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Posts posted by Jordy

  1. Hi my name is Jordan looking to meet traders to become friends with because well , I have no friends in the market. I need people I can share my ideas with , discuss strategies , and well maybe become genuine friends. The reason I asked for girl/women is because I just work better with girls/women. But this post does not exclude men/boys I am 25 and would like a mentor or a peer as I would like both considering I have not one friend in the market. I have been trading for 6 months now I am a approved options trader and stock investor and have come to the conclusion that having friends in the market is very helpful and almost nessassary. Well I like to say I am a very popular guy in my area I am easy to get along please feel free to message me thanks a million.

  2. Hi my name is Jordan. I am from New Jersey. looking to find new friends in the market to chat with , learn from , and maybe teach a few things. I am 25 years old fairly young as I like to think. Looking for people around my age group 25-35 years old to become friends and discuss options trading and stock investing. I am a very nice guy that is willing to learn and willing to teach direct message me today. Girls or boys women or men doesn't matter although I do work better with men. Thank a million hope to find some new friends soon.

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