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Posts posted by smmatrix

  1. so you oppose bans on drink drivers, poor medical practices and such?

    or are you just opposed to anything Obama does and trying to link everything together?



    Zdo - even the 'enlightend' ones are often not enlightened enough :roll eyes:

    You at least make a rational case for being prepared if the SHTF, even if people might not agree with you



    Lighten up man! Oh mighty King Obama!


    Have a laugh...



  2. The purpose of the Constitution is not to arm whacked out freaks with firearms.


    When the time comes to rise up against your government, all sorts of weapons and explosives will be available to those willing to take part in the cause.


    Don't be concerned if laws are passed to help reduce some of the needless violence. If you are responsible and not a whack job you will be just fine.



  3. "You're a hatchet man of the New World order": Gun advocate Alex Jones has on-air meltdown in explosive interview with Piers Morgan - Yahoo! News UK


    The king of the conspiracy theorists gets a chance to rant (his default mode) at Piers Morgan- a man whose skin is so thick you'd need several high calibre bullets to pierce it (Pierce Morgan?)


    Sweeeeet! Alex ripped that lib-faggot a new asshole. Get that scum out of the U.S. He doesn't deserve to live within our borders and enjoy our rights that guns have procured for him.

  4. You might also take note that the gun was a legally purchased firearm. Another individual who is allowed to have a firearm who cannot discern between reality and fantasy. If he would not have had a firearm, no bystanders would have been injured.


    Sure, you can look at it as Thank Goodness the off duty cop was there.


    To protect your unlimited ability to have firearms, guns are going to fall into the hands of completely deranged individuals. All this to protect yourself from the boogie man.



  5. 312364_2644649411963_2126737213_n.jpg


    I guess the 'lame stream media" missed this:


    On Sunday December 16, 2012 --2 days after the CT shooting-- a man went to a restaurant in San Antonio to kill his EX-girlfriend. After he opened fire, most of the people in the restaurant fled next door to a theater.


    The gunman followed them and entered the theater so he could shoot more people. He started shooting and people in the theater started running and screaming. It’s like the Aurora, CO theater story plus a restaurant!


    Now aren’t you wondering why this isn’t a lead story in the national media along with the school shooting?


    There was an off duty county deputy at the theater. SHE pulled out her gun and shot the man 4 times before he had a chance to kill anyone. So since this story makes the point that the best thing to stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun, the media is treating it like it never happened.


    Sgt. Castellano was awarded a Medal of Honor on 12/19 for her actions.

  6. you are right....!


    Tams - you must be dogmatic and steadfast in your stance, never changing your mind, never listening to the other side, never being able to further clarify your position in the hope that there are no missunderstandings.

    There must be no compromise, no change from the path, no deviations from the propaganda.


    you are not allowed to flip flop - you cannot ever think maybe the other side has a point.

    you can never reverse a position, modify the settings, parameters or show any form of compromise, understanding of the other side or even heavens forbid sympathy that there are aspects you agree on......you are either with us or against us .....c'mon Tams, tow the party line.....what ever party that is. :)


    You cannot support us in part, you either tow the party line and comply or you will be dealt with.

    Us liberals (um....not sure exactly who i am arguing for now, my alter ego is split - this could proably applied to anyone) cannot tolerate someone who supports our rights but at the same time wants to limit those rights - its all or nothing. No one remembers who comes second! Kill or be killed, love is for pussies and failure is not an option.


    Extremist unaltering viewpoints are my right given to me by my government!


    Then again, perhaps our pro-gun arguments have worked. Ayeee!

    Then its okay to switch sides.

  7. you sure tams? seems like in another post you said "You might believe that one day I would wish I had a gun. No, I don't, I don't want one, and most importantly, I don't need one."


    Tams has been ANTI-gun ownership this entire thread. Suddenly, he's changing his toon to only assault rifles.


    No flip flopping allowed buddy!!!

  8. Cops: Mother of two surprises intruder with five gunshots | www.ajc.com



    not so sure a golf club would have worked in this case. :haha:


    maybe the criminal will think it is time to reform himself?


    gotta say very smart lady. let the dumb ass come to her. what a surprise he got.


    gotta like that last sentence in the article.


