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Everything posted by winbig

  1. Attended a weeks training at Online Trading Academy with a tremendous instructor. He refreshed what I had forgotten I knew about trading, but taught us some great new strategies, why we MUST have a plan and trade the plan, determine our own rules for trading after we paper trade for a while. Showed us a good many patterns for possible trades which included candlestick reversal signals. Support and Resistance were hammered on quite heavily as well. Just a great course. Oh, this was a FX course, but he used a great many stocks to illustrate what he was saying. Wish I had had this before I depleted my account when I was doing stocks before. Most of what we learned would apply to stocks as well as FX. Hope this describes it well.
  2. OK, Just registered a bit ago. I am Don. Live in Central US. Just finished an FX class and endeavoring to determine my strategies, get comfortable with my trading platform, and write out some plans to see what fits best and seems to be successful. Think I want to do FX futures; Have had some past stock and option experience and like many others, without any knowledge managed to totally deplete my account. Looking to do things right this time and make some money. Happy to be a member of TL. Sounds like a great bunch to communicate with and learn from.
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