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Posts posted by zdo

  1. I stand corrected.  MaxPastukhov discussed "leverage" and Percentage Change above...



    While Forex may seem more profitable at the very beginning becauase it's so volatile, the truth is directly opposite. Forex isn't "volatile", stocks are much more volatile by their nature. Forex gives you an illusion of volatility due to insane leverage.







    btw - MaxPastukhov, re fx and "Taking into account average daily range of 0.1%-0.5%, you are trading purely noise ."

    I disagree.   ...  FX price movements are not 'pure noise' ... 'statistically' it may initially appear that way, but FX price movements follow very similar auction(s) patterns and cycles as  other - both high and low Percentage Change - instruments 


  2. Facebook Needs Help From "Journalists, Tech Firms And Governments" To Stop Election Hacking

    Read spin offs on Zuck's full note below:
    * * *



    My focus in 2018 has been addressing the most important issues facing Facebook -- including defending against further share price declines, better protecting my personal fortune from further routing, and making sure people have less control over their information. As the year wraps up, I have already written a series of notes outlining how I'm thinking about these issues and the progress we're making.  

    In 2016, we were not prepared for the coordinated information operations we now regularly face. We didn’t realize that others would try to the same biased disinformation campaigns that have served us so well through the years.  But we have learned a lot since then and have developed sophisticated systems that combine technology and people to both prevent election interference on our services where we don’t want it while implementing even more sophisticated measures of election and cultural interference where it furthers our aims and we are well compensated by those with allied interests.

    As we evolve, our adversaries are evolving too. We will all need to continue improving and working together to stay ahead and protect our fake democracies.



  3. ..Exit while you can ?...

    Maybe one of our European TL members could explain these vaguely defined "values" to the dummericans in here
    .. as in "The decision puts Hungary under the same “Article 7” action as Poland, in which fellow EU states probe whether the censured and accused countries breached particular EU rules and more vaguely defined "values". "


    And while you’re at it, we need some thinkspeak on wtf is the “post-communist left.” ... i'm just sayin'


  4. sick orwell is about conquering the whole world


    President Trump recently reversed himself (again) and announced that the US would remain at Al-Tanf “indefinitely.” Why? It is considered a strategic point from which to attack Iran. The US means to stay there even if it means turning a blind eye to ISIS in the neighborhood.

    Finally, in Yemen, the US/Saudi coalition fighting the Houthis has been found by AP and other mainstream media outlets to be directly benefiting al-Qaeda. Why help al-Qaeda in Yemen? Because the real US goal is regime change in Iran, and Yemen is considered one of the fronts in the battle against Iranian influence in the Middle East. So we are aiding al-Qaeda, which did attack us, because we want to “regime change” Iran, which hasn’t attacked us. How does that make sense?

    We all remember the old saying, attributed to Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack, that “if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.” The “experts” would like us to think they are pursuing a brilliant foreign policy that will provide a great victory for America at the end of the day.

    But as usual, the “experts” have got it wrong. It’s really not that complicated: when “winning” means you’re allied with al-Qaeda and ISIS, you’re doing something wrong. Let’s start doing foreign policy right: let’s leave the rest of the world alone!


    re:  "Let’s start doing foreign policy right: let’s leave the rest of the world alone!"

    ronny,, don't think in terms of MAmericaGA

    sick orwell is about conquering the whole world



    another perspective 


    sick orwell?

  5. sick orwell?
    “Technocracy is shaping a new world based on twisting morality into pseudoscientific ‘facts’ that demand compliance. It’s a hoax on a grand scale.” Jon Rappoport

    such as
    morph/"Shift a decision about morality into a decision about the right to obtain medical treatment."


    ... "good morning, morning... hello sunshine... happiest gender change in the whole usa ..."

  6. Re 911

    Never wonder why the Official Narrative and the Conspiracy Engineers’ versions of 911 significantly diverge?

    Too far out there for you?  How 'bout this?

    Ever wonder why the Official Narrative and the initial Media versions of 911 still significantly diverge?

    just sayin'

  7. sick orwell?
    Let’s run at the technocratic angles for a minute
    here’s what’s important about that link  “...In most states, the legislation would cover all electronics...”
    In double speak ‘making it better’ really means ‘making it worse’...

    While you can still decide -  which is more sick orwell? Google or Amazon or Apple or Fakebook or...?

  8. Sick orwell?


    Welcome to Compliance 101: the police state’s primer in how to churn out compliant citizens and transform the nation’s school’s into quasi-prisons through the use of surveillance cameras, metal detectors, police patrols, zero tolerance policies, lock downs, drug sniffing dogs, strip searches and active shooter drills.
    If you were wondering, these police state tactics have not made the schools any safer.
    Rather, they’ve turned the schools into authoritarian microcosms of the police state, containing almost every aspect of the militarized, intolerant, senseless, overcriminalized, legalistic, surveillance-riddled, totalitarian landscape that plagues those of us on the “outside.”


