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Posts posted by luten

  1. I've never used Trade Bullet, but it looks like it can work with regular text files.


    So if you want to do this within Amibroker, you can use the fopen( fname, "w" ) function to write a text file with your trade whenever a buy/sell/short/cover is generated (in the format that I assume Trade Bullet requires) and then let Trade Bullet pick it up...


    I don't think you are going to find any off-the-shelf code for AB that you won't need to tweak yourself for your own purposes.



  2. I use AB extensively as well, including within an automated system I'm running. Wrt for/next loops, they are discouraged in AB because the fundamental data type is an array. So most operations are performed on an entire timeline of values at once (which is quite elegant, but a little hard to understand at first).


    For example, if you have the array 'C' that represents closing values on each bar, then


    TwentyBarHighs = HHV(C, 20);


    would set the variable TwentyBarHighs to an ARRAY, each element of which is calculated as the highest value of C in the prior 20 bars (inclusive). For/Next loops are absolutely supported, and are sometimes needed, but usually the array operations are far more efficient.


    I find AB an incredibly productive and well-supported environment. Takes a bit of time investment to learn, but it's a solid platform.



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