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Everything posted by Gabe2004

  1. In my experience, meteorologists have a worse track record than 50/50 Gabe
  2. I have recently started to notice symetrical flags. I will post an example as soon as it develops. My oppinion is that the closer price gets to the tip of the flag the more violent or pronounce the move will be. It is like the calm before the storm Gabe
  3. You areright. When someone tells me that they CANNOT I tell them that that word should have been taken out of the English vocabulary. So I will do my best. As far as news is concerned, for a long time now I just mark the news time and don't trade before the news and for a short period after the news. But I still fall for the bias of interpreting the news for some time after they are released based on my PERCEIVED market reaction. Anyway. So far so good. Gabe
  4. You may want to eliminate the dead time from your charts. Gabe
  5. Actually the short was the better option. As of today I will try and ignore news related biases. Gabe
  6. Or potential EJ Long. A long looks better. Especially in light of the news concerning Dubai. Gabe
  7. I thought so. My father was 1st violin in a phylharmonic orchestra back in the country that I was born in. When I was a child I really disliked classical music. Especially violin. I thought it sounded harsh. I prefered Elvis, The Shadows, Deep Purple and the likes - music which my father called BANGA BANGA because of the rhythm. So one day I called him to listen to a guitar section of Highway Star. I thought that my father will ridicule me again but he said that he is really impressed because the motive is classical. Then Beethoven's 40th came out as Joy To the World and became a big hit and some others. I LOVE classical music today. and eventhough it represnts only about 15% of my CD collection if I would have to take 10 cd to a deserted island, probably more than half would be classical and sound tracks (which in my case fall into the same category) The point I am trying to make is that sometimes the way to the original is through the backdoor and thinking that the fake, the immitation, the proccessed version has not relevance is a mistake. Be it music, litrature, furniture or other art forms. If I cannot afford Dali in my house should I not hang a poster of a Dali or Rembrandt, or Escher just because they are not originals? Should I look down on someone because they like a second class form of expression? Gabe So here is that famous piece Highway Star.mp3
  8. I don't understand the REGRET part. No one knows who you are. You were honest with yourself and that is what counts. I don't know if you were around when I wiped out 1/3 of my account and I was hesitant to post that fact. But I did. I told myself that that is the honest thing to do. For myself and for the rest of the people that saw me gain day after day only to give it back and then some. I am sure that deep inside you feel better. Especcially after Thales commented on your trades (hopefully that was of some benefit) Don't leave us because I will be left alone to call a spade a spade Gabe
  9. A good start for the week. 44 pips on EJ with 1 unit only. Reason was - potential closing of the gap which happens many times on Sunday. For the rest of the week I will trade/annotate the EJ only as per the system of this thread. Gabe
  10. Was the Russian version the first one she read? Gabe
  11. I hope my feeling is correct and we are back on topic without the recent friction. Call me sensitive but I don't like confrontations (but once confronted I am not shy ) Gabe
  12. OK now I understand the connection. A bear market ralley is a temporray change in trend (upwards) in an overall downtrending market. So if I understand you correctly, the bear trend is one degree and the lower degree is the bear ralley. Right? Gabe
  13. Sorry I missed your reply Yes maybe a harder hand would help but mainly (just a personal thing) I learn better by watching and interacting verbaly The personal interaction, and body language are an important part of assimilating the other person's knowledge. As far as the marked charts, some of us started. Not too many and maybe now exactly as one would be expected. Hopefully this will improve next week. Gabe
  14. If your definition of degree is what Thales was refering to then I understand his post and yours and yes, it make sense. If the definition is not the same then i understand yours (thank you) and I would like to understand as well what Thales meant. Gabe
  15. "There is an exceprion to the rule except for this rule" After Thales's post I bought the STIKKY STOCK CHART book (I had read or have all the other one except for one) I was not aware of this but starting next week I will stick to EJ or GU the whole week. Gabe
