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Posts posted by N57H

  1. Hi,


    Tams helped me with the issue.


    A question: Dr Brett Steenberger calculate the pivots in a different way. I asked him how and he sold me that it's a "proprietary secret".


    His calculations for today are: 6:02 AM CT - $SPY targets: Pivot=102.67; R1=103.43; R2=103.68; R3=103.93; S1=101.92; S2=101.67; S3=101.42. Trading above pivot. $$



    Maybe you will know how did he calculate it. It's a challenge...



  2. Hi,


    An idea for a good RS patterns "scanner".


    If we could create an indicator that will show the gradient of the MA as a % it will be very helpful to see power trends or bases.


    If the gradient of the MA is near to 0% then we know that the stock is creating a base.


    If the gradient is near to 90% then is a super power trend.


    Negative gradient will indicate down trend.


    Any idea how to do it?



  3. Right now this indicator present all 4 levels on both sides ("R" and "S")


    Most of the stocks move between R2 TO S2 most of the time.


    It will be good if we can have a switch in this indicator that will enable us to show R3 AND S3 and R4 and S4 (2 switches - 1 for 3 level and 1 for 4 level)


    The problem is that when the price is between R1 to S1 and this indicator present also the 3 and 4 levels the chart looks very "squeezed". Removing these levels will make the chart looks better and not squeezed.


    In a case that the stock is in the 3 or 4 level we can enable these levels again...



  4. Hi i need to add 2 switches for this indicator. One for show/no show R3 S3

    and the second for R4 S4


    I would appreciate if someone can help with this request.


    [LegacyColorValue = true];


    {4/28/05. DeanVan @ TS} {Thanks to eKam for use of roundInst and other pivot types I got from ChiasmLevels}

    {based on intraday data (is sometimes a little different than daily data, so won't match exact)}

    {idea is that it will change each day @ "NewDayTM", to reflect the next days numbers.}

    {..check the open/close values to verify the day it's showing. It seems to work}

    {always posting 1 bar behind, since must be NO on "update value intra-bar"}


    input: PivotType(0),












    var: theday(0);

    var: Maxcnt(11);



    Color[12](6),Label[12]("L"),FTextID[12](-1), TLabel[12](" ");


    var: cnt(0),sdate(0),stime(0),fPivot(0),twOpen(0),theRa nge(0);


    if lastbaronchart then begin


    if time >= NewDayTM then theday = 0 else theday = 1;

    theday = theday + DaysBack-1;

    if theday <= 0 then begin

    theday = 0;

    twOpen = 0;

    end else twopen = theday-1; {make sure this weeks open isn't <0}


    {store weekly Open and Close that we care about}

    Val[10] = CloseD(theday);

    if PivotType >0 and PivotType <4 then Val[11] = OpenD(twopen) else Val[11] = OpenD(theday);


    {calculate central pivot based on pivot type}{not sure how usefull some of these might be}

    if PivotType = 1 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[11]) /3

    else if PivotType = 2 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[11] + Val[11]) /4

    else if PivotType = 3 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4

    else if PivotType = 4 then fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10] + Val[11]) /4

    else fPivot = (HighD(theday) + LowD(theday) + Val[10]) /3; {default standard Pivot}


    if SupResType = 1 then begin {seems like there is always a little different way to do these}

    theRange = (HighD(theday) - LowD(theday))/2;

    VAl[1] = fPivot;

    VAl[2] = fPivot + theRange; {R1}

    VAl[3] = fPivot - theRange; {S1}


    VAl[4] = VAl[2] + theRange; {R2}

    VAl[5] = VAl[3] - theRange; {S2}


    VAl[6] = VAl[4] + theRange; {R3}

    VAl[7] = VAl[5] - theRange; {S3}

    VAl[8] = VAl[6] + theRange; {R4}

    VAl[9] = VAl[7] - theRange; {S4}


    else begin

    VAl[1] = fPivot;

