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Posts posted by namstrader

  1. I also wrote some things that I compiled from others and had some fun over a few months writing about their wisdoms of trading successfully. I only tried to add some personal comments to add myself and my creative side. It was enjoyable for me to involve myself in this process until I felt more recently to be more plagiarizing than being original. It is awaking more so, when you involve yourself more in anyway with the subject and forcing yourself to come up with something that adds value. Check it out what I shared and some may find some usefulness found with what I shared at: http://stockmarkettradingtips.net/


    Not sure if I want to continue the website, but I gave it something, it is always there to continue when I feel compelled. Why do we start things and quit? I got discouraged and called a strike. It seems that the life force hits a wall and what causes it to falter or loose faith is unique to all. Gain from everything, it is not a loss, all the effort given to any endeavor that reached a saturation point. I gained territory that I can see and read. It is right there on the map. My map, not a map from someone else that was sold to me, but my territory! I like this fact.


    Be a creator and not a competitor. Share.

  2. For sure Reaver,

    Just the moment you allow someone to influence you against what you think is right, you lose that confidence in yourself that inspires

    courage and carries with it all the forces which courage creates.

    Just the moment you begin to swerve in your plan you begin to carry

    out another's thought and not your own. You become the directed

    and not the director. You forsake the courage and resolution

    of your own mind, and you therefore lack the very forces

    that you need to sustain and carry out your work.

    Instead of being self-reliant you become timid and this invites failure.

    When you permit yourself to be influenced from your plan by another,

    you are unable to judge as you should, because you have allowed

    another's influence to deprive you of your courage and determination without

    absorbing any of his in return so you are in much the same predicament, as

    you would be in if you turned over all your worldly possessions to another

    without getting "value received."


    No more chat rooms or gurus' for me. I have realized the same that self education and immersion into the abyss and darkness of the unknown is where my second coming will emerge, with wisdom that translates into a self expression that contains confidence and trust in my own judgments that leads me toward my vision, becoming a master trader. Read Kiev's book "Trading to Win."


    Screen time and years of playing in the trading sandbox, I will grow up. How else could it be? aint no help outside the self. Seek it outside and this is from doubt of self. Develop confidence and self trust. The Higher self never distrusts. Ya get there alone.


    Trader X said "We are dancing with lions when trading.

    Most successful traders say that Survival is the first key to success.

    Stop searching and start focusing". And also "In the final analysis, it’s not about money; it’s about evolving. Those who don’t are food for those who do. Sooner or later everyone gets a chance to be both. Just do yourself a favor and never stop evolving. I would like to meet you. Otherwise, I will

    eat you."

  3. Is anyone familiar with Frank Butera and Balancetrader.com? It seems like this is the only Market Profile chatroom out there that I am aware of. I have been listening to his chatroom for a few days and I like very much his style and understanding of MP. I would be very interested in hearing from others that might be familiar with him so that I can feel more comfortable joining his chatroom or if it is not so useful after all, from another's perspective. Thanks!

  4. Yep this is the Law of Growth. Thoughts and circumstances build upon themselves and the more begets more. So incremental actions toward our visions and the unshakable faith in the vision and especially YOURSELF. "YOU ARE THE DOG THAT BITES YOU", we are, ourselves, in the way of increase.


    Man, remember this.... (saying to self, not preaching), that the Universe is abundance not scarcity, get the vision or where ya want to be, have it now as if you received it, let the vision guide all actions and exercise gratitude. Let go of all the conditioned crap called the life principles that I think Kiev said in "Trading to Win" or Mark Douglas not sure, that have screwed us up in our expectations or protecting the ego's status for others. Just become a "HOT WIRE" that is tapped into the circuit of power, which is the Infinite, and tell it what you want cause, as I am now trying to grasp, it is all "ONE BIG THOUGHT" and we are just channels or instruments for the Whole to express as individual parts of that Whole. There are no favorites, it is available to anyone that can see the laws that exist. Simple as a pimple. Just seek expression as a mini creator and not as a competitor. Just go make bank, with just doing today excellently in a certain way, however you define it, from within.


    Hey, I claim only to be one who wants to be greater than I am now. I have little success now materialistically, and this is reflective of my thoughts within, thats all. We get what receive and I am learning that the cause is always from our own thoughts;Look not else where, it is all YOU, that is why we are all perfect and at equilibrium because what we give, we receive.


    So have strong thoughts on the vision and not the known, or seen here now in the objective world. The Unseen is where it is all created so go think about it, with actions and applications or systems you have evolved to know, and have faith and trust the Current or Electricity is there, and it is, I have just not understood this, so I have crumbs not treasure.


    After losing my trading account I began to go over all the good stuff I gathered over the years that offered insights etc. I have started to write them for sharing, with anyone that needs some short excerpts, or sum ups, from Steenbarger, Kiev, Douglas, Raschke, etc. check it out if ya want because this community has offered me so much and I have something I think now to give back alittle, since I always felt What do I have to offer James Lee, TinGull, Walter, and others, that has some value, if alittle from me? The website is:



  5. Hey Walter,


    Like Tin and his gardening, I write some silliness to feel closer to something in my loneliness of trading and life for that matter. I want to share something I have written while despaired and I am not looking for any kind of appreciation, just want to throw it out there in the Universe so you can view and cast away, or perhaps it strikes you like a comet. haha


    Find and seek the FLOW. This is moving toward the imprints upon your heart. What if there seems to be no imprints? It is all part of the Learning Curve in life, swerving from guardrail to guardrail. Embrace what is attracted to you.


