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  1. This thread is for those who like to discuss about the European debt crisis. I am waiting for your thoughts and predictions to help us in successful trading.
  2. I have just received a link to a Newsmax video “The Aftershock Survival Summit” that is obviously a sales video promoting their information package, but nevertheless it contains some truth and touches important points, which made me think hard about the recent situation. It is not my intention to promote them, but it would take a lot of typing to explain what they warn about. It is much easier to just paste the link here. If the links get deleted then the interested can still find it on google. Here is the video and its transcript: w3.newsmax.com/a http://w3.newsmax.com/a/aftershockb/video47a.cfm?promo_code=C915-1 One of its main claims is that the dollar is going to collapse this year, and the S & P will do the same. I am also convinced that the dollar will collapse sooner or later since all the data about the national debt and the way the dollar is created out of thin air backs this up. The only question is when will this happen. 1) What I hesitate about is whether the S & P (or stock market) would really collapse with the dollar. It is clear that if the crisis hits hard the real value of the stocks expressed in gold or commodities will fall. But the S & P is based on the dollar value of 500 stocks. The index will fall if the real value of the stocks falls faster than the value of the dollar. But if the inflation reaches unprecedented rates then the value of the dollar may fall faster than the real value of the stocks, and consequently, the S & P might rise (or at least not fall that much as expected) despite the fact that its real value is falling. It may be dangerous to sell S & P and expect it to collapse about 60% like it did in the last few years. What is your take on this first question? In a hyper inflation would the stocks rise (in dollar value) or fall as their real value is falling? Could the heavily depreciating dollar compensate the stocks falling tendency by the sheer fact that one would need a lot more dollars to purchase even a lower value stock? I have seen a video on youtube when a bloke paid for few bottles of bear with a full backpack of their hyper inflated currency... 2) The second question to consider is whether our money would be safe in banks when the collapse starts in earnest? The recent banking scandal in Cyprus is like the dying canary in the coal mine, warning us that we may lose our savings and earnings in more than just one way. The accelerated inflation steals people’s money in stealth mode without most of them realizing what is happening. But we may be subjected to very direct and overt thefts by the banks and governments like in Cyprus - see the article: “The Global Elite Are Very Clearly Telling Us That They Plan To Raid Our Bank Accounts” http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/the-global-elite-are-very-clearly-telling-us-that-they-plan-to-raid-our-bank-accounts 3) The third question is whether our money would be any safer in a broker account, or Forex Bucket-shop account in such a situation? If the banks start stealing the deposits why would the broker accounts be left out? Finally they are also under the control of the banks and subject to government regulations and taxes – right? You may be making nice profits short selling the crisis, but when you want to transfer it to you bank account, it could be stolen (all or a part of it) by the broker or by the bank when it arrives there. Even if your broker has been the most reliable and correct in the past, a government extra tax order may force them to do the unthinkable. The only safe solution to the mother of all crisis that is coming might be to buy and hold physical silver and gold, or other value-preserving commodities. What are your thoughts on these subjects? What concrete information and data supports support your opinion? fxYogi
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