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Everything posted by danielwilkinson

  1. $SPY can't wait for Q3 earnings to roll out...We're finally going to get that correction! Big execs don't dump shares before earnings for nothing
  2. $TWTR another way to interpret Dorsey's note is they had a great 3Q. They can do it alone. October must have been great so far.
  3. $EXEL Great data, however technical in the daily is still bearish. Need to hold $12.40 level. Looking for a bounce and stay above support
  4. $GLD $SLV $JNUG $GDX bears who didn't cover last week will be massacred this week. Friday was the day the door closed on shorts
  5. Bears act like the only buyers for $TWTR are $GOOGL, $DIS, and $CRM. $BABA can buy this for all cash no problem at a $30 billion valuation.
  6. $SPY you wonder how all the hedge funds keep losing money in this INCREDIBLE generous market. Maybe that's where Bears keep coming from
  7. $UVXY $SPY if this thing tanks today then the payroll number on Friday is leaked and we pop again.
  8. $JNUG $JDST $UVXY $SVXY $TROV $YELP $FB $DIA $SPY $QQQ Watch out for sharks who tell you to buy so they can sell, or sell so they can buy...
  9. $SPY Time for a test of the trend line at 2100 from the FEB lows. Market won't go anywhere until that happens IMO.
  10. $TWTR $AAPL has to be in the game if $GOOG is. $GOOG just took hardware mkt share w/ phone. It will be a very expensive battle.
  11. $AAPL takes stones to short this after dozens of positive indications of strong demand. Not to mention top competitor out of the game.
  12. $MACK I am not bullish for the week or month, but for the next year at least. This week looks a little bearish until Friday maybe longer.
  13. $SPY is poised and we have some serious solid set-ups we would love to get long/trigger. Would be nice if $DB doesn't ruin the party.
  14. $TSLA I love how people diss tesla as a "cult stock" when things don't go their way. As if that’s supposed to even delegitimize it somehow.
  15. $DB - Deutsche has 70 TRILLION in derivative exposure; nobody can bail that out. The mother of all bubbles is starting to deflate.
  16. $FIT 11% drop in one day is not a joke with heavy volume, now next possible and attractive will be at and around $13. No position now
  17. $DWTI we may see $50/bbl short term. No higher though as Arabs will trip over their historical drama. Load up on DWTI when oil hits 49-50$
  18. $SGYP Don’t trust bashers. They don't have your best interests in mind and only serve to try and scare you and manipulate. Trust the data.
  19. $SPY higher rates don't hinder economic prosperity; they can't raise rates because of bubble that will burst due to them being low so long
  20. $NKE ridiculous future order issue, I've never heard this kind of issue before, some people put this issue for lower the price and buy later.
  21. $VRX Shorts are already getting desperate on here. Not a single word about pharma pricing or VRX in the debate. VRX will never be mentioned.
  22. $SPY be happy you are not running for President with market near all-time high. Nowhere to go but sideways at best, down at worst on their time clock
  23. $UVXY An early week spike to chase premium again and back down it goes end of Q window dressing coming up, don't buy when it gaps on no news
  24. $NUGT $DUST $JNUG $JDST $GC_F $GDX Looking like its going to be a really bad day for gold bulls - so much for my GDX 28 call options.
  25. $AMZN $GOOGL Really want either one of these two to split so they can be more liquid to trade intraday. $AAPL has been a charm since split.
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