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Posts posted by VinayakM

  1. Facebook doesn't want to become the next LinkedIn which has plenty of users but little original content outside of someone automatically alerting you of their work anniversary which as a function always seemed pointless to me. Facebook also doesn't want to end up like Reddit. Reddit is nice for sharing third-party content on the web, but Facebook's competitive advantage is the connections users have on the social network.

    If the prevalence of third party content and photos taken originally on another app such as Snapchat begin to outweigh original content, it diminishes the reason to use the app.


    Facebook is looking to live video integration to get back on track when it comes to original video content. Live video is doing really well now, and Facebook has spotted this trend and is rolling with it rather than worrying too much responding to its declines. In this venue, Facebook faces competition from Periscope.


    Facebook shows top celebrities getting millions of views on its live platform, but what would be really good is if there were stats released on the usage as then it would confirm it was doing excellently.


    In my opinion, Periscope is something worth looking into.


    Anyway, don't count out Facebook!

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