    VAl[2] = fPivot + fPivot - LowD(theday); {R1}

    VAl[3] = fPivot + fPivot - HighD(theday); {S1}


    VAl[4] = fPivot + VAl[2] - VAl[3]; {R2}

    VAl[5] = fPivot - VAl[2] + VAl[3]; {S2}


    VAl[6] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[3]; {R3}

    VAl[7] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[3]; {S3}

    VAl[8] = fPivot + VAl[4] - VAl[5]; {R4}

    VAl[9] = fPivot - VAl[4] + VAl[5]; {S4}



    if RoundLevels then begin

    for cnt = 1 to 11 begin

    val[cnt] = roundInst(val[cnt]);




    Color[1] = LightGray;

    Color[2] = red;

    Color[3] = Darkgreen;

    Color[4] = red;

    Color[5] = Darkgreen;

    Color[6] = red;

    Color[7] = Darkgreen;

    Color[8] = red;

    Color[9] = Darkgreen;

    Color[10] = Yellow;

    Color[11] = DarkBrown;


    TLabel[1] = "Pivot - ";

    TLabel[2] = "R1 - ";

    TLabel[3] = "S1 - ";

    TLabel[4] = "R2 - ";

    TLabel[5] = "S2 - ";

    TLabel[6] = "R3 - ";

    TLabel[7] = "S3 - ";

    TLabel[8] = "R4 - ";

    TLabel[9] = "S4 - ";

    TLabel[10] = "Y:Close - ";

    TLabel[11] = "Y:Open - ";



    sdate = Date[barsBack];

    stime = Time[barsBack];



    for cnt= 1 to Maxcnt begin

    if cnt < 10 or (ShowClose <> 0 and cnt = 10) or (ShowOpen <> 0 and cnt = 11) then begin

    if TL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL}

    TL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, Val[cnt],

    date, time , Val[cnt]);

    TL_SetColor (TL[cnt], Color[cnt]);

    if cnt >= 10 then TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dashed)

    else TL_SetStyle (TL[cnt], Tool_Dashed);


    if TL_Exist(TL[cnt]) then begin {exist}

    TL_SetEnd (TL[cnt], date, time , Val[cnt]);

    TL_SetBegin (TL[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]); {reset TL}



    {do text stuff}

    if FTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new}

    FTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, Val[cnt], "zzz");

    Text_SetStyle(FTextID[cnt], 1, 2);

    Text_SetColor(FTextID[cnt], Color[cnt]);


    if FTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists}

    Text_SetLocation(FTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, Val[cnt]);

    Text_SetString(FTextID[cnt],TLabel[cnt] + NumToStr(Val[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " );


    end; {count < 6, etc.}

    end; {cnt}


    Array: HalfTL[9](-1),HalfVal[9](0),HTextID[9](-1);


    if ShowHalfPivots <> 0 then begin

    HalfVal[1] = ((Val[4] - Val[2])/2) + Val[2];

    HalfVal[2] = ((Val[2] - Val[1])/2) + Val[1];

    HalfVal[3] = ((Val[1] - Val[3])/2) + Val[3];

    HalfVal[4] = ((Val[3] - Val[5])/2) + Val[5]; {s1-s2}

    HalfVal[5] = ((Val[4] - Val[6])/2) + Val[6];

    HalfVal[6] = ((Val[5] - Val[7])/2) + Val[7]; {s2-s3}

    HalfVal[7] = ((Val[6] - Val[8])/2) + Val[8];

    HalfVal[8] = ((Val[7] - Val[9])/2) + Val[9]; {s3-s4}


    if RoundLevels then begin

    for cnt = 1 to 8 begin

    HalfVal[cnt] = roundInst(HalfVal[cnt]);




    for cnt= 1 to 8 begin

    if HalfTL[cnt] < 0 then begin {dosn't exist, create new TL}

    HalfTL[cnt] = TL_New (sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt],

    date, time , HalfVal[cnt]);