    Let’s move on to a comment about the quality of education in those prisons... on that topic,  this fukr did not know what he was talking about “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” George or Well
    ... ie call socialism democracy 700,000 times, etc etc.... 
    ... and
     ... ie call a republic a democracy 800,000 times, etc etc.... 

  9. Have you looked at tweaking  https://www.incrediblecharts.com/indicators/chaikin_volatility.php

    Basics =

    On charts:

    - statistically speaking, nothing has been found in markets that comes closer to following linear cycles than 'volatility'

    - statistically speaking, sideways ‘congestions’ are followed by ‘volatility’

    - statistically speaking, narrowing ranges are followed by expanding ranges

    “statistically speaking” means these indications give no "gauge" / information about the size of next move or the risks involved... only that ‘activity’ typically follows ‘inactivity’

    ie-with options, nothing (outside of astro) is reliably predictive of the variance of the next move...

    ie with buying options, you have to figure out a way to play all the major waves in order to be there for the outliers

    ie- hope you’re writing ‘insurance policies’ into screaming volatilty instead of buying them in dead volatility... who makes money ?  the insurer or the bozo who buys policies left and right... took taleb years to figure that out and he’s a pretty smart cookie... sorry  - off topic now.... and congestion time is due to end :)...


  10. Noobies,

    PAn said "Indicators are absolutely worthless"

    To be more accurate, PAn should have posted "Indicators are absolutely worthless to me."

    Indicators are like any other measure or representation - worthless if you don’t know how to use them.  When I first started trading I studied indicators in depth then moved on... it was not until many years later when I got into automation that indicators and learning how and WHEN to use them became not “absolutely worthless”  but extremely valuable.







    PAn, somewhere a noob is in a Price Action thread trying to integrate new material.  Someone like you pops up and says “Price action trading is absolutely worthless. Indicators are all I need” .  Helpful?      No.   To really be accurate PAn should have posted nothing at all in this thread...

  11. Statistically, I have waxed far more critical of the left in here than of the right.  Well, the left is the one currently swelling to extremes.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not just as critical of extremes of the right... left/ right, collectivistic statism/statist collectivism,  the left turns government into god / the right turns god into government... how ‘bout NEITHER?!!!  that's what I’m just sayin’

  12. Isn’t it fun? ... chicoms are more dastardly in their ‘interference ‘ than even the russions (... but we never hear about that because so many socialists/democrats are on their payrolls) ...

    Isn’t it fun? Neither one of them holds a candle to our own most highly developed propaganda machine ever known to mankind...


    Isn’t it fun?  You will believe the news on CNN tonight... more importantly, you will believe their unspoken, underlying context they create for you ...

  13. Fascism*

    It’s ok for Fakebook and Google and Amazon to do ‘remote access’ on you, but it snot ok for Colton... I’m just sayin’

    speaking of Fakebook “Mark Zuckerberg "doesn't care" about news publishers, and is happy to let them die if they don't cooperate with the company.”

    And speaking of Amazon... 


    Amazon is selling a creepy and dangerous facial recognition product known as “Rekognition” to police departments across the country (see the following from the ACLU: Amazon Teams Up With Government to Deploy Dangerous New Facial Recognition Technology).

    Given the clear links between Amazon and the surveillance state, am I the only one who finds it mind-boggling that so many people are willing to place an Amazon created “virtual assistant” named Alexa into their homes and treat it as part of the family?

    Those are just a few points highlighting Amazon’s deep ties to the military-surveillance state, and we haven’t even discussed its perverse impact on competition in the free market for goods. As Stacy Mitchell notes:
    Amazon has also used below-cost selling to crush and absorb upstart competitors. In 2009, it acquired the popular shoe retailer Zappos after reportedly losing $150 million selling shoes below cost in order to force the rival company to the altar. Likewise, when Quidsi, the firm behind Diapers.com, emerged as a vigorous competitor, Amazon offered to buy it; when Quidsi’s founders refused, Amazon slashed its diaper prices below cost. Bleeding red ink, Quidsi eventually agreed to Amazon’s offer. Over time, this behavior has had a restraining effect: Start-ups intent on challenging Amazon are unlikely to find investors and so never get off the ground. “When you are small, someone else that is bigger can always come along and take away what you have,” Bezos has said.

    Many Americans have started to recognize the dangers of Facebook and Google over the past year, partly as a result of the companies’ increasingly sloppy use of censorship, yet the public remains in complete denial when it comes to Amazon and Jeff Bezos. I suspect this will change in the years ahead, and I hope my articles on the topic will serve as useful resources for those who care. The sooner we admit what’s going on the better.



    * = a form of statism where enterprises are controlled by/must serve the state and are protected by the state, but private ownership of enterprises is still allowed... (yep that's not your mama's definition of fascism ... ie it's on you whether you let the dominant narratives and trances persist or not...)

  14. 3 hours ago, PAOptions said:

    None. Price action is all I need.

    how inane... it's like posting in a 'what kind of car do you like?' thread about how you only take uber.

    But that's how we roll around here... talking about indicators in price action threads... talking about price action in  indicator threads...

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