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Everything posted by dom993

  1. And why is it that you think you should win at this game? What's your trading edge? None, as far as you have described. So you are losing on average on commissions & slippage, plus likely psychological errors. If you want to win (on average, in the long run) in a trading endeavor, you have to identify a trading methodology with enough of an edge to overcome commissions, slippage, execution errors, and then some. It is a long road to become profitable ... paved with hard work, and that hard work is (should be) statistical analysis & backtesting. Can you glean from forums some good ideas? Yes, but you'll have to backtest each one of these ideas to find out which really work, and which don't. If you don't want to do the hard work, but have risk capital for trading, then your best bet is to find a CTA, or hedge fund, to trade your risk capital. I wish you the best.
  2. Here are my own rules: 1. Trade with an edge 2. Don't rely on anyone to find my edge(s) - and in particular, always verify myself through backtesting that a supposed edge is indeed an edge 3. Use a minimum of 1000 setups to validate an edge, over a minimum of 5 years 4. Accept that any single trade, taken in isolation, is useless & meaningless - for an edge to translate into profits, hundreds of trades are necessary 5. For any strategy/system, know in advance what is a "normal" drawdown, and at what point a drawdown would signal that the edge no longer is. 6. Execute flawlessly - I have personally found that automated execution is what works best for me. Cheers
  3. Phantom: Just discovered TL & this thread, thanks a bunch for your sharing! All the best
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