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Posts posted by zdo

  1. Quote


    If you wish to keep slaves, you must have all kinds of guards. The cheapest way to have guards is to have the slaves pay taxes to finance their own guards. To fool the slaves, you tell them that they are not slaves and that they have Freedom. You tell them they need Law and Order to protect them against bad slaves. Then you tell them to elect a Government. Give them Freedom to vote and they will vote for their own guards and pay their salary. They will then believe they are Free persons. Then give them money to earn, count and spend and they will be too busy to notice the slavery they are in.” ~Alexander Warbucks

    Who the hell is Alexander Warbucks? Nobody knows. He wrote this article, How I Manage My Slaves, back in 1978, and nothing before or since. For the purposes of this article, we’re going to break down his opening quote and discover ways to avoid slavery.

    Basically, the best way to manage slaves is to convince them that they are free so that they don’t rebel against a corrupt system, and so that they diligently work for the system no matter how sick it makes them. This is one of those rare occasions where it is easier done than said.




  2. preface: I don’t really give a rat’s ass about education or quality of education... ie no special interest in education   

    That said, I do harp a lot on how the 'voice of trading‘ education paradigms can cripple noo traders’ development.  My own ‘schoolin’ education was a mix of private and public and was much higher quality than typical even for then.  No matter - it too interfered with my development as a trader and hindered  the journey to a personal awareness of that interference.

    See yourself in any of this? 


    ...top-down education system has stifled innovation, taken away individual choice, and tied the hands of local educators. The one-size-fits all common core standards do not inspire students and do not prepare them for the real world. The plunge in ACT test scores shows that students aren’t getting any smarter. They are being dumbed down by a controlling system that does not inspire learning. The majority of students no longer want to ask questions and push the boundaries of science. They don’t want to explore the depths of knowledge in reading. The majority aren’t even prepared to calculate and compute mathematics.

    Common Core abandons time-tested approaches to solving math problems. Common Core indoctrinates students with so-called “settled science,” discouraging students from asking questions and seeking answers of their own. Common Core is laced with corporate and industry propaganda and sells a very limited perspective in the subjects of social sciences and history. Common Core pushes for social justice initiatives, which are out of touch with reality. Common Core distracts students with screens, but doesn’t impart the freedom necessary for students to explore past the boundaries. Common Core is presented in a way to indoctrinate, instead of expanding student’s own ability to problem solve and pursue knowledge.

    Point is - your ‘scrool larnin’ is likely interfering with your development as a trader in ways  not mentioned above and in ways you have never even considered... just sayin...

  3. On 10/31/2018 at 12:31 PM, zdo said:




    Anyone have an assessment of the outcomes for the EU and GB of a hard/no 'deal' exit ?  .  For example, I'm having trouble understanding how all important trade would necessarily just suddenly stop, etc... thx


    I’m the only one asking these questions?  No...  and I’m not the only one thinking if it took Czechoslovakia six freakin months to separate, why is GB ‘separating’ from the EU slated to take up to 6 freakin years?  Even better time comparisons could be drawn for breaking up the whole dam soviet empire.  So which one, GB or EU, is providing the snags and drag?



  4. We interrupt this busy gold trading thread with some golden spam




    Be Afraid of Getting Out

    While we disagree with the concept of Gold as a valid  fear hedge, we do not disagree that market participants view it as such. Our point is merely that Gold, an imperfect hedge  for almost every issue concerning a lack of faith in human judgment, is a poor hedge for short term "flights to safety" or "fear hedging" simply because it is not a large  market.


    Gold: Not Perfect, but Perfect for You

    In a world where there are custom financial hedges made for every specific risk and marketed in ETF form, there is only one generalist product that covers risk in all foibles of human kind making those instruments of mass destruction., Gold. We'd rather  be 70% hedged against everything than 100% hedged against a "nikkei rally in italian bond  terms" using some triple vol etf.

    Investing in Pet Rocks is Dumb

    We also strongly disagree with any characterization of gold as an "investment". Investments are vehicles in which one expects a rate of return. The investment community should not consider gold as an investment any more than it considers money an investment.  Investments offer a potential return based on value added to raw materials or machines used.   

    Suggested Gold Holding Time Frame: Do you really have to ask?

