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Posts posted by PTVtrader

  1. Guys- intra-bar degapping? Are you sure?


    Just to clarify: you ARE aware that that would mean the trendlines would jump at every bar, right? Or rather- price would jump relative to your trendlines.

    Which means you could not draw trendlines, therefore you would not know when you have crossed a TL/ closed outside. And you could not draw an FTT nor a VE either....


    So- you are saying that it would be advantageous to trade this method without trendlines and without FTT's..??




    The trend lines do not jump at all.. Inter-bar degapping IS superior.


    Also take a look at who found this post useful.




    To each their own though...

  2. Could someone please walk through their MADA for the opening 7 bars of Tuesday 02/23 ES. (Needless to say, a brisk walkthrough by Spydertrader would be very welcome too.)


    I'm especially interested in when you know to be short based on sequences (prior to or during the 10am* bar7).


    Based on my understanding of gap adjustments, 09:45 bar4 made a new high and was not an obvious FTT of any container (it looks if anything like a P2), making 10am appear to be a FT3.


    Now FT3's don't exist if you have correct sequences, hence my question.


    Many thanks.


    (* Bar open times.)


    How do you handle VE's on decreasing volume ?


  3. This is a quote from JH regarding bbt's, tapes. traverses, and channels



    Quote from jack hershey:


    ...What is letting you hit the snooze button is the "very quiet" that is assembling itself. The "channel long' that follows is not going to be a "show" or "tell" to many people at all. It will just take 3 traverses, 9 tapes, and 27 BBT's plus some CP4 stretching and tweaking. end quote.






    So here Jack is explaining that is takes . . .


    1) 27 - building block tapes ( I am taking it that a BBT is the smallest tape possible as 2 bar )


    a) dom bbt - non dom bbt -dom bbt = 3 bbt's and they in turn build 1 dominant, or 1 non dominant tape.




    2) 9 - Tapes


    a) 3 bbt's build 1 tape ( tape = a dominant segment, a non dominant segment, and a final dominant segment ) to complete a set of sequences for a tape.



    3) 3 - Traverses


    a) There are 3 tapes to complete a full set of sequences to build the traverse.. dominant- non dominant - dominant.


    b) A completed traverse is built of 3 tapes, or 9 bbt's ( 3 tapes of 3 bbt's each. )




    Combining all the above, will complete the below . . .



    4) Channel - completed and built from:



    a) 3 traverses ( dominant, non dominant , dominant )


    in turn are built from . . .



    b) 9 tapes ( 6 dominant, 3 non dominant )


    in turn are built from . . .



    c) 27 Building block tapes ( 18 dominant , 9 non dominant )




    Thank you to JH



    post is to help those who have recently begun this work, also to highlight the bbt's


    Come on TIKI, your giving away the farm :D. There's no reason why gaussians should be ambiguous now :did I say that?: . Just remember when your drawing your gaussians...remember this :


    http://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/f34/price-volume-relationship-6320.html#post70030 :applaud:



  4. They are going to be at Las Vegas (the VP for sure, and possibly their CEO), and even though (at least) two individuals have strongly encouraged Genesis to add a 'Gap Elimination' Option to their software, additional interest for said functionality expressed through direct contact should prove beneficial. ;) After all, The 'opening' gap isn't the only Gap which does not exist.


    More on this in Las Vegas.


    - Spydertrader


    all interbar gaps removed. :shocked:


  5. Indeed, the question Is how much of a turn do you need to see to confirm a change in the force .....err I mean flow (old starwars habits die hard). :)


    Personally, I don't think its about confirming the change in force. I believe cum delta is about comparing price swings to previous price swings. Does this HH have a higher delta than the previous HH? Does this HL have a higher delta Then the previous HL? What happens when you get a LL but delta has a HL and vice versa? Works on all timeframes :).




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