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Posts posted by jpennybags


    Is anyone really surprised by this... and I don't even blame DJT. What you thought "was" isn't. What he promised to get elected, just can't be. It really is incumbent on the populace to discern the difference. Good luck with that...


    If I were "king" everyone is going to get taken down (going to have to get realistic)... for your own good.


    Ha! "The King" has spoken... good luck with that.

  2. The most dramatic effect is amnesia. ... the result of conversion hysteria resulting from circumstantial stress in addition to latent, preexisting stress imposed by the conditioning process...



    Treadstone is currently... inactive...




    We are currently looking for other causes for your headaches and related symptoms. In the memetime, please refrain from self-medicating ...and from killing anyone you think might have been related to the project... just sayin





    Well,,, alright. Going off the "grid"... it's giving me a headache...


    Kiddie table understands: "you are the master of your own universe"...




    That's all you need to know... honestly... that's it... that's all there is...

  3. And yet when I turned my focus away from the deepshate back to the ‘economics’ angle, re : “erroneous application of theory as a matter of convenience ...” etc etc you kept banging on the deepstate?


    Also, I’d bet if we gave a questionnaire out on the what’s and how’s of the shallow and deep states, everyone would score quite well ... no matter which tables we gave it to. And I’d bet your score and my score would be in the same ballstate. ... “ignorant” my ass, jp :) Just sayin ;)


    Finally the shallowstate explained

    Loose Cannon | Two Ice Floes


    Mr. zdo... as I've said in the past: whenever I find myself in disagreement with you, it's only by degrees. I think it holds true...


    There are probably 2.65 people that are reading this thread...why bother to get down into the "brass tacks" of one view over another? This is mine...


    I suppose that the term "deep state" causes me to bristle just a bit, in that it places a distinct name on something that is much like "dark matter"... we know it exists, but trying to define "it" is problematic...


    To me, "deep state" is as natural as rain, or the sun rising in the east... it's just the way it works. I wouldn't even call it evil... it just is... kinda like "dark matter". We could all become simple goat herders, and you would still end up with some form of "deep state" (I do bristle at the term), but it's a natural progression of human kind...the rise and fall of civilizations... however one would like to apply it according to your particular bend.


    Do I want to argue about the existence of "deep state"? The answer is a resigned "no"... but, I do take deference to the definition. We are "deep state". And for me, I really can't get past that notion...


    So, what I say, as I've always said... "trade it as you see it". Enjoy your life, love your neighbor, try to get along... get on with life as we know it.

  4. Ha! I thought that my comments may bring a response (though I'm miffed (and somewhat pleased) that it wasn't stronger). I don't have the time to explain myself fully, but I will try to do the "in a nutshell" sort of thing...


    My problem with the whole "deep state" thing is that the term (far too often) lends itself to the notion that anything that you don't understand becomes "deep state". This is fodder for the ignorant and there is plenty of "ignorant" to go around (myself included). Personally, I think it's a lazy way of thinking...


    The workings of "govment" (my preferred spelling... it's a matter of cynicism) are complex. Human nature, actual fact, and "actual fiction" (ideology) all gets promoted as the next "new wave"....


    I hold out little hope for any of it, but having said that... I'll say this: It's all good... trade it as you see it... no other choice...


    I rather like this article...


    Having said that, I'll say this: If one actually comes to an understanding of the inner workings of corruption, one also must then understand the simple ease with which corruption takes hold. Using the word "corruption" as if it where an entity unto itself(something separate from human nature) tends to void the actual understanding, and becomes "they are corrupt" or "it is corrupt"....


    Time is a restriction... gotta go... just saying.


    Edit: If I were king... motherfucking everybody would be pissed...

    Edit again: It seems to me that roughly two to three weeks after we are jerked from the womb that we "all" eat the apple... "beware the ills of perfection".