    Gold is a hedge against paper FIAT debasement, and as such it should be held as long  as one  holds, earns, or spends, paper currency. The holding period is forever. The percentage held in gold is the variable.

    Gold is also a trade-able asset and thus can be a wealth creator. We believe every bank that touts gold as a safety mechanism knows this and trades gold counter the momentum types.

    Barbarous Relic or  Timeless Store of Wealth? YES

    So for our 2 cents: Gold is not an investment. Gold is not a hedge against fear or a flight to safety, gold is not to be treated as a reliable hedge against stock market corrections. Gold is a hedge against protracted bear markets  that are underpinned by FIAT debasement damaging corporate earnings. ... Finally, Gold is not officially money. That is to say gold is not money by FIAT (order), but is de-facto money .... It is also the only universally accepted means of exchange across nation-state borders. It is a store of wealth

    Golds is money that is all. Gold is not currency again... yet



  5. Musings re TL

    I’ve committed to ‘spending’ a few minutes a day on TL ... now every few years days minutes :stick out tongue:  I wonder what the fk for.  TL has a dearth of quality posting.  By that I mean a lack of both peer to peer posting and knower to noob tolerance for ignorance and/or ‘stupidity’
    ... (btw, I have rarely acted as a ‘peer’ or claimed to be a quality poster up here...I’m posting for now as an episodic resident folk sociologist... and no I will NOT try to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbJuEFs7-kU  ... just sayin’)

    ... in general, TL has trended  from mediocre way back when to plumb vapid now... and although initially the ownership was actively engaged and recent site owners are not, I don’t think that’s really much of a factor
    I see some of that low quality and quantity as  a by-product of the toxicity of social media (... there were forums BEFORE fakebook came along ya know...) and as a reflection of the relative lower numbers of people trading these days - other gamings suck off a bunch and the myth that the individual trader can no long compete with algo and institutional trading has resulted in a lot of non starters and dropouts. Also, traders are a bit more introverted as a rule than many other more public endeavors, so trading forums are never going to be huge shimmering cities to begin with.  Imo, the education model the last several generations have progressively been subjected to doesn’t help a bit to ‘bring forth’ personal growth... students are not used to being told the truth anymore...and they are certainly less inclined to speaking the truth back than ever before.  they're trapped... So few are ready to grow beyond the prevailing educational paradigms to the type of 'learning' trading requires.  And finally and most important, trading methods skills are highly individualized and not readily transferrable ...

    Ever wonder what the ownership is really thinking?  ... they thinking board it up?

  6. btw, my third best automation contract this last month was ECZ18...  was surprising in that several other instruments on automation had much more intraday travel this month (except of course for nq and ym - the 'winners' ) than the EC ... turns out that travel factor was overcome by strings of nice clean signals almost all month long

    System runs all day and all night

    Setups on 40 minute bars, triggers on 220 tick bars...

    the instrument is relatively thin but it is amenable to dynamic sizing



    Anyone have an assessment of the outcomes for the EU and GB of a hard/no 'deal' exit ?  .  For example, I'm having trouble understanding how all important trade would necessarily just suddenly stop, etc... thx


  7. you're not a pessimist.

    now here is a  pessimist



    If Germany descends into internal turmoil without a coherent government to push the Italys and Hungarys around, European populists/nationalists will fill the resulting vacuum. Borders will be re-imposed within and without the EU, national government budgets – already above EU deficit limits in many cases – will explode. Already-debilitating debts will keep rising, and the ECB will be forced to bail out Italy for sure and probably several other member states after that.

    Since an ECB bailout of the Italian banking system means, in effect, moving Italy’s debt onto Germany’s balance sheet, the world’s one remaining rock-solid credit will join the ranks of politically unstable, increasingly indebted countries that may or may not be able to avoid financial collapse.

    The end-game? A euro devaluation will be imposed by the global currency markets or announced preemptively on some future Sunday night by Merkel’s successor (assuming there is one).

    The descent of the world’s second most important currency from reserve asset to modern day Italian lira will raise a lot of questions, including:

    ·         Should we all buy the US dollar because it’s the only sound currency left?

