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Market Forecast with Artificial Intelligence

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Relying on state of the art artificial intelligence algorithms, we're starting a (free) market forecast service.


To pursue our business plan, we need to investigate the needs, qualities and quantities of our potential customers, and since you're all traders here, please take a moment to fill this form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dExKajlTb2R2aFZjZzdmNHRVN2hXWnc6MQ


It's only 10 short questions! Thank you.



Note, this is part of a school assignment we have to do for a Business & Economics class. Since we're computer science students, we decided on a very lucrative (provided it is successful) business of providing *reliable* stock and other markets forecasts (obtained with the help of advanced AI algorithms). Please answer the survey as you would if it were a real, soon-to-become available service. You can make four girls and one guy tremendously thankful!


Note, since it's just a mock business, you needn't provide your email in the last question, but if you do, you may indeed be contacted when/if the service actually launches.


Thank you.

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Hi mitsubishi,


I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the course of current affairs. :D I agree to everything you said, and I'm wondering whether the publishing antagonist is by any chance Rupert Murdoch?


I'm thinking about politics, and indeed I don't intend to become a sleazebag, so Ron Paul 2012, etc.


Now, about AI, instead of AI, I should have said machine learning.

A - it is only as good as the supplied data attributes (similar to your A, but it puts less responsibility on our part, kind of, though we're still the ones choosing the attributes).

B - if it is good, it is supposed to be a relatively affordable monthly subscription service.

C - "stealing money from everybody else" is kind of the game played on markets and exchanges worldwide, or so I though.

D - this is a homework assignment. We have a business plan and we need to survey our potential customers so we can segment them, determine the product price, functionalities, etc.


... you should fill out that form. :)


What you want to do is to be able to forecast the next financial crisis.When you see it coming,don't waste 1 minute of your time attempting to warn the powers that be so they can avert the disaster.History proves their natural response is to A-Ignore you ,if that doesn't work then B- ridicule you while hiring somebody to dig up some dirt on you in case they need to fire you. C -fire your ass.

While working their way through the ABC process,they will continue to press the accelerator which is causing the crisis ever harder,while telling us A- there is no problem followed later by B- yes there is a problem but it is too small to worry about,then C- ok,the problem is bigger than we thought,but it is "contained". D- Houston,we have a problem but it is only 1 or 2 banks. E- give us all of your money...all of it,and immediately or the whole world ciollapses,,we friggin mean it man.F we are doing God's work,so screw you. Business as usual for guys that say things like "God i love this country" (sure,after all, it's given them so much)

That's the finance sector,But heres the ABC if you work in the publishing world. Snide your way through every aspect of somebody elses' private life in order to create stories to put in the cheap comic you call a newspaper while getting your mates to keep telling the rest of us what a wonderful media empire you've created and how you "saved" the dying newspaper industry.When you overstep the mark to the point that even the lying,inept corrupt, hypocrite,slugs in government find distasteful (but will still try to protect you (themselves) )

A- throw a minnow (rogue reporter) to the wolves without blinking an eye and carry on denying,denying,denying

B-admit that it was more than 1 rogue reporter,but no more than 2 or 3 and is certainly not a widespread culture within the industry.Get your top executives to lie as well.

C-When the overwhelming evidence proves it is the culture of the industry,go in front of a parliamentary committee and pretend you are too old to know what is going on,but are absolutely a fit person to run a public company

D- leave big hints that if you are going down you will take a few slugs with you.When that doesn't work.....

E- blame your own son for everything.Well,it's only your own son after all

F offer to regulate yourself in future even though you already do (er,don't)


But if you are in politics,then...well i think by now we all know how the ABC game is played.We know it so well that in fact,some of us could play it even better than these sleazebags. But,somehow,we like to think we wouldn't behave like this ourselves....and some of us actually mean it when we say that.


Now,you were saying something about AI ? I know you're all shiny and new and full of the joys of spring (if it's coming this year) and just busting a gut to make your mark on this world and all that. But the problem with AI is that:


A- it is only as good as the nerd who programmed it

B- if it is good,it will be used to make a few slugs extremely wealthy by stealing money from everybody else.

C-...well i'll let you work out what C is if you get that far:)


I hate filling out forms ......

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Well, I intend to beat them at their own game. The only fair way. First, I'll get stupendously rich, then I'll have them taken under all (most) at a time. Will give the remaining few something to think about. :)

I won't get rich playing the markets, though.


Thanks for filling the survey. 80% is doable, I think. Processing and acting only on news, "student researchers" achieved 70%, and as I'm told, AI-based trades backtested consistently outperform major investment funds by a small margin. Oh, and that's 80% in most significant prediction accuracy, not +80% in profits, whatever that means. :)

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