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Everything posted by MC101

  1. After reading these posts, I too would agree with the Negotiator as this is my fundamental practice as well. We are not in the market to just make a bundle of money even though that is the most simplest of answers and most obvious. The real question you want to ask yourself is this.. Is it the money you are seeking or is it what that money can buy you in terms of creating memories and purchasing material objects and having the money to buy what your heart desires? Or ..you may have other motives.. like 'keeping up with the Jones' or 'bragging rights/showing off'. You have to really dig deep and find out why you want the kind of money you are seeking in trading the markets. What are your true motives and intentions. Once you discover this, the clouds will part and the fog will be lifted. You have to be totally honest with yourself on this one. In the end, money is just a tool. Use it to improve the quality of your life and invest it wisely and enjoy it !
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