  6. I got into my first fight in school (must've been 1st grade) when an older kid called me an "American".


    I was making comment that I didn't understand why we had to say "The Pledge of Allegiance" every day... seemed like once should be enough. An older kid heard my comment, and informed me it was because I was an American (and added the word "stupid"). Well... I had never considered myself to be "much of anything", but I didn't like being called names... and well... "American" kinda sounded like a name.


    After she was done laughing, mom said: "Honey, you are an American; Stupid (she may have said "silly" not "stupid").


    Edit: To Mr. Mencken... get what you're saying dude, but there are some places that such things just won't take root.

  7. o sht, here we go...

    :haha:“The problems with "the DeepState".... really? ” ;)


    Mr. zdo... with all due respect... we agree on so much. I would invite you down to the kiddie table where we all understand that adults are kinda fucked up, but we are stuck with the situation at hand. But be forewarned, the term "deepstate" has no practical application down here. Kinda like the term "dark matter"...

  8. jpmoneybags kept flopping. Some days he would complain of being a powerless idiot. The next he would be a no it all. Then sometimes he would just stare blank. Blankness at the blankness. Concerned, we made an appointment for him with R. D. Laing, and personally drove him to the appointment, but he refused to come out of the car.



    Ha! Was "no it all" a typo or a play on words? I rather like it (amused). I think I mentioned that I have a suspicion that my self proclaimed idiocy is an "easy out" from a greater responsibility.


    Economic theory is not what baffles me... it's the erroneous application of theory as a matter of convenience in politics and govmnt policy.


    I feel an "if I were king" rant about to start, but I think I'll just return to the kiddie table.

  9. The problems with "Keynesian economics".... really? I think I will reserve my seat at the "child's table" (ha!...village idiot that I am)...


    We need a new religion... it's not "Keynesian", and it's not "Supply Side"... dare to fucking dream of a better place!

  10. I'm a simple man, and I have described myself as "the village idiot" in past posts. For the most part, I will stand by that statement (with some pride)...


    I'm often confused by what I see in society, govmnt, and the markets ("baffled" may be a better word). I'm sure there is some rhyme or reason to it all... but yea... explain "dark matter" to me...


    I'm an ole guy, and I must admit that "I" still don't "get it"... possibly that's a personal strength (considered in the context of "the grand scope of everything")... or, it may just be an "easy out".


    "Trade it as you see it"...

  11. Really? Ballistics are important... Is it any wonder that this shit costs so much.


    US Army pursues 'biodegradable' bullets - CNN.com


    Really? What would Jesus do...


    Trump bucks breakfast tradition by calling for prayers for Schwarzenegger


    Edit: Concerning the first item. To DJT... You can hire Mexicans to clean up the mess for far less than the research involved in procuring sprouting ammo. Hell... possibly, there may be white folks willing to do the work (kinda beats stealing AC units for salvage).

  12. re: "Post #92... zdo has perfectly illustrated the point I was making about the feckless nature of "the news". This is not news you can use; just more pot stirring. It's laughable, yet sad at the same time."


    That’s a weird criteria - "news you can use" ???. Maybe you score some serious utility with the news but for me, 99.99 % of MSM is not news I can “use”. I find about 0.0001 % of ANY news is news I can “use”


    so re: “do yourself and your neighbors a favor and turn off "the news".” ------ It’s not “news”. It’s even worse. It’s “just sayin”.

    JP, in light of its even worse “feckless nature” you would probably be best served ignoring anything prefaced or followed by “just sayin”. It might stir your pot.


    just sayin :);)


    My pot was not stirred... hope yours wasn't either. It was a typo, but I used the word "yourself" rather than "yourselves" (it does make a difference).


    There was a time, when I was young and idealistic where I found myself disgusted by the media (and politics)... now I'm just amused. Yea... Maxine Waters is always good for a laugh.

  13. Post #92... zdo has perfectly illustrated the point I was making about the feckless nature of "the news". This is not news you can use; just more pot stirring. It's laughable, yet sad at the same time.


    In the "white helmet" vain... if one wanted a more reasoned view on inner city poverty:


    "More Than Just Race" / Author: William Julius Wilson


    Please though... do yourself and your neighbors a favor and turn off "the news".


