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michael av

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Posts posted by michael av

  1. The first reply to your post had a lot of usual and experienced trader wisdom. While they spent a lot of effort telling you how challenging trading can be and that failure rates are high, it failed to mention that you should not be swayed by statistics. Knowledge of statistics creates failures in and of itself. Because the thought of a lot of others failing at something immediately places doubt in your mind. And the only difference between those who succeed and those who fail is their attitude which is a direct result of their thoughts. Yes you need training, knowledge and skill but DO NOT BE SWAYED BY OTHERS SUCCESS OR FAILURE...YOUR SUCCESS IS SOLELY DEPENDENT ON YOU!


    And yes, there is a lot of self-work that needs to be addressed. A couple of examples are 1) in most of our lives we make things happen but In trading, we wait for things to happen and then make decisions. And based on the time frames, some of those decisions may have to be made extremely fast.2) The Greatest Samurai of all times, Musashi, always won because he always stepped into the kill zone. Musashi was willing to die in every dual. When you are not afraid to die, you can't be beaten. In trading, you must be willing to die in every trade and if you are, you wont have the fear of loss. And, if you have the skill and knowledge and you are not afraid to die...you will win! If you are afraid to lose, it does not matter how much skill and knowledge you have. And no one else's statistics matter but yours...Good luck and if this is your dream don't let anyone dissuade you.

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