  16. The wattered down version was presented as an alternative to people not reading what you posted at all. I read it but I did not like it. It was too long and criptic. I'd rather read a detective novle. I like cut and dry things eventhough I would spend countless hours to solve a problem in my field or field of interest (and so far I solved all of them - that is why it bugs me that trading takes so much longer but I will get there. Sooner or later) Cut and dry aside, architecure is not cut and dry. It is an art form. So is music and I love both of them. Philosopy is one of those things that never appealed to me but I like to philosophise. That is, get into discussions about the nuances of different ideas. But I like to do that in modern day English (my mother tounge is not English) and not in a criptic way. Sorry, you must confuse me with someone else. I never talked about "bear market rally". Gabe And now back to our regular broadcast
  17. I am putting in 10-12 hour days into trading since Dec/2007 so short cuts are not exactly what I do I read the original article you presented and it did not apeal to me. I read it to the end because of respect to you and the effort you put in to teach us. The READER's DIGEST version was there for people who don't have the patience or did not understand the idea in the article. My degree is in Elelctrical Engineering and somewhere on this site , maybe even on this thread I pointed out that prices move many times in a mechanical fashion (attack and decay). No one wrote back to comment on my analogy. I wonder why? Was I offended? No. Just puzzled The mark of a great teacher is that he/she can convey the message in a clear a picture as possible. For some of us the picture is still blurred. This is not to say that you are not a great teacher or that we are stupid. It is just to say that for some of us the Eureka moment has not come yet. In several occasions you scalded people if the tone of their post was disagreeable with you. In some cases I agreed with you and in some cases I did not really see the big deal. Since this is YOUR HOUSE so to speak, I just wanted to tell you that I did not appreciate the personal nature of your reply. Your affinity to Plato is obvious, but not everyone has to like him or be able to understand him. I also don't think that someone who does not like philosophy will necessarily fail in trading. Respectfully Gabe
  18. For those who want the READER's DIGEST version, here it is: Allegory of the Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I hope I/we get the message Thales... Your daughter was never a prisoner. Back to practicing what we see. In context. Gabe
  19. I don't understand what you mean by "degree of trend" and the words "this pattern is occurring at a very small degree of trend" and then " this approach works at all degrees of swing or degrees of trend". very small degree of trend <> all degrees of ...... trend. THis is what I was refering to as a contracdiction. Gabe
  20. You have a point there with respect to Thales's daughter,BUT, it is exactly that experience that he convayed to his daughter which caused her to succeed. I bet that if we would sit with Thales one on one for 1-2 months, most of us would would succeed. Gabe
  21. In several post when the entry based on the 15 min was not obvious you refered to a smaller time frame. It is confusiong because I was under the impression that we are sipposed to look at trades only based on the 15 min charts. Comparing GJ to EJ is something I do for a long time but this is the first time you refer to the comparison as part of your method. Someone mentioned that you FILTER your trades. I think that the many years of experience behind you are the answer why you succeed while others fail. There are things that will be revealed to us over time, in your posts, that were not htere in the initial introduction. A while back I paid for the trading manual of a trader who to this day makes money almost on a daily basis. He was very open about his system but I could never make money with it. There is another person whith whom I discussed different trading strategies and eventhough he was very open in explaining his method (verbal, charts etc) I do not, to this day, understand what he does (to the point of making money, that is). Some people suggested that engineers are the worst traders. Maybe that is the case and maybe your background - which might be of a more liberal arts type would explain the differences. Maybe we should make a "Turtles" experiment (it seems as if you are doing it already with MK) and see what happens. If you don't mind, I will try and formalize your trading method and others -again with your permission - are welcom to join me. The idea is to concentrate every nuance that comes up in your posts. Like the relationship between pairs, the proximity to round numbers, the distance from the start of the move, "For what its worth, except for Sundays, it is probably best not to place orders between the NY close and the Tokyo open", "I rarely am willing to enter a new currency trade after 2-2:30Pm EST, and almost never between 4PM EST and 7PM EST except on Sundays, which can be very good during Sydney and pre-Tokyo" etc. if after having all the above detailed information and many hours of screen time one will not get it, than as you wrote somewhere - one should look for a different think to do rather than trade (couldn't find the post where you wrote that) Gabe
  22. Seems to be a contradiction. Could you explain please ? thanks Gabe
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