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Posts posted by Tonysalta

  1. My mother tongue is not English nor that is the official language of the country where I reside, so if the spelling, grammar and way of expression is not in accordance with the Oxford Dictionary I beg for some latitude.

    I have read every single comment this far (for and against) about this Huddy saga, mainly because being a member of his room (a very happy one I might add) I want to know if I am a bad judge of character when I consider Huddy to be a honest man, a very knowledgeable MP and PA trader, a very good communicator, someone really interested in teaching non traders this very intricate profession and above all someone extremely responsible.

    Well, my conclusions are the following:

    1 - There are those that categorize themselves as guru traders that have the hobby of going from room to room to achieve only God knows what. May be satisfying their egos, belittling everyone, causing disruption or may be because their trading is so boring and unproductive that they need to know what is happening elsewhere.

    2 - Then I found those that make statements that are blunted lies and statements extremely defamatory that would demand conclusive proof to be taken seriously. If any part of the second type of statements were true, they probably would relate to some episode way back when, that has nothing to do with the current reality. If there were old scores to be settled such matters are unrelated to a good or bad platform to learn Market Profile and Price Action (which is I believe the mot of the post)

    3 - Statements like last minute registry of members to comment this post (being the minority) put into jeopard the credibility of the serious accusations made against Huddy not to mention some false statements made about current performances in Huddy's room.

    4 - Last but not least (and most importantly) I found the comments made by all those that are (or have been) regular members of the room are true and accurate - I simply could not express them better.


    My conclusion is therefore is that I continue to have no reason to mistrust my perception of people's character and this chapter as far as I am concerned is closed.


    To answer the post I say this - all those wishing to learn about Market Profile/Price Action, try the market live without the fear of loosing your pents and for a very reasonable price can definitely consider Channel-Trading (I'm just a member of the room not a rep).

  2. I discovered TL through Channel-Trading because I regard Huddy not only as the best trading teacher I have ever met, but also someone that honestly cares about the success of all the members in his room, so I did not even question the integrity of TL as a site, with such endorsement.

    Some of the comments that are published on post 27 from Laguna and posts 45 & 49 from Swisstrader1 are behond unfound - they are pure blunted lies, and I quote:

    1 - Profiletraders and Huddy-Traders: Both Are Junk ( will skip word S above to be Proper) ....Huddy takes 2 ticks a trade...at the best… (post 27)

    2 - Huddy is NO WAY a profitable trader ..... he constantly took 3-4 tick profits (here forgot to add on 1st scale) (post 45)

    3 - Huddy makes very often calls like "I will be looking to sell in that area..." and when price gets there you hear nothing from him ..."glad I didnt stand in front of that!" Its this would have, could have, should have stuff and I dont know about you, but "would have, could have, should have" does not make you any money in this business! (post 49)


    What nonsense this is - if a trade turns sower he is the first one to feel bad on our behalf and more importantly seldom he has two bad trades in a raw and when he has one of them e very closed to break even. I am in no position to contest statements like "....traded for us for a short period of time and i can tell for FACT based on the live trades he took, that he did nothing but lose and that VERY consistently! It was not so much the fact that he lost 50k in a heartbeat but the way he lost it." (post 49) but if it is as true as the rest of the JUNK he wrote about him, then if I were in Huddy's position I would not rest until this individuals are dealt with in a civil court.


    I have been in Huddy's room since March and my first impression of him being honest, knowledgeable of trading in general and Market Profile and Price Action in particular, caring for the success of all his members, very professional in his approach and above all more than fair on what he charges as been reinforced over and over again, so the sort of accusations made by this two members are nothing else but malicious.


    As far as TL allowing this type of slender without demanding some form of prove of the facts stated must as an absolute minimum provide total co-operation for the identification of cowards that hide behind usernames to try to destroy the honest work of others

    Tony Salta

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