinda went to the dogs...
  18. Yes, think its a little slower but not much.
  19. The weighting does go down to 1.0 but ADX_Length has to be integer and two is the smallest possible. It needs to be tweaked on the inside before it can go faster or slower properly. VMA4 runs three versions of (almost) VMA3, one for each line, each adjusted for the speed of its line. VMA3 does do smoother lines than VMA4. I don't yet know how to do a single VMA that will adjust over the full range from very fast to very slow. It would be nice to have that so a fantail of vma lines can be called from a template.
  20. There is a quote from Stalin to the effect that he couldn't have done it without a horde of willing little helpers. I see a guy like Richard Nixon and I wonder how the land of the free produced such a twisted individual who would have been right at home at Stalin's right hand. Same goes for Hoover, the old FBI guy? So that lot confuses me. But the problem is that the older I get the bigger the corruption snowball gets. Man, its in the boardrooms of the ordinary Blue Chip companies, "brainy" people, "successful" people, "whos who" and yet so many are twisted dirty little "Stalin helpers". Do they really have any smarts at all? I will never understand those who mistake a bully for a strong man... Some quotes from Stalin- Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem. Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs. I trust no one, not even myself. Everyone imposes his own system as far as his army can reach. History shows that there are no invincible armies. In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic. The only real power comes out of a long rifle. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?
  21. Yes experimenting is a good way to discover things... But my head kinda overflows ya know, need 50Gb more ram or something...??? So long as the dam doesnt break and let it all flood out...
  22. shreem There might be a VT version of vma4 coming. VT would probably be easier to convert into ensign, but just guessing about that.
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