    ·         Should we dump dollars because the US is really not that different from Europe in terms of financial mismanagement and political incoherence?

    ·         Should we dispense with the whole fiat currency thing and go back to sound money that requires politicians and central bankers to live within their means?

    ·         Should we dispense with the whole “constitutional democracy” thing and hand over control to a leader who’s strong enough to put things right?

    These four options seem about equally plausible at the moment. But the worlds they’ll create couldn’t be more different.




    Somebody needs to post something mean about zdo resurrecting such an old dead thread :stick out tongue:

  8. Gab is still down ... https://gab.ai/




    Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that it does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit your country to survive as half-property, half-loot.
    Money will always remain an effect and refuse to replace you as the cause. Money is the product of virtue, but it will not give you virtue and it will not redeem your vices. Money will not give you the unearned, neither in matter nor in spirit... 


    wtf does that have to do with the price of beans in china?

  9. Re: “denial” Unfortunately I was talking about traders 
    Trader  Ignorance remains stable, at about the same levels as ever... 
    Trader  Stupidity is up  ... ie Trader   IQ’s are down...
    and to the point of ‘denial’ ... a high percentage of traders  are in a ‘ world economy ‘  trance...
    (I do not agree with everything in that link btw)

     finding comfort in denial yet?

  10. Quote

    ...This tectonic shift toward political upheaval has continued to spread throughout much of the world, with Italy and Brazil being two more recent examples. That something very major and very global is happening is undeniable at this point...


    “undeniable” ????  Hm- These days I'm seeing the most ‘denial’ I have ever seen before ... just sayin’

  11. Tom says it 'more better' 

    "Why is Gab targeted?

    Because Gab is a true alternative to Twitter which exists outside of the control of the financial and political oligarchy.

    With the recent passing of the EU’s “Link Law” which is designed to shut down opposition voices, the merged corporate/political oligarchy are moving to ensure that all speech is criminalized.

    But to do that they first have to square the circle around that pesky First Amendment in the U.S.

    And that means outsourcing the censorship to the companies who own the internet access points – the app platforms, the social media giants, the hosting firms and payment processors.

    If you can’t build and maintain a business then you can’t oppose their rule. ... "



    the Hypocrisy is a tell


    Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian dictatorial power with forcible suppression of opposition and strong centralized regimentation of society and of the economy.  The only factor that  differentiates fascism  from the inevitable outcomes of centralized socialistic forms of government is that individuals and corporations can still hold title to property and enterprises ...

    Ie it’s less hypocritical than socialism... the elite oligarchy doesn't have to hide their exploitation s from the public as much as they do in socialistic/communistic states...


    You should not have read this post - in today's world ignorance really is bliss

  12. the Hypocrisy is a tell


    Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian dictatorial power with forcible suppression of opposition and strong centralized regimentation of society and of the economy.  The only factor that  differentiates fascism  from the inevitable outcomes of centralized socialistic forms of government is that individuals and corporations can still hold title to property and enterprises ...

    Ie it’s less hypocritical than socialism... the elite don’t have to hide their exploitation s from the public as much as they do in socialistic/communistic states...


    Hours after it was revealed that Saturday's Tree of Life Synagogue shooting suspect was a user of social media network Gab.ai, PayPal severed all ties with the platform with no explanation. 


    BREAKING: https://t.co/J3Rfto6fi3 is now banned from Paypal "just because." pic.twitter.com/VA1NhY5zhr

    — Gab.com🍂 (@getongab) October 27, 2018

    Perhaps Torba was banned after he spoke ill of Big Tech:  

    If you are a terrorist the absolute worst place for you to be online is https://t.co/J3Rfto6fi3.

    We will work directly with law enforcement without hesitation, as was displayed today.

    Can the same be said about Big Tech?

    — Gab.com🍂 (@getongab) October 27, 2018

    Gab's blacklisting has not gone unnoticed:  

    Update: PayPal has cancelled its relationship with social media company @getongab in wake of the Pittsburgh #SynogogueShooting .. but not Facebook, where he reportedly also had an account.

    — scott budman (@scottbudman) October 27, 2018

    Hey @getongab: I haven't heard anyone complaining that @facebook and @twitterallowed the Mad Pipe Bomber to have multiple accounts with them.