    TL_SetColor (HalfTL[cnt], DarkGray);

    TL_SetStyle (HalfTL[cnt], Tool_Dashed);


    if TL_Exist(HalfTL[cnt]) then begin {exist}

    TL_SetEnd (HalfTL[cnt], date, time , HalfVal[cnt]);

    TL_SetBegin (HalfTL[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]); {reset TL}



    {do text stuff}

    if HTextID[cnt] < 0 then begin {is new}

    HTextID[cnt] = Text_New(sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt], "zzz");

    Text_SetStyle(HTextID[cnt], 1, 2);

    Text_SetColor(HTextID[cnt], DarkGray);


    if HTextID[cnt] >= 0 then begin {already exists}

    Text_SetLocation(HTextID[cnt], sdate, stime, HalfVal[cnt]);

    Text_SetString(HTextID[cnt], NumToStr(HalfVal[cnt], DecPlaces) + " " );


    end; {cnt}

    end; {ShowHalfPivots}


    end; {last bar}


    if ShowLevel > 0 and ShowLevel <= 4 then begin



    if ShowLevel = 1 then begin

    Plot2[-1](Val[2] + .5,"h");

    Plot3[-1](Val[3] - .5,"l");


    else if ShowLevel = 2 then begin

    Plot2[-1](Val[4] + .5,"h");

    Plot3[-1](Val[5] - .5,"l");


    else if ShowLevel = 3 then begin

    Plot2[-1](Val[6] + .5,"h");

    Plot3[-1](Val[7] - .5,"l");


    else if ShowLevel = 4 then begin

    Plot2[-1](Val[8] + .5,"h");

    Plot3[-1](Val[9] - .5,"l");




  5. Sure,


    This indicator should calculate today's gap, the gap as a % of the last x days range and the difference between today range and the average range for the last x days.


    I had this indicator as text on the chart. But i tried to modify it to RS without success.


    The problem is that this indicator is verified but the RS says that it tried to divide by zero...

  6. Hi


    I tried to create a new indicator for RS. Actually i tried to modify an old indicator


    I dont know what is the problem....


    Any help will be welcomed








    // Noam Gap Size


    // Data1 must be intraday -- Data2 not required








    AvgLength ( 20),// length to determine Daily Range Average




    Var: Avgvalue ( 0 ),

    YH ( 0 ),

    YL ( 0 ),

    TH ( 0 ),

    TL ( 0 ),

    {Hsum ( 0 ),

    Lsum ( 0 ), }

    Yrange ( 0 ),

    Trange ( 0 ),

    TotalRange ( 0 ),



    { StartPoint ( 0 ),

    EndPoint ( 0 ),

    sdate ( 0 ),

    edate ( 0 ),

    YHL ( 0 ),

    YLL ( 0 ),

    THL ( 0 ),

    TLL ( 0 ),

    TopenL (0),

    YcloseL (0),}

    GapPercent (0),

    Gap (0),

    GappercentGeneral (0),

    TYclose (0),

    TTopen (0),

    Decp ( 0 ),

    DIFER (0),

    Yclose (0),

    Topen (0),


    GapPercentLength (0),

    LastBar (false);




    YH = HighD(1);

    YL = LowD(1);

    TH = HighD(0);

    TL = LowD(0);

    Yclose= closed(1);

    Topen= openD (0);





    // this section to calculate the Average without requiring Daily Symbol as Data2

    TotalRange = 0;

    For Value1 = 0 to avglength-1 begin

    TotalRange = TotalRange+(HighD(value1)-LowD(value1));


    If AvgLength <> 0 then Avgvalue = TotalRange/AvgLength;

    // ****


    Trange = TH-TL;

    Yrange = YH-YL;

    difer= Avgvalue-Trange;

    Gappercent= (Topen-Yclose)/(yh-yl)*100 ;


    Gappercent= (Topen-Yclose)/(yh-yl)*100 ;

    GappercentGeneral=(Topen-Yclose)/last*100 ;

    vRange = Average((High-Low),Range_Length);