    Just saying...

  14. jpennybags,


    Trump is not politically correct.


    Most of what the world knows about Trump they nether saw nor heard with their own eyes and ears; instead, it was crafted by the liberal media.


    Trump is the most successful person to enter the White house as POTUS.He has had businesses that have gone bankrupt. Neat trick to still be a billionaire. As a trader one must respect his ability to take risk without losing it all.


    As a far as one could be qualified to be POTUS before being POTUS, Trump is the most qualified we have seen, or, using others as benchmarks of qualification, he is overqualified.


    "Oh yeah? He'll see how hard it is when he is finally sworn in." Trump will be underwhelmed.


    We (USA), under the DJT regime, will have rising interest rates, deficits, and GDP. All 3 normally indicate higher volatility in markets. The rest of the world will feel the ripples.


    Traders will get rich. The liberal media won't know this or share this.


    MM... As a trader, I think we are in agreement that DJT is going to be (has been) good for "business" (my business and yours), but I do have reservations...


    Strictly speaking, concerning trading... there are so few who can actually advantage themselves by playing the upside or the downside of events. These are the people that the so-called-liberal-media (so-called-conservative-media) concerns themselves with. By and large, for the media, it's about selling product. In that regard they are no different than any other business entity. A "flavor of the month" business model works, and if one can monetize "bullshit"... what else is to be expected. Stirring the pot (emotions) is good for business, but it's unlikely that the reader will actually become better informed.


    So it goes for DJT... a love / hate relationship with the media. Monetizing "bullshit" has been his specialty (really?... the whole "birther" thing... com'on man). It's a "cluster fuck" in the making... I hope I'm wrong, but from a "traders" perspective, I hope I'm right.


    Trade it as you see it... there are few other viable options...

  15. As a caveat to what I've said...


    I may end up liking the guy, but in the aggregate... from what I have seen...its going to be a hard sell for me...


    To DJT... prove me wrong (I'll make money either way)....


    Good fortune, good trading, good times... bring it Mr. Precedent...

  16. Zdo... as usual, I had to seek out a definition. The use of the word "snowflake" is rather amusing, as it was something that I had never considered (which always amuses me).


    Mits... We have recently been encouraged by a Trump spokesperson that "we" need to consider what's in the man's heart, rather than what comes out of his mouth. Well, that's just laughable on all fronts. I (we) have no idea what is in another man's heart (head) other than by his actions and what proceeds from his mouth.


    Trump is definitely "unprescidential". That aside, he was properly vetted, and elected by "we the people", so for at least the next 4 years this is what we have... may as well find some humor in it. It will be blustery sailing ahead...


    The only real issue that I have is that this dancing buffoon is going to be able to put "POTUS" on his resume... turns my stomach every time.

  17. More just saying...


    We have elected the "boy king" Trumpthecommon. Sorry... it may take a while to work this one off... it's not good, but it was in the cards. The GOP is just as dumbfounded as any of us, but they will use it to their advantage... for a time.


    For anyone who believes "this" is change, the hole has just been dug a little deeper. For all those who voted for the guy... it's not going to go like you thought.


    It's my own opinion... hope I'm wrong.


    Edit: I live in a state where this grand experiment has been tried, and failed miserably (Kansas). Our credit rating has been cut, we can't fund our schools, the highway fund has been robbed to pay for this ideological nonsense (trickle down economics). It doesn't work any better than Obomacare does. It's just another flavor of failure conducted by the "govmnt"... just another flavor of bad taste in your mouth.

  18. The overnight drop and recovery was just like Brexit. History never repeats but it rhymes so I don't see it going straight up from here . But as you say, trade it as you see it. Good volatility so far.


    Lovely price action...


    I'm going to have to wipe the silly grin off my face before leaving the house today. It's not appropriate to be so giddy in the face of another's suffering. I hope the adults in the room don't take away his "twitter" account.


    I really am upset over the whole thing... no, really... Hee hee!!!

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