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Posts posted by Deusomega

  1. Lol a few weeks consider that there are scientists that work on things for a lifetime and in the end have no reward for their actions. I think one should devote more than a few weeks to possibly one of the most lucrative professions in the known world before saying oh i suck at this i quit. But everyone is a big boy/girl here and can make that judgement call...

  2. I'm beginning to learn how to use volume in trading(primarily based on wyckoff ideas) and I am a pre med student first and a budding trader second soo... most of my money goes to you guessed it living expenses :D. So my available funds for trading aren't that large so I have a forex account to dabble in. To solve the volume problem I just use the futures which I think are representative enough of the spot thanks to arbitrageurs etc.


    Great posts over at EL josh I am a mini stalker of yours. Partially because I like your approach to things. Sam Seiden stuff is pretty good and one thing good about his stuff is alot of it is available on the net free from webinars if one does a tiny bit of searching. And most of it is logical at least. Odd enhancers are nice for ideas too. Again based on logical premises like momentum from the level previously etc.

  3. re: "If I could pick any criteria on which to focus the attention of trading newcomer on it would be those with real records of trading success."

    I understand what you’re saying - but …I would not pick that criteria and would advise others against it ! :2c:

    The hitch - the 'priceless' / 'invaluable' info that the proven profitable trader might share is ultimately no more transferrable to student traders than drivel from the shysters...


    Over the years, I personally have learned more and have gotten more usable 'best info' from trading vendors who were actually highly developed in their areas of representing and reading the markets (but who had other weaknesses that kept them from putting it all together like a wizard) than I have from the 'real' wizards. I even daresay I learned as much from observing their foibles and learning what not to do as I have learned from the 3 famous wizards I’ve had sustained relationships with…

    believe it or not – that can be an incredible waste of time

    Basically my point is - the match btwn what a vendor is offering and nature and trading style of the consumer thoroughly dwarfs the weighting of the quality of the vendor


    re “…No one is talking about insta banning…” etc.

    ok...but the madness of crowds waits and waits then erupts ;)


    I get everything that you are saying. If I could sum up all your posts and main points in this thread it would be that success in the end is all up to the individual. I agree with that fully. I think this is what you are relaying at least.


    In the end I would rather take my chances with the proven professional for 5k then a guy with a blog who tells me I can beat the big bad HFT with my own homemade algo. (with no programming experience needed)

  4. My thoughts when I read that -

    One more time – EVERY vendor can only service a tiny niche.

    Even if they believe and claim their ‘product’ is the applicable ‘answer’ for all traders…

    Even if noobs are thinking “if only I could ___ ___” or “that would help me with ___ ” ,etc. when they are shopping the promotional material…

    In my world, I see whole subgroups of traders to whom LBR’s body of work would be at best a distraction… and, please understand, that is definitely not disrespect of her contributions to the field. I bought Street Smarts and listened to seminars, etc and don’t regret it one bit - even though I have never used one of her techniques besides gathering some inspirations and developmental ideas from the volatility contraction / breakout material.


    As a noob, way back when, I consumed tons of “systems” and “training” - like an adolescent whale sucking in krill.

    Way expensive, expensive, moderately priced, cheap, free – it didn’t matter. Folks, we’re talking 6 figures over the years and untold associated time,etc. ‘costs’! Looking back, I don’t remember getting ripped off one time. I do remember exercising the performance guarantee / asking for my money back a few times – and getting it.

    And I do remember thinking “well buying that one was stupid” , etc. :crap: But that was my path…


    When I scan clMacd’s lists, I see maybe one scammer (and maybe a couple who are scamming and don’t even know it :helloooo: ) . I see all different types of marketing, promotion, and pricing of “professional” services. For example, send TRO $5, and you’ll get many multiples of $5 worth of code and modeling of trading state. Many end up sending him more money afterwards --- and of course, many, many more never ever really utilizing his ‘sht’ at all…

    So, from my perspective

    > as a noob I would appreciate maximal opportunity exposure herein from a plethora of vendors.

    > mostly because they ALL only actually target a tiny niche - the new, low exposure self promoters, the vendors who aren’t very good at promotion, etc, etc should be as “definitely welcome” as ex-Market Wizards




    If posters are going to ‘disclose’ their vendor status at all – by sneaking in links or email addresses etc...

    MMS, in addition to your 1 X 7 inch spots, have you considered placing 2 by 2 grids of 1/4 “ X 1/4 “clik banks” for the tiny vendors? It wouldn’t be a huge revenue source for you, but at least it could force ‘legitimization’ on them all.


    My point was a simple one. From my understanding all those individuals who appeared in the Market Wizards books have "real world" verifiable records of trading success. If I could pick any criteria on which to focus the attention of trading newcomer on it would be those with real records of trading success.


    I said nothing about whether one through their own ingenuity and hard work can make lemonade out of lemons. No one is talking about removing vendors from the forum. No one is talking about insta banning individuals when they ninja link their services in posts. No one is trying to put obstacles in everyone's own "path". I think most in this thread including clmac are doing nothing more than adding more information into the market. What he has mostly suggested is akin to adding intraday volume when all individuals have is EOD. Whether you think intraday volume is useful or useless what one can say objectively is that vendor identification is merely adding another piece of information.