    — Jared Beck (@JaredBeck) October 27, 2018

    Gab is not a white supremacist site. It’s a free speech platform.

    “If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.” — Noam Chomsky https://t.co/FfAeOipdy3

    — Cassandra 🦇 Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) October 27, 2018

    I cannot believe this. CNN and @BrianStelter, who I like, are blaming GAB @GetOnGab for the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting.

    — Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) October 27, 2018

    The Pittsburgh terrorist has a Gab and facebook account.

    - Gab immedietly deleted his account and issued a statement CONDEMNING it.
    - Facebook has yet to issue a statement.

    Yet @paypal has BANNED Gab "just because", but hasn't banned facebook.

    What's up? https://t.co/1aPY5vvleE

    — PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) October 27, 2018

    Others were happy to see Gab get the "Alex Jones" treatment, including "The world's youngest hedge fund manager" Jacob Wohl, who called for a police state with the suggestion that "Law enforcement agencies should embed thousands of undercover accounts on the site and establish watchlists."

    @getongab I'm looking forward to you receiving the Alex Jones treatment and being permanently banned from the internet, even if it does bend the law.

    — Robert Caruso (@robertcaruso) October 27, 2018

    The concept Gab pursued, of being a “Free Speech Platform”, is noble.

    But let’s also be realistic. The site is a one giant cesspool of Jew-hating lunatics.

    Law enforcement agencies should embed thousands of undercover accounts on the site and establish watchlists.

    — Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) October 27, 2018

    Twitter is one giant cesspool of Jew-hating lunatics.

    We have nearly 800,000 users and you are going to generalize them all as one thing?

    Let's be realistic: you are no better than the left, which you rally against, for generalizing millions of people as "racists." https://t.co/HdXvqJ13zU

    — Gab.com🍂 (@getongab) October 27, 2018

    Alternatively, Gab has a "mute" feature. 

    Nonsense. I muted maybe 20-30 accounts on @getongab and that got rid of all the anti-semitic garbage I used to come across. THAT is the concept. They get to spew crap, I decide whether I want to see it.

    "Giant cesspool". Get real.

    — Peter A. Dykstra (@FriendlyRadical) October 27, 2018

  13. Fake news friday

    CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker:"there is a total and complete lack of understanding at the White House about the seriousness of their attacks on the media." 

    Paraphrasing POTUS Don Trump: "there is a total and complete lack of understanding from the mainstreammedia about the seriousness of their attacks on the republic." 


    MSNBC's Chuck Todd says he "has this fear" that the bombs shipped through the mail to prominent Democrats "could be some Russian operation" to sow division in the US.

    TL’s zdo says he "has this fear" that the bombs shipped through the mail to prominent Democrats "could be some Democrat operation" to sow division in the US.



    Twits - "...according to another follower tracker, Trump's followers have actually declined.  Is Trump right, and is Twitter throttling Trump's followers? We expect a response from Twitter shortly, denying any knowledge of the president's allegations."    Maybe Don should grow up ie face the hidden agendas of his (mostly robust) personality disorders and realize he’s hit the peak of simple mind followers and needs to adapt and and grow by adding more intelligent discourse 'somewhere' besides twit... sans pc of course... just sayin'

  14. A Short Fake Essay 
    by zdo

    Fake economics    
    Fake money
    Fake markets
    Fake media spitting Fake narratives, ‘news’, financial reports* about Fake economics and markets  
    Fake science
    Fake research
    Fake corporate agenda
    Fake search engine results
    Fake socializing ie Fakebook
    Fake product quality 
    Fake education
    Fake health care

    Fake issues
    Fake genders
    Fake virtuousness

    Fake religions
    Fake clergy
    Fake government
    Fake govt employees
    Fake law enforcement
    Fake political ‘parties’
    Fake narratives and ‘news’ about Fake politics


    (and going back near to when and where the fakin’ got all accelerated  ;) -  )
    Fake boobs.

    Have we reached peak Fake yet?  

    Would you be ok if you never knew of or deliberated on all this Fake?

    Would you be ok if you never read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_(novel)  ? or aHux ?


    *https://www.oftwominds.com/blogoct18/inflation-threat10-18.html  etc

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