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Rocky Mtn Trader

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Posts posted by Rocky Mtn Trader

  1. I have read both the CBOT MP manual and Mind over Market. Here are a few questions I have relating to MP.


    1) Why does the ES move up or down?


    2) Doesn't the S&P move according to the movement of the 500 stocks in this market?


    3) Why does the ES (S&P), the YM (Dow), and the ER (Russel) all move in rhythm with each other?


    4) Doesn't the YM (Dow) and the ER (Russel) also move up or down accoding to the individual stocks represented in their markets?


    5) Isn't the ES traded in an auction in the "pit"?.


    6) Is the YM and the ER traded in an auction in the "pit"?


    Can someone help answer these questions for me? When these get answered, I have more. I was going to list them all on this post, but I would like to have these answered first, then I can move on to the next set of questions.


    I think that when all my questions get answered, it will help a lot of people understand really what is happening in the market.


    Please, please, just answer the 6 questions I have above. Trust me...there will be more.


  2. Here is what I've been using on stops and targets.


    Lets say your trading 2 contracts on the ES.


    My stop loss is -1.5 points on both. Worst case scenario....-3.0 loss


    My first target is +1. After this, I move my stop to -1.25 or -1.0 or -.75. In other words...I'm still giving the trade some "wiggle" room, and if I get stopped out, the loss is minimal.


    If you are getting in your trades at the right time, getting covered at +1 on your first contract is a high percentage. It also is good on the phyche.


    After the trade is moving in the right direction, I move my stop to B/E when it gets to +2, +2.5 or +3.0. I also watch where retracements are to move my stop with the trade. I have found that I'm better to take +3 or +4 on my 2nd contract, than have the trade move back to -1 and stop me out. That drives you nuts.


    My 2nd contract target is +5. If I don't get much heat on my entry, then I know the trade has a good chance to move +5 points. If I take -1 heat, then I usually take + 4 profit. A lot depends on what action is happening toward the end.


    I have found that if I move my stop to B/E too early, sure enough it will come back and stop me out. On the ES, once the trade gets past +3 points, the retracement back has a good chance from never reaching your entry.


    Bottom line...The market does what it wants to do. When I get a lot of heat right from the beginning, chances are this was not the best entry and I'll get stopped out regardless. Part of trading.


    Like Soul Trader, my problem is getting out too early and not let the winners run.


    Try this sometime. If your Sim trading....get in a trade, after you cover your +1, move your stop to -1 or -.75. Figure where your profit target "should be", and then get up and walk away. Do this a couple of times...you will be amazed at how often this trade will pay off.


    If your trading 4 contracts...target first 2 contracts at +1 points, 1 at +2.5 points, then move your stop to B/E, and let the 4th contract hit your final target. This trade actually has better ratios than using 2 contracts. You may get stopped out on the 4th contract at B/E, but you get your 2 at +1 and 1 at +2.5 a lot of the time. That's a +4.5. You will also be surprised how many times you get +9.5.


    Hopefully this might help someone.


  3. Why is it so hard to talk about a topic...ie MP, and just talk about it. Look at the title of this thread, "crash course into MP".


    This thread is designed to talk about MP and what it might be able to do for your trading style. I am trying to learn more about MP and enjoy reading all the information I can. I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from this site...thank you.


    No one has the answers. No ones method is right. Does it really matter what indicators someone uses or what method someone uses?...No. If you can make money,. ie feed your family trading, then good for you.


    What that tells me is that you have a system, a method, a strategy, etc....that works for you, and you know how to use it to take a piece out of the market.


    If someone starts a thread about a topic....support the topic and give your opinion on supporting the topic....OR shut the **** up and stay off this thread. No one wants to hear your negative comments.


    Start a new thread AgeKay and tell us why you think MP is crap and a waste of time. But dont post your slander on this thread.


    BTW AgeKay...what system do you trade with...you never told us?


    Why dont you share your strategies and methods with all of us MP users?

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