    PS this happened last Friday Jan 4, 2013. Perhaps our founding ancestors knew their shit when they inserted the part about being armed???:helloooo:


    Oh, but most everyone here says the 280-lb intruder doesn't exists. Nobody gets burglarized anymore. No need to arm and protect ourselves. The sheeple are either straight dumb or have their heads in the sand.

  9. -


    Yawn... so boring.


    But one thing is for sure... I bet all you anti-gun folk have a difficult time reaching trading profitability. Anyone that believes in big Gov't, social programs, and the general liberal agenda would definitely suffer as a losing trader... permanently!


    It takes an independent thinker, someone that thinks outside the box, away from the crowds to trade profitably. Markets are chaotic just like the world we live in and we must be prepared to make decisions that sometimes don't make sense as a trader where in fact the opposite of pure logic is the right move. I'm afraid, for the majority, the typical lib-nut does not contain the right thinking brain cells to achieve trading mastery. Further, he'll enjoy seeing more market regulation and even big Gov't hand holding in tough times.


    Hey Virginia, the Gov't ain't gonna cuddle you as a trader. Sorry...

  10. There is a huge drug problem in the Philippines. Drugs = guns = murder.


    Not true. I've lived in Cebu, Philippines for the past five years and I can assure you the drug problem in the U.S. is far worse. Yes, you may have a greater amount of glue sniffers in the Philippines, but little else. Penalty for getting caught with hard drugs = life in prison. This is the case with much of Southeast Asia including Thailand, Singapore and most other countries. Drug users are short lived on the streets.

  11. Wouldn't a society without any guns be a nicer society to live in?


    Yes, it sure would, and if you can take all the weapons away from the government, criminals, and ill-minded people, there would be bliss.


    but of course, this is just a fantasy, and we must stay awake to all possibilities.

  12. could not help myself......


    smmatrix - please get a lesson in statistics about causation....until then - you actually do your side in the debate a disservice....these might help you. But of course it depends on whose stats you use....


    Australian Institute of Criminology - Homicide statistics

    Australian Institute of Criminology - Homicide weapon statistics

    Australian Institute of Criminology - Robbery statistics


    they quote...." The rate of homicide in Australia remains at about 1.2 incidents per 100,000 of the population with most of these involving family or domestic relationships."


    as an example " In contrast, there was an overall decrease in male victimisation from 1.8 per 100,000 males in 2006–07 (n=185) down to 1.5 per 100,000 males in 2007–08 (n=161). Further, while there was an increase in the proportion of both acquaintance-type homicides from 2006–07 (36%) to 2007–08 (42%), and family-type homicides from 2006–07 (15%) to 2007–08 (24%), male victimisations in stranger-type homicides decreased to 16 percent in 2007–08 (from 25% in 2006–07)."

    "In general, most homicide incidents in 2007–08 were domestic homicides involving one or more victims who shared a family or domestic relationship with the offender. Intimate partner homicides comprised the largest proportion of domestic homicides (60%)."


    best watch out for those you live closest with .....


    i am sure you will draw your own conclusions to fit your beliefs, kindly reminding many that the culture of the USA and that of Australia may also have marked differences that have an effect......until lthen please continue to trade in the markets using your statistical knowledge.

    thank you have a nice day and please come again.



  13. For ya'll from down under saying that gun control works, read this letter written by a Police Officer in Australia:




    From: Ed Chenel, A police officer in Australia


    Hi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under.


    It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to

    surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.


    The first year results are now in:

    Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,

    Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;

    Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!


    In the state of Victoria.....

    lone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.(Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not and criminals still possess their guns!)

    While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly, while the resident is at home.


    Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in 'successfully ridding Australian society of guns....' You won't see this on the American evening news or hear your governor or members of the State Assembly disseminating this information.


    The Australian experience speaks for itself. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.


    Take note Americans, before it's too late!

    Will you be one of the sheep to turn yours in?

    WHY? You will need it.

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