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Hi guys I finished a first very rough version of my app... ReMarket basically from a NinjaTrader/metatrader4 exported CSV/txt file you can make a file .wem that my app an read... check the menu bar to convert you CSV files.. or download a sample from the website. Once you got a database .wem you set it from my app (check the menu bar) and you can start to select the dates you want to analise. Since the app has to access you local machine to select the database the app will require you to accept a certificate. The idea is to have a big profile (A-B) from where to spot a POC... then you can select a day after this week to play like it is live.. choosing an increment and then pressin teh button SHOWday++ to see how the profile changes with time. LeftMouseButton LMB makes you pan.. CTRL+LMB makes you scale the whole thing... but better to set proper scaling settigns from the menu bar. If you press the RightMouseButton RMB you can place reference lines that will stay even when you pass from a profile to another. The indicator on the left are in blue the VWAP and in red the PVP as taught from JPerl. Check out the difference profile... I know I have been told being useless.. but I find it interesting to spot when a volume is high not only because price has been there for a long time. Sorry the quick post but I am short of time.
that would be free I guess... that I can customize it as I want... and that I can work on historical data as they are live with some sort of replay function.. But yes the all point is to get something that can exercise me to a level which can make me feel conscious in invest the money to get a real platform like VolFix (now LuxVol?) or maybe it is just a game :p
sorry everybody... after a while I forgot about this post.. you can download it form here; SergioMP.ods and here an explanation for use this worksheet you need OpenOffice Calc. Is like excell but you can download it for free from internet, just google it. I've written two Macros in this worksheet, one deletes all the data inserted in the different day tables for high and lows (called Clean), the other calculate and visualize value area initial balance etc. (called SUBs) if you don't know how to add a macro to an hotkey please follow this video from the minut 1.58: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORH6T3ZDh-E]Calc. How to create macro and set hot keys - YouTube[/ame] In the worksheet there are 3 sheets for every day, you insert the open-high-low-close value for each half hour in the first sheet and automatically the prpofile will appear in the sheets with asia-western session and whole day session. For visualize value areas point of control and so on, you have to run the SUBs macro and wait few seconds. i trade with EUR/USD forex spot., but the scale of the prices will change accordingly to the values you insert in the Highs-lows table. In the "parametri" sheet there are few parameters you can change for adit the scale price step, or open-close time or the range of prices shown in respect to the open price of the week. The macro SUBs will calculate every day that has an open price inserted, if there's also the closing price, the day will be calculated only if in the cell "i50" there's the number "1".
I will definetely put something like this. you will choose a period in which you can choose a point in time where what is before that point will be summed in a big profile and what is after will be shown as many different profiles aside each the which lenght will be choose from you. Moving the point you will see how the big profile developes. But form me priority will be the visualization of the previous week profile in order to find the POC of this week... and then analize the days of the following week to see how do they behave when they meet POC of the previous week
I am thinking to have a big profile of the previous week or two, and then you will watch every single day of the current week aside the big profile with the possibility to hide/replay part of the day and when you finish with wednsday (example) you can add its profile to the big one with a different color or watch its profile next to the big one and the profile only of monday and tuesday. what exactly do you mean with composite profiles?
with tick at 0.0001 is more precise for comparison... POC at 1.4326 I am actually now downloading history data from NinjaTrader AMP on 6E.... this should have the correct data, right?
First tests of the app... is the Volume @ Price histogram shape anywhere close to what professional platform plots? this is the chart for the EUR/USD date: 2011/07/07... I am not sure if I have the data from the futures or just Forex Spot
could anyone tell me how much is the average order of dimension for the 1min Bar volume in the E7? 1 bar as usually around 10 or more likely 1000+? just trying to understand what kind of data I have got for example: 2008.01.22,20:36,1.45990,1.46000,1.45980,1.45990,9 2008.01.22,20:37,1.46000,1.46000,1.45980,1.46000,9 2008.01.22,20:38,1.45990,1.46000,1.45990,1.46000,6 2008.01.22,20:39,1.45990,1.45990,1.45980,1.45990,21 2008.01.22,20:40,1.46000,1.46010,1.45980,1.45990,13 2008.01.22,20:41,1.46000,1.46000,1.45990,1.46000,21 2008.01.22,20:42,1.46010,1.46010,1.46000,1.46000,8 are those volumes probably only from the broker I am using?
