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Posts posted by jparrie

  1. I'm not interested in his particular comments because he clearly hasn't even bothered to do the most basic research, but instead just made a wholly inaccurate remarks relating to cost. So in that regard he clearly knows nothing about the product and hence his opinions are worthless.


    Of course I am interested in anyone with actual experience of the product, if anyone has any. Just don't post inaccurate, pointless comments that add nothing to the conversation.

  2. If you read the last page, you should had seen that it cost $2500 just to get in the chat room, then another $2500 for the basic software, and another $2500 for the full software as they used in the chat room, you will be out $7500 just to satisfy your curiosity about their system/software, how many rich fools out there can afford that? Their model is to suck in the rich fools, the elder, high pay professionals (doctors and lawyers are the easiest suckers because they can afford it and they are greedy). This is why this thread had practically been abandoned.


    This is the sort of useless hearsay that should be deleted from these forums. Nowhere does it say that the product costs that much. If you had bothered to look at their website you would have seen how much the product costs.


    I'm not interested in why you don't like the product, for all I know you are a competitor just bagging them out, I don't know. Fortunately there is a rather more mature discussion going on in another forum about OFA.

  3. Another few months and I don't get why this thread has just dried up? Has nobody on this forum actually bought any of the OFA products?


    I note that OFA themselves haven't added any new videos for a while on YouTube or their own site, just wondering how the company is ticking along if you're reading this Mr. Vaello. It looks like a great product.

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