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Posts posted by trader.jeff

  1. I trade stocks because, like others here, stocks are all I know. I gradually "migrated" from "buy and hold" big board stocks to swing trading pennies and pink sheets; higher risk, higher reward, but they allow me to live the lifestyle I want.


    I have a general interest in options, but never made time to study. As for forex, all I know is that currencies are traded in "pips." Before I knew this, I thought "pips" were the backing vocals to Gladys Knight (I'm showing my age and forex "ignorance," I think).

  2. I wouldn't quit trading entirely but I would make time for many other interests such as travelling, visiting historical battlefields (I am interested in WW2 and the US Civil War), reading about military history (the two wars I mentioned), taking courses to stimulate the mind, and so forth. I would trade whenever I had more than a few days of free time to keep from getting totally bored.

  3. In addition to all the valid reasons cited above, many aging Boomers are attracted to trading because their other options have already failed - the job market is hostile to older workers, brokerage accounts have delivered teipd results, their 401Ks have become 201Ks, etc. The reason new traders fail is not their ATTRACTION to trading, but their lack of PREPARATION, EDUCATION and DISCPLINE. They are smoking "hopium", not doing "workium". Many marriages and new business fail for similar reaons.




    I agree with hollisnan that all of the above reasons are valid. I also think that what hollisnan wrote is the most valid reason of all of them, at least when it comes to boomers. Many boomers thought that, when they were 30 or 40 years old, they would always be 30 or 40 years old and, like everything else in their lives up to that point, all they had to do was wait for a comfortable retirement to drop out of the sky and into their laps. In their 50s, when they began to realize that retirement wasn't going to drop into their laps on cue, it was at this time that they began to scramble for a retirement savings.


    All this is IMO even though it probably seems "off the wall."

  4. An interesting thread, to say the least. However, I'd like to ask if anyone has ever heard of, or experienced, a fear of success? I seem to have this problem. I trade pennies and pink sheet stocks but it seems I am averse to making the substantial profits that trading these stocks can return, sometimes in minutes. I have very good technical abilities but I have a problem in transferring this ability to stock picking. BTW, I don't have a fear of losing as that's what I've been doing for most of the past two years.


    TIA for all replies.



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