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Posts posted by Pippy23

  1. Is there really any point in this post:confused: ??? It helps no one to just say "..up 120 pips". I guess "good job", I mean really what else can be said. Eveyone else here has either developed their own system, or tweaked one to make it there own. That is what this site is about. Traders trying to help other traders. What help does, "Just got my close and reverse signal for USDJPY, I am now long and closed my short position for a profit of 44 pips net." provide to anyone?? none!


    You say you want to learn, well that is great and what TL is about. So please , stay and ask questions. That will be by far more beneficial to everyone then what you currently doing.



    Sorry, I have been really busy this past week and haven't had time to make meaningful posts. I will though, just excited about my profits and wanted to post.

  2. Just got my close and reverse signal for USDJPY, I am now long and closed my short position for a profit of 44 pips net.


    So far on this long position I am up 120 pips! :D

  3. Sounds good to me. I want to sharpen my skills, because the market changes and system's effectiveness change. I was recommended this system from a close friend, who I trust very much. That is why I tried it out, I have just been pleasantly surprised.


    Got a sell signal for EURUSD at 2pm est, I am not going to trade it, just thought I would post it for anyone interested.

  4. I understand that, that is why I will never say which system I use. I am always looking to learn though, and therefore I think I should be allowed to post here even if I have given into the black box.

  5. Just settled down to look at this mornings trade, I was short, looks like i was stopped out to the pip! so -2%





    Total- -12%


    Shoot, too bad. I held no position for cable today(though I actually was considering long after I heard about the news on china), what can ya do though, eh .

  6. I have actually been using a signal service for most of my positions for the last few months, and trade news sometimes. I wish I didn't miss out on that cable move this morning! :mad:


    I used to try to make my own strategies, but I was spending far to much time analyzing charts, just to end up even, or worse.


    I tend to hold my positions for 1-3 days and I trade mainly the USDJPY GBPJPY and GBPUSD.


    I will post some of my signals as I get them, maybe you guys can get in on some of the action with me. :)

  7. Well, just going to keep a simple journal here of my trades. I am currently short on the USDJPY and have been since about 9 this morning. Up almost 80 pips at the moment.


    This week I have done very well on the USDJPY....well over 250 pips already. :cool:

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