it is a platform for trading with market profile on futures: Luxvol.net » Product http://volfix.net/%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B7%D0%BE%D1%80-%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85-%D1%84%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8F-volume-profile/ I do not know if you can still try the demo download from here: Luxvol.net » Download Luxvol.NET platform look at the combo bar tool... is one of the things I would like to replicate: http://volfix.net/%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B7%D0%BE%D1%80-%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85-%D1%84%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8F-combo-bar/
yes sorry Joshdance I could get the first formula from your words. I think that making a program from the tick data would result in a heavier and slower program and also the file to store the data throught the years would be probably huge. I would prefer to remain with the 1min bar for the moment. Keep in mind that I just want to create an educational app, just to get used with the volume profile trading. I first started because I would like to use VolFix / LuxVol but being that expensive it seems a bit a jump in the unknown to take it just to learn. Now is more like a game to create this app.. i would also like to implement a tool that makes you see how the time at price or volume at price develope during the time with a sort of replay of the trading session. ..and other sort of this things that a novice might wonder about but which none of the platforms offer to visualize. Maybe you are right the idea of the difference between Time and Volume at price is useless. I definitely would like to implement this weighted volumes at the extremes... but I can not just invent a method... If I can find a source where a correct way of doing it is explained I can do it otherwise I will just add imprecision I guess. Could you tell me something more? So it seems that taking data from Broco or other metatrader futures platform is not going to give me anything usefull in terms of volumes... what exactly does Valuetrader mean when he says: ? Could you tell me which is the best way to get volume wise correct historical data atleast for the EUR/USD future? Maybe the only way is to get my hands on my wallet and get something like this: FOREX Historical Data, Major Indices and Futures Historical Intraday and Daily Market Data - Through Download and on DVDs/CDs. Global Historical Intraday Futures Tick Data | Trade and Quote Futures Data | Tick Data it is going to become an expensive game ^_^ better going directly with VolFix :P
apparently it should work that way: first we spread the volume of every single bar on all the ticks (the which size we will choose) that this bar has covered: VolumeOfTheBar/(HighBar-LowBar+1 Tick) * Tick and then for every price tick we will give a value which is the sum of all the volume spreaded volumes which are from the bars that passes from this price tick.. as an example: Does this make sense? will it work correctly even if with approximation?
yes this looks like it is what I was looking for.. I will just have to trust this guy that the procedure is correct. It might take me ages as I am doing it in the sparetime, but sure, I will share my app probably making a website. Anyway I need feedbacks to see if I did it correctly. Cheers Sergio
yes sure! I am programming it already with time at price, but I would also like to implement the volume by price. Actually the whole a idea was to make charts that shows somehow the difference between time at price and volume at price so that (for what I think) you can see when the volumes are high not just because the price has been there for lot of time. Anyway I am using data from metatrader, but not from the Spot market, I will use BrocoTrader or Sunbird which I told were from the features... aren't they? I know that is an approximation with the bar of 1 minute, but I just want to create a program that get's you used to market profile playing with historical data... I won't use it for trade real money. Might you then explain to me briefly, but step by step hoow would you calculate the volume by price from the volume of each 1M bar? thanks a lot for any help
Hi all, As in the title I am wondering how can I calculate the volume by price having the volume of every single bar of 1 minute. So basically how to transfer the vertical histogram of the volume to the horizzontal histogram of the volume. I am making a java program that visualize my own customised charts starting from a CSV file from MetaTrader that contain only the volume for each period of time/candlestick. Thanks for any help, suggestion or link to websites or books. Sergio
Today a strong move after the american Initial Balance brought the price to develope the POC exactly in the same level where was built the POC for last week. Intersting, I don't know what does it mean, but interesting :haha: I would say that america thinks the value is there at 1.3115, if price goes up again is probably going to go down at 1.3115 again..? For sure during the american session last week has always been bearish.
Hi I sent you the file. I've a first question for you.. in my worksheet there's the possibility to chose the price scale step. With that I mean that each row of letters covers a range of price that I usually set at 10 pips. So if the High of a TPO is at 1.3449 and the low at 1.3441 it will place only a letter at the value 1.3440. So changing this value (you can change it from the last sheet) you can obtain different view of the profile with different POC VA etc.. so what should it be the standard setup? 1 pip? @djohnsonhot thanks for the site
Hi, I'm new to the Market Profile. After 6 months studying forex in my free time I finally found a method that I understand and which doesn't make me enter a position for some strange reason when a line (that i don't exactly know why has been placed there) is touched from the price. I read here and there few books of Wiley Steidlmayer and I appreciate the theory behind the TPOs analysi. It gave me a more complete knowledge than many other books around which to a beginner like me looks like without rhyme or reason. I instead less understood the part about the Market Profile with Volumes, maybe I'm not ready for that, even if I think would be really usefull. So my analysis with MP are only about price movement and Bell Curve fullfilment, NO Volumes... also because finding the right, free datas about volumes would be impossible. I'm a beginner so I don't wnat to spend money for something that will probably make me loose more money. After have looked for a free software with TPOs I gave up and choose to make my own. I finally developed an Excell worksheet (actually is made with OpenOffice Calc) with which is possible to visualize Market Profile charts after have inserted Highs and Lows from a simple copy/paste from the MT4 History Center. Thanks to macros I've written is possible then to calculate automatically Value Area, Point of Control, Initial Balance, TPOs Count. The file generates the profiles for an whole week. In one sheet every day is splitted in asian and western session. In the other there are the whole days which are then joined toghether for shape the weekly market profile. I use it with the forex spot, but I don't know if it is a good idea... I use the forex spot only because is the most accessible (I use alpari) to a beginner. The truth is that I'm sharing this tool I made because I want to know if it is the correct way to interpret the MP with the Forex. For instance I didn't know what to use as Initial Balance in a market opened 24h. So I choosed to consider the asian session as IB for the whole day, but I'm not sure this is the correct thing to do. Maybe market profile should be used only with futures? but how can I trade futures in an easy way as the forex can offer? do you have any market to suggest me which would be better to trade with the MP? These are two images from my worksheet... you can also appreciate a perfect Bell curve for the weekly profile I hope that my work can be of any itnerest for some other beginner and to receive some usefull help or suggestion on how to better use this tool. If want the worksheet, just send me a private message on this forum or leave your email.