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Everything posted by klatchers

  1. 1) Frankly, I think the entire premise of the thread was flawed. I have seen enough of the person you referenced in your original post to know he is a screaming idiot. 2) I don't care if Mahatmi Gandhi came up with this idea. Without a multi-year backtest, and a lengthy walk forward test to prove the concept, and an independently audited track record (including realistic commission/slippage/spread costs), it is an idea, not an edge or something I would put real money on. 3) I have tested all sorts of profit targets, stop losses, entry and exit methods. As have some researchers and publications. It does not give you an outperformance edge, it just lets you balance potential profit/ potential losses. The whole basis for this seemed flaky and quackish to begin with. Your edge comes from uncovering some kind of quirk in market behavior, not money management. Yes the casinos have an edge, that comes from the fact the games FAVOR them. Playing around with money management has none of that. The fact is, you are still the gambler, trying to overcome commission/slippage/spread costs. Now the guy who posted that initial quote of his results and compounding i'm pretty sure is legit... Another guy who uses a similar philosophy is the loved and hated Avery also known as TheRumpledOne and his Never Lose Again threads that lets be honest, have been posted on every trading forum under the sun and threads have typically gone to hell quickly due to a combination of stated success, thread title, the typical bantering about risk: reward, and avery's very combative personality. But all of that aside - I think hes legit and is making serious money. I mean the guy got his group of disciples to meet in Monaco for the F1 grand prix this year.... I don't care which way you slice it that city is one of the most expensive in the world and the most expensive time of the year there is for the F1 race. Somehow I don't think he footed the bill from his donational indicator payments.
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