    Everything is a datapoint and motion that can be Doc'ed and intel for a Solution Focused Mindset. The Abstract, Facing the Black, the Unknown, is the space and convass for us all. How I embrace what is before me, will determine how the brush will move upon the convass and co-create the unique masterpiece we all are given. Be open to it all. Take what is given and give back with forward motion. The takeaways from the present and past will serve one in the journey going forward. Takeaways are the lessons we must have. To become more complete, there must be many broken pieces to form the unbrokenness and strong buildout foundation of Being.


    The buildout is in how we structure ourselves from the Abstract. It is built in each one of us, our uniqueness. The mind is the Viewfinder. The view of the horizon is yours to share. It is shared through our projections and interpretations of it. We are all running around placing meaning to it all. There is nothing to know, except that it is so. This is knowing nothing, for this is what we are limited to. The mind is a limitation, as well as the body and our senses.


    The frog on a log, can know all to himself only. He can not explain reality to a sparrow. It is all different. All things Being so, jut find the Flow.


    Below the Bottom Line, of profit and earnings of each one's buildout, is the Bottom Light of the Universe; found in the Flow of the imprints on our hearts. The Bottom Light is found from the broken pieces and takeaways from the experiences of all the Viewfinders. The limited Bottom line of each one's profits and earnings can be shared, for others to learn from.


    The Bottom Light shines on all, and the solution focused Mindset will find answers here, not in the upper, one time earnings period, but in the

    Recurring and Extraordinary Items found further down in the unreported earnings of the Bottom Light. The Bottom Light offers the truth in reported earnings, or our brokenness, that brings it all together, without the help of our viewfinders that are limited.


    Net profit is in the Flow of imprints upon the heart that lead to be understood later. Once the brush upon the canvass, has been watered and allowed many different colors of broken pieces, it can now co-create a masterpiece, and the Bottom Light can illuminate for all of us to learn from other viewfinders. Learning from other viewfinders can be instructive, however, the Truth is found where the Bottom light exists beyond the net profits and common shares.


    So just follow the flow of imprints upon the heart and for the Mind Aware, the rate of return will grow abundantly, from below the neck, rather than from the viewfinder. We all can be in "Awe of our Flaws" and brokenness because we trust it will all be put together wonderfully once the brush is put down.


    Maybe I should take up gardening instead. Oh well, Be Peaceful and Powerful.

  6. Hey Tin and Soul,


    Since my sabbatical (losing my trading account) I have been writing for my website on trading, or should I say providing useful borrowed trading wisdoms that I have deemed useful for traders. Over the years I have highlighted or saved these writings of successful traders and I share them second hand.


    As I have researched these writings it has really convinced me how difficult this game is and how the brain needs to be wired differently to overcome our personal biases and beliefs, i.e. our conditioned responses that have nothing to do with Free Will, but plain old emotional habits overriding any new found knowledge.


    I am now trying to understand the inner world now with greater urgency and with better programming, I want to progress toward that idealized Master trader, that acts like a fighter pilot that Observes, Orients, Decides, and Acts (OODA), without the interferences of our own "Crap on Tap". Ya I can learn the setups and methods but I need to learn the reason why I make a decision or have thoughts that deny any manifestations of true self expression that makes lots of green.

  7. I spent several months with the Woodie group and the simplicity was very intoxicating. I studied the many setups and learned quite abit. The thing that was so useful for me was that many other questions where answered for me by the other helpful traders. I began to have a foundation to sit upon by learning from the cci group. Then the politics and egos began to emerge and get to me after perhaps 5 months. It seemed to contaminate my progress and instead of being a follower, I said goodbye and knew it was up to me, and not relying on group identification. What I learned from Woodies cci club was about another indicator to use and still do. I use the indicator now with my own way of interpreting it rather than theirs. It is amazing how the cci group has a name for each setup like a shamu or zlr and when one setup fails, the opposite way trade has another name that is successful. I am in debt to those like Nicktrader and Kiwi who shared their knowledge with us all with such kindness. It had a very useful effect on me as a trader, however, cutting the strings eventually was necessary because to make it as a trader you must trust your own way of thinking instead of watching others. It was amazing how traders like Nicktrader, was making so much, while others could not (me included) using the same methods taught. He was a better carpenter with the same toolbox of cci setups taught. So go to the Woodie CCI club and eat the meat and spit out the bones. I do not identify with a herd, never did.

  8. Dogpile,


    I just got my hands on "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel "the Father of Personal Development" ebook from over at thetacticaltrader.com


    Rumor has it that while he was attending Harvard University, Bill Gates discovered and read The Master Key System. It was this book that inspired Bill Gates to drop out of the University and pursue his dream of "a computer on every desktop." And the rest they say is history . . this is a quote from it.


    Pursue the the dream with the understanding of the mental laws that strengthens the will and the use of imagination that brings forth the enjoyment of life on its higher planes. All is found from within not outside ourselves.


    Just passing on something that I intend to learn from and it may be useful for you and others here. I lost my most recent trading account and I am rebuilding my foundation now, to rid my stress that exists with undercapitalization.

  9. I passed it twice and I would say that studying hard works for me. I was so overwhelmed and worried about some particular areas of study like options with puts and calls and different strategies with butterflies...in the money...spreads...whatever and at test time I was surprised how easy the questions were. So for me a general understanding was all that was necessary and it was not necessary to drill down so much, thinking the complicated stuff would be tested. Try studying for the CFA, now that was tough! Level II was too much for me. Series 7 is not that difficult but make sure you have understanding of all material and the test will flow easily. Don't stress just read thoroughly all required sections.

  10. indicator forum? Soul I am lost to where it can be found. Can you be more specific, I am clueless. Thanks. Looks like the MarketDelta but for some reason it stopped working for me. I would rather have this bid ask pressure indicator as better visual. Thanks for the shared video.

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