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  1. Traderlu - thanks for your help on this indicator. I could use some your help on how should the code be written if I wanted to use it in a Radar screen on Tradestation? i changed the colors so the bars a blue for a short and white for a long...I am assuming this is the same code you have posted.. Thanks for your help! The code is: {Scalper Buys and Sells 7/18/2007 Written by Luis Gomez inspired by John Carters "Mastering the Trade" } inputs: buyColor(white), sellColor(blue), width(3); variables: highBarsAgo(1), possibleHighBarsAgo(1), possibleHigh(-2), hightoBeat(-1), barsSincePaint(1), lowBarsAgo(1), possibleLowBarsAgo(1), possibleLow(10000001), lowtoBeat(10000000), triggerPriceSell(-1), triggerPriceBuy(1000000), trend(1), _UP(1), _DOWN(-1), _ON(1), _OFF(-1); //*************************************************** //****** Find and plot the highest swing high ******* //*************************************************** if trend = _UP then begin if swingHighBar(1,H,2,barsSincePaint+2) > -1 then begin possibleHighBarsAgo = swingHighBar(1,H,2,barsSincePaint+2); possibleHigh = H[possibleHighBarsAgo]; end; if possibleHigh >= hightoBeat then begin highBarsAgo = possibleHighBarsAgo; hightoBeat = possibleHigh; triggerPriceSell = L[HighBarsAgo - 1]; end; if C < triggerPriceSell and highest(high,highBarsAgo) < hightoBeat then begin plotpb[highBarsAgo](H[highBarsAgo],L[highBarsAgo],"",sellColor); alert("Scalper Sell"); trend = _DOWN; barsSincePaint = highBarsAgo-1; hightoBeat = -1; lowtoBeat = 10000000; triggerPriceBuy = 10000000; triggerPriceSell = -1; highBarsAgo = 1; possibleHigh = -2; end; end; //*************************************************** //****** Find and plot the lowest swing low ********* //*************************************************** if trend = _DOWN then begin if swingLowBar(1,L,2,barsSincePaint+2) > -1 then begin possibleLowBarsAgo = swingLowBar(1,L,2,barsSincePaint+2); possibleLow = L[possibleLowBarsAgo]; end; if possibleLow <= lowtoBeat then begin lowBarsAgo = possibleLowBarsAgo; lowtoBeat = possibleLow; triggerPriceBuy = H[LowBarsAgo - 1]; end; if C > triggerPriceBuy and lowest(L,lowBarsAgo) > lowtoBeat then begin plotpb[lowBarsAgo](H[lowBarsAgo],L[lowBarsAgo],"",buyColor); alert("Scalper Buy"); trend = _UP; barsSincePaint = lowBarsAgo-1; possibleLow = 10000001; lowtoBeat = 10000000; hightoBeat = -1; triggerPriceBuy = 10000000; triggerPriceSell = -1; lowBarsAgo = 1; end; end; barsSincePaint = barsSincePaint+1; if trend = _UP then highBarsAgo = highBarsAgo + 1; if trend = _DOWN then lowBarsAgo = lowBarsAgo + 1; setPlotWidth(1,width);
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