    GapPercentLength= (Topen-Yclose)/(Avgvalue)*100;


    plot1(Gappercent, "Gappercent");

    plot2 (Avgvalue, "Avgvalue");

    plot3 (difer, "difer");

    plot4 (Gap, "gap");







    {Text_setstring(Text_ID1,numtostr(Avgvalue,decimal) +" :Avg_Rg_ "+numtostr(AvgLength,0)

    +" "

    +numtostr(TRange,decimal)+" :T_Rg " );

    Value1 = TextLocale(Text_ID1,placementholder,Avg_Color, percent);


    Text_setstring(Text_ID4,numtostr(DIFER,decimal)+" :Difer");


    Value1 = TextLocale(Text_ID4,placementholder,DIFER_Color, percent*spreadfactor*.6);


    Text_setstring(Text_ID5,numtostr(GapPercentLength,decimal)+" :G "+numtostr(Range_Length,0) + " R %"

    +" "

    +numtostr(Gap,decimal)+" :G_Sz");




    Value1 = TextLocale(Text_ID5,placementholder,TodayColor, percent*spreadfactor*1); }

  7. Hi,


    I'm trying to create a log file that will check the number of filled gaps and non filed gaps. The gap as % from yesterday range.


    If anyone can help me with the code, it will be great.


    The rational of this method is from Dr. steenberger blog


    " Do Opening Gaps Tend to Fill?

    The difference between the market's opening price and its previous day's close forms a gap on a bar chart. Does this gap tend to fill in during the next day's price action? That is, when we open with a gap lower or higher, do prices subsequently move back to the prior day's close?


    For this investigation, I measured gaps as a function of the previous day's high-low range. This measures the gap relative to the prior day's volatility. Thus, an opening gap of two points that follows a day with a range of six points is measured as a 33% gap. The same opening gap of two points that follows a day with a range of ten points is measured as a 20% gap.


    Assessed in this manner, we find that the average opening gap is 27% of the previous day's range going back to May, 2003 (N = 897 trading days) in the S&P 500 Index (SPY). That provides us with a benchmark for defining relatively large and relatively small gaps.


    When upside gaps exceed 40% of the prior day's range (N = 99), 46 of them fail to close during the day session. When downside gaps exceed 40% of the previous day's range (N = 81), 40 of them go unfilled. Bottom line: approximately half of all large opening gaps don't fill during that coming day's action."




    // Gap Test

    // version: beta 0.1

    // author: noam

    // Date: 20090721

    // License: public use


    // Description: This program screens the gap size as a % from yesterday range and check the % of filled gaps, non filled gaps as a function of the gap size.







    YesterdayRange (0),

    gapsize (0);



    GapSize= Topen-Yclose/YesterdayRange*100





    if date > start.date - 19000000 then



    if then

    print(numtostr(date+19000000,0) + " gap filled=" + NumToStr(r3,2));





  8. I try to add a line to the code but it still did not create a file. Please check the last s lines in the code. Thanks


    // Pivot Test

    // version: beta 0.1

    // author: TAMS

    // Date: 20090720

    // License: public use


    // Description: This program screens the R3 and S3 pivot levels

    // and makes a print out of the date and price to the log

















    PP = (HIGH[1] + LOW[1] + CLOSE[1]) / 3;

    R1 = (2 * PP) - LOW[1];

    R2 = PP + RANGE[1];

    R3 = R1 + RANGE[1];

    S1 = (2 * PP) - HIGH[1];

    S2 = PP - RANGE[1];

    S3 = S1 - RANGE;



    if date > start.date - 19000000 then



    if h > r3 then

    print(numtostr(date+19000000,0) + " >R3=" + NumToStr(r3,2));


    if l < s3 then

    print(numtostr(date+19000000,0) + " <S3=" + NumToStr(s3,2));


    Print(File("C: temp\test.txt"),CurrentDate,CurrentTime );



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