  5. This seems to me to be the simplest and most reasonable proposal. TL gets weighed down by those who have come to have a healthy distrust of those who vend to the trading hopefuls feeling a need to self-police the forum. Then we lose good long time members like kiwi when TL management makes a decision that seems, rightly or wrongly, to unduly favor the vendor over the long time community member.


    I suggested it myself. Confer "Commercial" status upon anyone who vends trading related material. It works all over the 'net. It will work here. Then this community can stop expending so much negative energy on stupid virtual slugfests (and I plead guilty of being stupid on more than one occassion myself), and driving away those who invested a lot of time and effort truly trying to help folks here without ever entertaining the thought of selling them that help down the road. MMS must step in and step up here, or the only people left posting will be vendors.


    However, we should all be cautious of what we wish for - because if MMS does institute a "Commercial" status and a vendor is duly identified as such, then we community members ought to then relinquish our right to criticize that individual vendor simply for being a vendor.


    For what its worth, I paid money for a Linda Bradford Raschke seminar that to this day continues to inform my trading for the better. I wish that she or Christopher Terry would actively participate here at TL. So not all vendors are evil and clueless ... only most of them.


    Best Wishes,




    Yes all ex-Market Wizards definitely welcome! :D Good points.

  6. My :2c: on trailing stops - don't.


    Either exit trade or get stopped, I have never seen a successful consistent way of trailing a stop. I'm not saying it does not exist, I've personally never seen it.


    IMO trails do one thing - remove your fear. You can think - yes, this is a 'free' trade now! But those 'free' trades will get costly quickly.



    Exactly the market often rewards fear at least dealing with our fear :)


    Do the analysis and take the trade.

  7. You are being far too risk averse. And trying to finesse your trades far too much. You feel in control when you put your stop to BE because you feel like you have a "free" trade. But I think you've seen enough times that BE really isn't free you are merely transferring the risk. You have eliminated the risk of "losing" money on this single trade a single event as it were. But you have also further decreased your odds of having a good sized winner as you would have if you hadn't tried to finesse your trade through "intelligent" management( I mean it has to be intelligent if we have a "risk free" trade right? Or....)


    So while you have reduced your risk on this single trade signal you have also increased your risk of not being able to cover your next trade should it hit your full stop with what would have been a nice sized winner.


    So have you really decreased your risk in the grand scheme of things?


    Besides all this talk on risk. You need to trade your plan and see what happens. Constantly managing your trade and trying to be as risk averse as possible will not provide you with any meaningful trade statistics of your system.


    Figure out your plan before taking the trade-I think you do this pretty well

    Put the trade on. And don't touch it.

    Do this for a couple hundred trades. And look at where you are.

    Otherwise you will constantly spin your wheels and end up where you started over and over again.

  8. I find it a strange business model to allow non paying vendors to secretly / privately promote themselves freely here at TL while others who publicly advertise have to pay!! This must be disheartening to paying vendors!!


    Quite interesting eh? I know I'd be royally pissed seeing as some of these guys make thousands per sheeple.

  9. Eiger offers a couple of products:


    3 Mini courses $99 each

    Chart Reading Mastery: $1599(with coupon $1199 supposedly)

    Practice Sessions: $69 monthly

    1on1 with Gary: $220 per session


    He also throws in a slick green sweater if you buy all his products(okay I kid)


    Just search NihabaAshi to find his website. Products ranging from $200 to $500.

  10. OK here goes! It's a start I guess.


    Our vendor list with names product and price:


    Electroniclocal / 3 day seminar / $5000

    Steve46 / daily coaching / $200 per month

    Urma Blume / tradestation inducator package addon / $1400 per year

    Logic / manual / $750


    wow $5000 for a 3 day seminar.. must be an ex market wizard. Those other guys seem like a bargain compared to his overinflated price.

  11. feel free to start a new thread to discuss their "merit".


    "Ok I see a ton of threads degenerating into a 'vendor' bash ... so here is a thread for all of you to give your opinion on vendors. I'll be reviewing this thread for feedback."


    Merely giving a counter view of PureTick and my opinion. No need to start a new thread when this thread is specifically tailored to what I said.


    But thanks for making me feel free to start threads.

  12. a lot of people laugh at PureTick,



    For good reason search profit navigation over at another popular trading forum :)


    I'll just give my personal opinion once more vendors are vendors they are out to sell not teach.


    But I'm with you at least make em pay haha.


    More income for MMS anyways they need his forum far more than he needs them.

  13. I think vendors should pay to advertise if they want the opportunity to host a thread and promote themselves. I would have a lot more respect for them if I knew they were paying to solicit business. However, it is MMS's site and he can run it the way he pleases.


    Maybe they do?


    "No promotion allowed. Traders Laboratory does not accept solicitation and spam on the boards. We have a strict anti-spam policy and if violated, members will be banned without notice. If you are affiliated with any service provider, promotion is strictly prohibited. Common promotion methods include: silent spamming techniques, private messaging members, discount coupons, affiliate links, and implementing vendor messages in charts."

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