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Posts posted by jeremymullins79

  1. Keagan, a research psychologist from Havard, did a study to determine the most effective form of therapy (modalities). What he discovered was that the modality was not the determining factor in different therapuetic positions. Rather it was the empathy that the therapist had toward the client was what produced change. This is what I call compassion. Unless compassion is the creator of the state of mind, the old self limiting pattern may go into remission, but will reappear as new pattern substitutions become degraded over time. And the client who is doing the changing has to remain rigorous with his new beliefs.


    Of course, you can stay in the belief pattern of holding that self development of the mind is ineffective -- and certainly you will find all the evidence in the world to continue believing and living in that reality. The truth is in the eye of the beholder. Change is also.


    Rande Howell


    Great post and I totally agree with you. Compassion is the best way to alter one's state of mind toward the better. Reality often kicks in the wrong gear and we all need to feel like we need to share our downs with someone, which is the basic role of compassion.

  2. People's mind must be set to trading and people who consider themselves as traders must have a steady paced mind and find ways to calm themselves down in various situations.


    "I know how to trade, but my emotions get in the way."


    A good trader will always have emotions standing in the way but a great trades knows how to use those emotions in his or her favor.

  3. When I read those 38 cool steps to trading they remind me of a good book written by Alexander Elder, Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room if my memory serves me well. From what I've read, methodology is regarded as a better virtue than patience. :)

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