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Posts posted by Corey

  1. Some more thoughts:

    It seems that many are struggling with the whole fractal issue...and it seems that you have developed a method that identifies one specific leg of a sequence (such as the 2nd 2B in a B2B-2R-2B sequence) and then takes out a small amount of that leg with high reliability.




    my theory is very simple if you learn how to id a specify seg of fractal then you id them all, sort of if you know for sure where the tail is then you know where the head is. The rest of your post is highly speculative feel free to speculate it anyway you want.


    ps. a case for why free teaching is a bad idea.

  2. some more thoughts;


    I Basically, you are scalping for a tick or two (average profit/trade=1 1/2 ticks)..


    each es level is 2000 deep, think about it.


    ... my interest lies in the opposite direction: I would like to figure out how to trade the way Eric did on one of the videos, just be right on the main direction 3-5 times a day and hold until the RTL is broken.


    I am not Eric and neither are you, give it some thoughts, would you.

  3. Interesting take on the JH method...thanks for sharing it! Basically, you are scalping for a tick or two (average profit/trade=1 1/2 ticks)...I saw how you average into the trades. I guess there is no arguing with a 100% Win percentage, even though I would wonder what happens if you get a fast move against you... then you might take lst's say a 2 pt loss on your 5 lots, and one such trade would wipe out a week of the small wins... especially since you seem to trade through market news....but apparently you are able to make it work, which would seem like a strong argument for the validity of "wmcn".... my interest lies in the opposite direction: I would like to figure out how to trade the way Eric did on one of the videos, just be right on the main direction 3-5 times a day and hold until the RTL is broken.


    just try to get people to start figure out how to put into practice some part of the method, surely this setup is not the most money making setup or the most winning setup. It is just something that is simple to teach simple to show. I like to keep it at 100% if I can, the next step is to reduce number of contracts while keeping target of 100/day the same. One step at a time, crawl , walk then fly.

  4. already, room is open so you can check it out.


    I include a pic on paltalk features so you know what to expect.


    here is what on menu


    3 stages of a setup.

    tone, lock and fire


    1) if i see seq1+seq2+seq3 and x2x2y2x then I have the right tone


    2) next after tone if I see seq1 and x2x then the setup is locked


    3) next after lock if I see seq2 and 2y then I have the green light to fire


    hence tone, lock and fire.


    that is all I will focus on, good luck to all.


  5. guys, I am on Paltalk daily, go to paltalk.com download and install paltalk. Important note: after installation add *.paltalk.com to IE restricted site so that paltalk can not popup on your pc. I dont use any other software as they all cost more resource than paltalk. Then go look for 'price action trading' room. This way we can do chat and charts in real time as end of day chart is boring to me. use the same name as paltalk name so I can recognize you.


    ps. paltalk let you create a room on the fly so if more people show up i will create a separated room just for mada people np.

  6. Exactly my point. Still, seeing your statements is just one part of the answer; are the results depicted in the statements in any way realted to the methods discussed in this thread? If so, when did you start using it? PM is okay again.:-)


    based on PMs I received it looks like some of you missed the link since it got deleted so quickly. Now for the main answer the main reason why I posted the result. The result is from 1 of my student she have known nothing else, no internet trading forum, no trading class, no trading book, no prior trading experience she was out of work and looking for something to do. What she learnt was what I told her and what I told her was taking directly from what I read online as I don't exchange PM with Jack or Spyder. Thus that is why I said in the thread it's 100% pure Jack's method.

  7. That is what I fear ( and truly hope it is not true); but let us see what corey has in stock ..:-)

    link sent, btw another +$10K for the first 3 weeks of this year.

    I can send you the new brokerage statement too. But let me say this,

    seeing my statement is not going to make you rich doing the work is what's required of you.

  8. As nobody has replied to my latest post, I presume that none here actually uses this method in their own trading ..

    I did post a link to my brokerage statement, trades performance on excel sheets for all 3 months but it got deleted right away.


    edit: I guess you can pm me for link 78 viewers so far. I am trying to reach 80 viewers.

  9. ...


    I have a question - in order to stay in the same fractals, is there a way or particular thing to keep in mind at all times e.g.





    sure, keep your eye on gaus seqs as long as you can draw a complete seq or you know that you are going to have a complete seq then you know you stay on the same fractal.

  10. what work for me is to pick a something, some seq, some pattern that is easier for me to recognize than the others , build up from that, write down all clues before it, clues going to it, build your check list. The next time when all items on the list are checked pull the trigger. be realistic stay with 1 or 2 contract in sim until you are consistent green then live occasionally build up your neuron pathway until you can make the transition without any change in your now familiar routine. Good Luck Hope It Help!

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