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Everything posted by emac

  1. Gucci, Thanks for commenting on the reply. I looked at the vol that created the 1st VE in question and saw the faster fractal b2b2r2b. Ok, I understand and see that. Can you kindly tell which chart of Spydertrader are you referring to above as well as the post by cnms earlier. I seem to have some trouble looking it up. Spydertrader once asked how do I know I would arrive at the destination. I didn't really know how to answer him then as I was baffled. Now it seems the process of learning to recognize the signs on the journey are probably the key and in the context of each fractal, the ability to see the sequence completion is needed before the next begins. Whether a new point 3 is anticipated will very much depends on the ability to see the 1-2-3 which must be corroborated by the volume gaussians. If this analysis is correct, then my M-A- will be one level up to stay on the right side of the market. Thank you.
  2. I will give it a go. The blue container - the 16:10 bar is the 1st b2b move which created a ve on the way to pt 2 on the inner dark lined fractal, hence we anticipate 2r that created the point 3 on the next bar and fanned on the next 1620 bar. The pink container - r2r broke rtl of blue container, and subsequent point 3 created after 2b ending at 1705 bar. The next move of 1-2-3 of yet another faster fractal (starting at gaussian trough 1705 bar) had a r2r 1710 intrabar breaking previous rtl the 2b previously. This creates pt 2. On the same faster fractal, point 3 created at 1720 hrs. The sequence completion with the 2r with VE and acceleration. So the sequence had completed for the 2r move that started at 1705 bar. Essentially, the first one was a x2x dominant move whereas the latter was a 2x dominant move. Am I seeing it correctly ? TQVM
  3. I thought about the statement on the VE -- since VE can't have the FTT, we therefore need the sequence to be completed , therefore a new point would have to be formed to get the FTT of the container. In part, that would seem also to explain the M1 and M2 moves mentioned by Jack in some older threads -- on condition that the close is in the zone between the old LTL and new LTL. Would that be right ?
  4. Hi Gucci, Thanks for putting the charts and clarification. On your chart notes, you mentioned that a bar that VE the LTL would suggest a new point 3. Can you explain further why that is so in the context of the same chart you are describing ? TQVM
  5. My 2 cents worth.. Thurs lateral - 3rd increasing red bar vol created by up move to form a doji at the close. The volume thus is not totally increasing red but if we split, it should be red followed by a black. On 9/3, the increasing red vol is created in the lateral is by price going down which signals a potential down move but would probably have to wait for BO of lateral to confirm, correct ?
  6. Dear Spydertrader, Thanks for your comments. I am not sure if I understood your answer (sounds cryptic ). Nevertheless, when I do drive, I set my destination mentally, determine the best route subconsciously and start driving there. I get there when I can see that I am there and probably my subconscience will tell me I got there. By the same token, you are saying that I should mentally already have set my target (anticipation) and then having to see the process of the market getting there to confirm it. My question is how do I know for e.g. the 2B traverse would end at bar 42 at the close of bar 42 - much like I know the 2B traverse will follow but how long will the journey to a destination take and what route will it take to get there ? I am looking for markers on the road as part of the MA (DA) which I have missed in my annotations or should I like many cases, let the market show me where it is going and annotate accordingly, after which only I see where and what it has done to determine the next move ? Apologize for not able to get it the first go from your answer but I am working on it .
  7. Concerning annotating correctly, I started with bar 29 b2b followed with 2r and then a 2b pt 3 ending 1300 hrs. So I drew a traverse for the 2B after the R2R on open that ended on at bar 29 FTT. Then at bar 42 r2r broke followed by ND tape down that lasted till 1405hrs bar 55 . My question is since I already have a traverse, then how would I know the bar 42 r2r is not the beginning of 2R Dom traverse down at that point of time even up till bar 55? As it turns out, price made a higher high on bar 61 tape which gave me an FTT at bar 61. So I would have the ND 2B (bar 29- 61traverse). So at that point of time, how would i know that the 2B Long has not ended at 61 ? At the moment, I reasoned that at bar 61, the gaussians volume was too low to make a FTT on the traverse as I would expected a vol closer to or in excess of the b2b move (>20K) for a peaking volume. But it is awfully close on the graph to discern a real difference. The same issue arise on the Pt 3 move starting bar 55 till 71. When the ftt started after bar 61, my mind was asking , is the 2B over ? As it turns out the next 2 red bars had no IRV and at bar 64, and we have another 2b tape up. From bar 55 to bar 71, it looks to be a tape that has been fanned twice at bar 63 and bar 67 but my BIG question is at that point of time , how can I tell that it is still going to go up (unless use the gaussians but sometimes DRV can be deceiving as a nested r2r hidden inside). To date, one of my big challenge is to correct annotate and anticipate the price moves correctly before moving to the finer tools. I would appreciate if someone can pose an alternative chart for comparison and share their thoughts on this issue. TQVM !
  8. Hi cnms2, Thanks for pointing out the error. Much appreciated. On your post above, I can only see a greyed out pic. Is that intended ?
  9. continuing to share and learn and hopefully for other newbies to learn as well. Lower pace on opening resulted with FBO and a fan with new PT 3 . R2R followed FTT onwards...
  10. Yesterday as I see it. The challenge is to remain on the right fractals during the low pace periods. Appreciate comments on errors and any corrections needed. TQ.
  11. Hi Saturo, Can you post a chart to show what you are describing ? Thanks. emac
  12. I am wondering why your middle fractals do not match the original gaussians you have drawn ? Appreciate if you comment further. Thanks for posting.
  13. Hi Ezzy, Thanks a lot for posting the videos and far more important, in keeping them all this time. Can you just briefly mention what's the difference between this set and the earlier set that you posted. Were both of the 2 sets made around the same time with the same group of people ? Btw, I found that downloading each one at a time is more stable than trying to download a few all at once. TQVM.
  14. Hi Ezzy, Thanks a lot for posting the videos and far more important, in keeping them all this time. Can you just briefly mention what's the difference between this set and the earlier set that you posted. Were both of the 2 sets made around the same time with the same group of people ? TQVM.
  15. Can you explain the concept of NSW (non-stationary window) and what do you mean by move NSW and when do you apply that ? tnx
  16. Here is another codec from techsmith that I used to view the vids under Window Media Player TechSmith Products: Snagit Screen Capture, Camtasia Studio Screen Recorder, UserVue Remote User Research, Morae Usability Software from TechSmith
  17. WWT - What wasn't there. Thanks for the posting so far. Following it the last few weeks helped me to see and annotate better especially on how to draw the nested gaussians.
  18. The ND Long 12:30 to 14:30 was a real challenge with the low volume and laterals. I had diffificulty doing the MADA and can only see it after the fact. Apart from sitting it out, would there be any better way of knowing WMCN and WWT in periods such as this ? tnx
  19. The ND Long 12:30 to 14:30 was a real challenge with the low volume and laterals. I had diffificulty doing the MADA and can only see it after the fact. Apart from sitting it out, would there be any better way of knowing WMCN and WWT in periods such as this ? tnx
  20. Those are the FBP FTP Hitches etc. My kudos to those who provided the indicators as well.
  21. rs5, I see the cases are nicely annotated on the chart, are they on drawn automatically or manually. If yes, is there an indicator for it ? tnx
  22. My view after some hindsight corrections. I can see that the challenge is staying on the right fractal, especially when the volumes are low.
  23. can you further explain the NSW and Signal of Change and how to correctly identify that signal of change ?
  24. cnms2, Thanks for the snippets, makes it easier to see the faster fractal moves and not jump them.
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