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Posts posted by Patuca

  1. :offtopic: heresy




    Here's What Happens When A Central Bank Goes Bust | Zero Hedge


    Ya'll have a great weekend



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    great article even if you did post it in the wrong place and got the RED flag...i loved the last part about being a paper bug...:rofl: :rofl:


  2. This is embarassing...it only dropped to 1679.25 3 minutes later...:embarassed:


    Well i guess only 1.5 pts profit will have to do...i must practice more and get more precise...i must be getting too old and not as quick witted??.

  3. It's a "problem" you want to have if seeing what others don't see gives you an advantage.

    But the context was Elliott.You have to decide if you want to look through his lense or your own.


    No one can truely "see" as elliot sees......


    I am a great fan of prediction....confirmation is too late....

  4. I dont think Gold is going to the 1500 level again too soon...Many market commentators are still bearish on Gold and termed it as "Still Overvalued"...there is a very low demand for gold in China too which was one of gold's major demand player in recent years...
    please meditate deeply upon these charts..how many bubbles do you see? How many bubbles have popped? Which bubbles have not popped? Which bubbles will soon pop? where will you be when they pop? I know where i will be...as mits says "free info to the left of chart"






  5. Just as an interesting thought/observation - as part of the experiment.....and I also assume JPBags was not too serious....


    There is the hint that it is somehow his fault - the apology for the streak being broken as though he had something to do with it.


    well he did flip the coin...maybe he had too much magnetism in his fingers...maybe he didn't flip it high enough? too high? no twist of the wrist in the flip? it was definetely in his hands...he blew it and he knew it...."oh shoot"


    Actually....what made the coin land the way it did? was it predestined to such an end? Coincidence?....skill? ....laws of gravity and mass?....could WD have predicted it?

  6. Hi Silver

    You might be right, but there are some bright members on TL..(the rumpled one);)

    I have tried to draw something by hand, but its too slow.

    There was this member Tradewind, who was good with computers , but I haven't seen him around for awhile .

    And Patuca is sleeping:hmpf:

    kind regards


    cap bob i not sleeping...i trading....must get back paperlosses on famous Es trade and maintain my position too.


    Send me the charts and i will try to do the super imposing. May not be as pretty as your example but it may work for you. I do not have the time nor energy to look up charts..i am old......older than zdo..maybe as old as db or windbag why? I was born way before computers but i am one dog that learned a few new tricks...



    Make sure the charts have the time line on horiz axis so i can place them properly...


    I will try..no promises though but i do have a few tricks up my sleeve...TRO is to busy drawing horiz lines on charts...db might could but won't as he requires all to do their own research...


    Now for sure MM could do it. He is a sharp whippersnapper.


    Send to pics as jpeg..png..tiff..whatever..send to my email as attached file..



  7. Wait for the dollar to strengthen


    Something of interest for Silver traders

    Prescious metals are ruled by the vibration/magnetism/ whatever of Uranus

    Silver follows Gold in its movement

    But silver is half a degree behind Gold . Thats nothing

    Uranus is so far away it takes 2 months to move half a degree.

    Thats a very important fact

    It means Silver will bottom 2 months AFTER Gold.

    Dont say i din'nt warn you



    What is the dollar ruled by?

  8. Shoot!!!!... the first loser. I'm consoled by a really good day in the world of reality. Sorry to be the first to break the the streak though... would've been fun to see a fourth day in the black.
    are you giving off bad magnetism/ vibrations or just a case of bad luck?

  9. Stopped out at 1327 :doh: :crap:

    Thats why I always say, you can enter anywhere , its the EXIT that counts

    While I have made a 41 point profit (bragging) I have given back a lot of money

    I will have to tell my wife

    Leave it for Saturday.

    The immediate question.............. REENTRY???

    Thinking :roll eyes:

    The problem is I read the market perfectly. It was going to fall on a strengthening dollar.

    Yet I held :crap:

    Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be a really good trader.

    no regards

    jimmy the ....clown

    well .....you did well. I guess you were waiting for the next resistance at the double red circle?.....always two big emotions eh...hope...greed...but you still got out ok....much better of than my little ES trade..I m holding just to say hello and bye to MM SL when i zoom by on the plunge ...soon to come....this bubble ..must...will..shall..burst...in the meantime i short and long intraday ES cover losses in longer term position....the secret code still says the plunge is coming and has not indicated i get out but i did not expect the amount of strenght still inherent in the markets. Nevertheless, i'm still on board with no stop loss. Some would say i am crazy....not news for me...:rofl: :rofl:


    Here is to capt bob and his very profitible gold trade :beer::applaud:

  10. The bubble has burst; asset prices have gone down.


    Secondly, our debt in real terms, gets bigger and bigger instead of smaller and smaller the way it does with inflation.


    To the fed: Inflation is good. Deflation is bad. To anyone holding assets: Inflation is good. Deflation is bad.


    Not saying why or if it should, just offering why it might be battling deflation.

    MM weez still awaiting the bursting of the present bubble...please look at a monthly chart...yes...the bubble of 2007/2008 bursted...monthly chart shows you what happened right after the kaboom.


    The fed has been a huffing and a puffing blowing up the last bubble. From 2009 till the present.. It is the "greatest bubble". It has yet to go ..caboom... They know it could go kaboom anytime...now..12 months..24 months...it could go kaboom tomm. they will not be able to contain the kaboom once it blows...The only thing driving this rise in indices is the QE...banks and institutions are investing it...sheeple are jumping on....guess who will short it just before the bubble bursts? Yep you got it...fed will look after banks..they will be forewarned when time is real close...but even fed can't be 100% precise on it..anything could be the match that lights the fuse....some major banks will listen..some smaller ones won't..some major won't....there is NO solid economy driving this market. The feds are. They are making the biggest bubble in history...it will come close to wiping out the middle class.


    Then we have the dollar..and interest rates.. they desperately want to drive it down...or gov can't even pay interest on debt...they do not want interest rates to go up or it will be the end...regardless of what they say....


    But they have a major problem....if they beat the dollar too much the world will punch back...that is why they had to beat gold down to make investors skittish on gold and see the dollar as the safe haven...fed is desperate to keep the dollar as the reserve currency...USA lose that status and it's over...dollar will be worthless..it is basically worthless already but what but what keeps it up peoples beliefs..it is a ponzi scheme as long as people play it and believe in it it continues until________________. you fill in the blank. There is no intrinsic value to fiat money except what people "believe" it is worth.


    Monthly charts will show you the bubbles and the results when they burst.......she heading south ...boys...south...all things are bearish.....except gold..silver..etc


    If PM soar off anytime within next couple of years it is over for the dollar...then the "greatest bubble" will burst..are you ready?

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